123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- mod opts;
- use crate::opts::Options;
- use clap::Parser;
- use thyme::{
- file::ThymeFile,
- data::Config,
- draw::Pattern,
- };
- use std::fs::File;
- fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- // read the command-line options
- let opts = Options::parse();
- // load the thyme file
- let thyme = {
- let mut f = File::open(opts.file)?;
- ThymeFile::from_stream(&mut f)?
- };
- let config = Config {
- grid_every: opts.grid,
- line_weight: opts.line_weight,
- major_line_weight: opts.major_line_weight,
- grid_size: opts.size,
- font: opts.font.clone(),
- };
- let surf = cairo::SvgSurface::new(
- config.scale(thyme.width),
- config.scale(thyme.height),
- Some(opts.output.unwrap_or_else(|| "output.svg".to_string())),
- )?;
- Pattern {
- thyme,
- config,
- }
- .draw(cairo::Context::new(&surf)?)?;
- surf.finish();
- Ok(())
- }