#18 Use a different base image for Drone

getty merged 2 commits from getty/gr/different-base-image into getty/master 4 years ago
1 changed files with 18 additions and 9 deletions
  1. 18 9

+ 18 - 9

@@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
 kind: pipeline
 name: default
-  path: /root
-- name: test_all
-  image: python
+- name: setup
+  image: gdritter/lament-configuration-env:latest
-  - pip install poetry
+  - poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
   - poetry install
-  - poetry run inv test
-  - poetry run inv tc
-  - poetry run inv checkfmt
+- name: format
+  image: gdritter/lament-configuration-env:latest
+  commands:
+  - inv checkfmt
+- name: typecheck
+  image: gdritter/lament-configuration-env:latest
+  commands:
+  - inv tc
+- name: test
+  image: gdritter/lament-configuration-env:latest
+  commands:
+  - inv test