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Getty Ritter 04fa58a2ac More explanation on the README 9 years ago
Data 67255533ca Added Data.SCargot.Basic to demonstrate usage of naive sexpr encoding 9 years ago
LICENSE 65b9c656d3 Basic repr + some stubs 9 years ago 04fa58a2ac More explanation on the README 9 years ago
Setup.hs 65b9c656d3 Basic repr + some stubs 9 years ago
s-cargot.cabal d01604d72f S-Expression parser added and working, although in the middle of restructuring how comments work 9 years ago

S-Cargot is a library for parsing and emitting S-expressions, designed to be flexible, customizable, and extensible. Different uses of S-expressions often understand subtly different variations on what an S-expression is. The goal of S-Cargot is to create as many reusable components that can be repurposed to nearly any S-expression variant.

Additionally, S-Cargot uses these to include out-of-the-box parsing and processing for several existing variations on S-expressions, including Common Lisp (in progresss), Scheme (in progress), the Rivest internet-draft (in progress), and Clojure (in progress).

The central way of interacting with the S-Cargot library is by creating and modifying a spec, which is a value that represents a given family of S-expressions. A spec, which is of type SExprSpec, contains the information necessary to implement reader macros, arbitrary kinds of comments, and various processing steps. A SExprSpec has two type parameters:

                      +------ the type that represents a SExpr atom
                      |    +- the Haskell representation of the SExpr value
                      |    |
someSpec :: SExprSpec atom carrier

Various functions will be provided that modify the carrier type (i.e. the output type of parsing or input type of serialization) or the language recognized by the parsing. Examples will be shown below.

Representing S-expressions

There are three built-in representations of S-expression lists: two of them are isomorphic, as one or the other might be better for processing S-expression data, and the third represents only a subset of possible S-expressions.

-- cons-based representation
data SExpr atom
  = SCons (SExpr atom) (SExpr atom)
  | SNil
  | SAtom atom

-- list-based representation
data RichSExpr atom
  = RSList [RichSExpr atom]
  | RSDotList [RichSExpr atom] atom
  | RSAtom atom

-- well-formed representation
data WellFormedSExpr atom
  = WFSList [WellFormedSExpr atom]
  | WFSAtom atom

In the above, an RSList [a, b, c] and a WFList [a, b, c] both correspond to the structure SCons a (SCons b (SCons d SNil)), which corresponds to an S-expression which can be written as (a b c) or as (a . (b . (c . ()))). A RSDotList corresponds to an sequence of conses that does not terminate in an empty list, e.g. RSDotList [a, b] c corresponds to SCons a (SCons b (SAtom c)), which in turn corresponds to a structure like (a b . c) or (a . (b . c)).

Functions for converting back and forth between representations are provided, but you can also modify a SExprSpec to parse to or serialize from a particular representation using the asRich and asWellFormed functions.

*Data.SCargot.General> decode spec "(a b c)"
Right [SCons (SAtom "a") (SCons (SAtom "b") (SCons (SAtom "c") SNil))]
*Data.SCargot.General> decode (asRich spec) "(a b c)"
Right [RSList [RSAtom "a",RSAtom "b",RSAtom "c"]]
*Data.SCargot.General> decode (asWellFormed spec) "(a b c)"
Right [WFSList [WFSAtom "a",WFSAtom "b",WFSAtom "c"]]
*Data.SCargot.General> decode spec "(a . b)"
Right [SCons (SAtom "a") (SAtom "b")]
*Data.SCargot.General> decode (asRich spec) "(a . b)"
Right [RSDotted [RSAtom "a"] "b"]
*Data.SCargot.General> decode (asWellFormed spec) "(a . b)"
Left "Found atom in cdr position"


By default, an S-expression spec does not include a comment syntax, but the provided withSemicolonComments function will cause it to understand traditional Lisp line-oriented comments that begin with a semicolon:

*Data.SCargot.General> decode spec "(this ; has a comment\n inside)\n"
Left "Failed reading: takeWhile1"
*Data.SCargot.General> decode (withSemicolonComments spec) "(this ; has a comment\n inside)\n"
Right [SCons (SAtom "this") (SCons (SAtom "inside") SNil)]

Additionally, you can provide your own comment syntax in the form of an AttoParsec parser. Any AttoParsec parser can be used, so long as it meets the following criteria:

  • it is capable of failing (as is called until SCargot believes that there are no more comments)
  • it does not consume any input in the case of failure, which may involve wrapping the parser in a call to try

For example, the following adds C++-style comments to an S-expression format:

*Data.SCargot.General> let cppComment = string "//" >> takeWhile (/= '\n') >> return ()
*Data.SCargot.General> decode (setComment cppComment spec) "(a //comment\n  b)\n"
Right [SCons (SAtom "a") (SCons (SAtom "b") SNil)]

Reader Macros

A reader macro is a Lisp macro which is invoked during read time. This allows the lexical syntax of a Lisp to be modified. The most commonly seen reader macro is the quote, which allows the syntax 'expr to stand in for the s-expression (quote expr). The S-Cargot library enables this by keeping a map of characters to AttoParsec parsers that can be used as readers. There is a special case for the aforementioned quote, but that could easily be written by hand as

*Data.SCargot.General> let mySpec = addReader '\'' (fmap go) spec
                         where go c = SCons (SAtom "quote") (SCons c SNil)
*Data.SCargot.General> decode (asRich mySpec) "(1 2 '(3 4))"
Right [RSList [RSAtom "1",RSAtom "2",RSList [RSAtom "quote",RSList [RSAtom "3",RSAtom "4"]]]]

A reader macro is passed the parser that invoked it, so that it can perform recursive calls, and can return any SExpr it would like. It may also take as much or as little of the remaining parse stream as it would like; for example, the following reader macro does not bother parsing anything else and merely returns a new token:

*Data.SCargot.General> decode (addReader '?' (const (pure (SAtom "huh"))) mySpec) "(?1 2)"
Right [SCons (SAtom "huh") (SCons (SAtom "1") (SCons (SAtom "2") SNil))]

Reader macros in S-Cargot can be used to define common bits of Lisp syntax that are not typically considered the purview of S-expression parsers. For example, to allow square brackets as a subsitute for proper lists, we could define a reader macro that is initialized by the [ character and repeatedly calls the parser until a ] character is reached:

*Data.SCargot.General> let pVec p = (char ']' *> pure SNil) <|> (SCons <$> p <*> pVec p)
*Data.SCargot.General> let vec = addReader '[' pVec
*Data.SCargot.General> decode (asRich (vec mySpec)) "(1 [2 3])"
Right [RSList [RSAtom "1",RSList [RSAtom "2",RSAtom "3"]]]