/* SLiM - Simple Login Manager Copyright (C) 2004-06 Simone Rota Copyright (C) 2004-06 Johannes Winkelmann Copyright (C) 2012-13 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cfg.h" using namespace std; typedef pair option; Cfg::Cfg() : currentSession(-1) { /* Configuration options */ options.insert(option("default_path","/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin")); options.insert(option("default_xserver","/usr/bin/X")); options.insert(option("xserver_arguments","")); options.insert(option("numlock","")); options.insert(option("daemon","")); options.insert(option("xauth_path","/usr/bin/xauth")); options.insert(option("login_cmd","exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session")); options.insert(option("halt_cmd","/sbin/shutdown -h now")); options.insert(option("reboot_cmd","/sbin/shutdown -r now")); options.insert(option("suspend_cmd","")); options.insert(option("sessionstart_cmd","")); options.insert(option("sessionstop_cmd","")); options.insert(option("console_cmd","/usr/bin/xterm -C -fg white -bg black +sb -g %dx%d+%d+%d -fn %dx%d -T ""Console login"" -e /bin/sh -c ""/bin/cat /etc/issue; exec /bin/login""")); options.insert(option("screenshot_cmd","import -window root /slim.png")); options.insert(option("welcome_msg","Welcome to %host")); options.insert(option("session_msg","Session:")); options.insert(option("default_user","")); options.insert(option("focus_password","no")); options.insert(option("auto_login","no")); options.insert(option("current_theme","default")); options.insert(option("lockfile","/var/run/slim.lock")); options.insert(option("logfile","/var/log/slim.log")); options.insert(option("authfile","/var/run/slim.auth")); options.insert(option("shutdown_msg","The system is halting...")); options.insert(option("reboot_msg","The system is rebooting...")); options.insert(option("sessiondir","")); options.insert(option("hidecursor","false")); /* Theme stuff */ options.insert(option("input_panel_x","50%")); options.insert(option("input_panel_y","40%")); options.insert(option("input_name_x","200")); options.insert(option("input_name_y","154")); options.insert(option("input_pass_x","-1")); /* default is single inputbox */ options.insert(option("input_pass_y","-1")); options.insert(option("input_font","Verdana:size=11")); options.insert(option("input_color", "#000000")); options.insert(option("input_cursor_height","20")); options.insert(option("input_maxlength_name","20")); options.insert(option("input_maxlength_passwd","20")); options.insert(option("input_shadow_xoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("input_shadow_yoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("input_shadow_color","#FFFFFF")); options.insert(option("welcome_font","Verdana:size=14")); options.insert(option("welcome_color","#FFFFFF")); options.insert(option("welcome_x","-1")); options.insert(option("welcome_y","-1")); options.insert(option("welcome_shadow_xoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("welcome_shadow_yoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("welcome_shadow_color","#FFFFFF")); options.insert(option("intro_msg","")); options.insert(option("intro_font","Verdana:size=14")); options.insert(option("intro_color","#FFFFFF")); options.insert(option("intro_x","-1")); options.insert(option("intro_y","-1")); options.insert(option("background_style","stretch")); options.insert(option("background_color","#CCCCCC")); options.insert(option("username_font","Verdana:size=12")); options.insert(option("username_color","#FFFFFF")); options.insert(option("username_x","-1")); options.insert(option("username_y","-1")); options.insert(option("username_msg","Please enter your username")); options.insert(option("username_shadow_xoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("username_shadow_yoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("username_shadow_color","#FFFFFF")); options.insert(option("password_x","-1")); options.insert(option("password_y","-1")); options.insert(option("password_msg","Please enter your password")); options.insert(option("msg_color","#FFFFFF")); options.insert(option("msg_font","Verdana:size=16:bold")); options.insert(option("msg_x","40")); options.insert(option("msg_y","40")); options.insert(option("msg_shadow_xoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("msg_shadow_yoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("msg_shadow_color","#FFFFFF")); options.insert(option("session_color","#FFFFFF")); options.insert(option("session_font","Verdana:size=16:bold")); options.insert(option("session_x","50%")); options.insert(option("session_y","90%")); options.insert(option("session_shadow_xoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("session_shadow_yoffset", "0")); options.insert(option("session_shadow_color","#FFFFFF")); // slimlock-specific options options.insert(option("dpms_standby_timeout", "60")); options.insert(option("dpms_off_timeout", "600")); options.insert(option("wrong_passwd_timeout", "2")); options.insert(option("passwd_feedback_x", "50%")); options.insert(option("passwd_feedback_y", "10%")); options.insert(option("passwd_feedback_msg", "Authentication failed")); options.insert(option("passwd_feedback_capslock", "Authentication failed (CapsLock is on)")); options.insert(option("show_username", "1")); options.insert(option("show_welcome_msg", "0")); options.insert(option("tty_lock", "1")); options.insert(option("bell", "1")); error = ""; } Cfg::~Cfg() { options.clear(); } /* * Creates the Cfg object and parses * known options from the given configfile / themefile */ bool Cfg::readConf(string configfile) { int n = -1; size_t pos = 0; string line, next, op, fn(configfile); map::iterator it; ifstream cfgfile(fn.c_str()); if (!cfgfile) { error = "Cannot read configuration file: " + configfile; return false; } while (getline(cfgfile, line)) { if ((pos = line.find('\\')) != string::npos) { if (line.length() == pos + 1) { line.replace(pos, 1, " "); next = next + line; continue; } else line.replace(pos, line.length() - pos, " "); } if (!next.empty()) { line = next + line; next = ""; } it = options.begin(); while (it != options.end()) { op = it->first; n = line.find(op); if (n == 0) options[op] = parseOption(line, op); ++it; } } cfgfile.close(); fillSessionList(); return true; } /* Returns the option value, trimmed */ string Cfg::parseOption(string line, string option ) { return Trim( line.substr(option.size(), line.size() - option.size())); } const string& Cfg::getError() const { return error; } string& Cfg::getOption(string option) { return options[option]; } /* return a trimmed string */ string Cfg::Trim( const string& s ) { if ( s.empty() ) { return s; } int pos = 0; string line = s; int len = line.length(); while ( pos < len && isspace( line[pos] ) ) { ++pos; } line.erase( 0, pos ); pos = line.length()-1; while ( pos > -1 && isspace( line[pos] ) ) { --pos; } if ( pos != -1 ) { line.erase( pos+1 ); } return line; } /* Return the welcome message with replaced vars */ string Cfg::getWelcomeMessage(){ string s = getOption("welcome_msg"); int n = s.find("%host"); if (n >= 0) { string tmp = s.substr(0, n); char host[40]; gethostname(host,40); tmp = tmp + host; tmp = tmp + s.substr(n+5, s.size() - n); s = tmp; } n = s.find("%domain"); if (n >= 0) { string tmp = s.substr(0, n);; char domain[40]; getdomainname(domain,40); tmp = tmp + domain; tmp = tmp + s.substr(n+7, s.size() - n); s = tmp; } return s; } int Cfg::string2int(const char* string, bool* ok) { char* err = 0; int l = (int)strtol(string, &err, 10); if (ok) { *ok = (*err == 0); } return (*err == 0) ? l : 0; } int Cfg::getIntOption(std::string option) { return string2int(options[option].c_str()); } /* Get absolute position */ int Cfg::absolutepos(const string& position, int max, int width) { int n = position.find("%"); if (n>0) { /* X Position expressed in percentage */ int result = (max*string2int(position.substr(0, n).c_str())/100) - (width / 2); return result < 0 ? 0 : result ; } else { /* Absolute X position */ return string2int(position.c_str()); } } /* split a comma separated string into a vector of strings */ void Cfg::split(vector& v, const string& str, char c, bool useEmpty) { v.clear(); string::const_iterator s = str.begin(); string tmp; while (true) { string::const_iterator begin = s; while (*s != c && s != str.end()) { ++s; } tmp = string(begin, s); if (useEmpty || tmp.size() > 0) v.push_back(tmp); if (s == str.end()) { break; } if (++s == str.end()) { if (useEmpty) v.push_back(""); break; } } } void Cfg::fillSessionList(){ string strSessionDir = getOption("sessiondir"); sessions.clear(); if( !strSessionDir.empty() ) { DIR *pDir = opendir(strSessionDir.c_str()); if (pDir != NULL) { struct dirent *pDirent = NULL; while ((pDirent = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) { string strFile(strSessionDir); strFile += "/"; strFile += pDirent->d_name; struct stat oFileStat; if (stat(strFile.c_str(), &oFileStat) == 0) { if (S_ISREG(oFileStat.st_mode) && access(strFile.c_str(), R_OK) == 0){ ifstream desktop_file(strFile.c_str()); if (desktop_file){ string line, session_name = "", session_exec = ""; while (getline( desktop_file, line )) { if (line.substr(0, 5) == "Name=") { session_name = line.substr(5); if (!session_exec.empty()) break; } else if (line.substr(0, 5) == "Exec=") { session_exec = line.substr(5); if (!session_name.empty()) break; } } desktop_file.close(); pair session(session_name,session_exec); sessions.push_back(session); cout << session_exec << " - " << session_name << endl; } } } } closedir(pDir); } } if (sessions.empty()){ pair session("",""); sessions.push_back(session); } } pair Cfg::nextSession() { currentSession = (currentSession + 1) % sessions.size(); return sessions[currentSession]; }