/* slimlock * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Joel Burget * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cfg.h" #include "util.h" #include "panel.h" #undef APPNAME #define APPNAME "slimlock" #define SLIMLOCKCFG SYSCONFDIR"/slimlock.conf" using namespace std; void setBackground(const string& themedir); void HideCursor(); bool AuthenticateUser(); static int ConvCallback(int num_msgs, const struct pam_message **msg, struct pam_response **resp, void *appdata_ptr); string findValidRandomTheme(const string& set); void HandleSignal(int sig); void *RaiseWindow(void *data); // I really didn't wanna put these globals here, but it's the only way... Display* dpy; int scr; Window win; Cfg* cfg; Panel* loginPanel; string themeName = ""; pam_handle_t *pam_handle; struct pam_conv conv = {ConvCallback, NULL}; CARD16 dpms_standby, dpms_suspend, dpms_off, dpms_level; BOOL dpms_state, using_dpms; int term; static void die(const char *errstr, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, errstr); vfprintf(stderr, errstr, ap); va_end(ap); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if((argc == 2) && !strcmp("-v", argv[1])) die(APPNAME"-"VERSION", © 2010-2012 Joel Burget\n"); else if(argc != 1) die("usage: "APPNAME" [-v]\n"); void (*prev_fn)(int); // restore DPMS settings should slimlock be killed in the line of duty prev_fn = signal(SIGTERM, HandleSignal); if (prev_fn == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); // create a lock file to solve mutliple instances problem // /var/lock used to be the place to put this, now it's /run/lock // ...i think struct stat statbuf; int lock_file; // try /run/lock first, since i believe it's preferred if (!stat("/run/lock", &statbuf)) lock_file = open("/run/lock/"APPNAME".lock", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666); else lock_file = open("/var/lock/"APPNAME".lock", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666); int rc = flock(lock_file, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB); if(rc) { if(EWOULDBLOCK == errno) die(APPNAME" already running\n"); } unsigned int cfg_passwd_timeout; // Read user's current theme cfg = new Cfg; cfg->readConf(CFGFILE); cfg->readConf(SLIMLOCKCFG); string themebase = ""; string themefile = ""; string themedir = ""; themeName = ""; themebase = string(THEMESDIR) + "/"; themeName = cfg->getOption("current_theme"); string::size_type pos; if ((pos = themeName.find(",")) != string::npos) { themeName = findValidRandomTheme(themeName); } bool loaded = false; while (!loaded) { themedir = themebase + themeName; themefile = themedir + THEMESFILE; if (!cfg->readConf(themefile)) { if (themeName == "default") { cerr << APPNAME << ": Failed to open default theme file " << themefile << endl; exit(ERR_EXIT); } else { cerr << APPNAME << ": Invalid theme in config: " << themeName << endl; themeName = "default"; } } else { loaded = true; } } const char *display = getenv("DISPLAY"); if (!display) display = DISPLAY; if(!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(display))) die(APPNAME": cannot open display\n"); scr = DefaultScreen(dpy); XSetWindowAttributes wa; wa.override_redirect = 1; wa.background_pixel = BlackPixel(dpy, scr); // Create a full screen window Window root = RootWindow(dpy, scr); win = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, 0, 0, DisplayWidth(dpy, scr), DisplayHeight(dpy, scr), 0, DefaultDepth(dpy, scr), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dpy, scr), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixel, &wa); XMapWindow(dpy, win); XFlush(dpy); for (int len = 1000; len; len--) { if(XGrabKeyboard(dpy, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) == GrabSuccess) break; usleep(1000); } XSelectInput(dpy, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask); // This hides the cursor if the user has that option enabled in their // configuration HideCursor(); loginPanel = new Panel(dpy, scr, win, cfg, themedir, Panel::Mode_Lock); int ret = pam_start(APPNAME, loginPanel->GetName().c_str(), &conv, &pam_handle); // If we can't start PAM, just exit because slimlock won't work right if (ret != PAM_SUCCESS) die("PAM: %s\n", pam_strerror(pam_handle, ret)); // disable tty switching if(cfg->getOption("tty_lock") == "1") { if ((term = open("/dev/console", O_RDWR)) == -1) perror("error opening console"); if ((ioctl(term, VT_LOCKSWITCH)) == -1) perror("error locking console"); } // Set up DPMS unsigned int cfg_dpms_standby, cfg_dpms_off; cfg_dpms_standby = Cfg::string2int(cfg->getOption("dpms_standby_timeout").c_str()); cfg_dpms_off = Cfg::string2int(cfg->getOption("dpms_off_timeout").c_str()); using_dpms = DPMSCapable(dpy) && (cfg_dpms_standby > 0); if (using_dpms) { DPMSGetTimeouts(dpy, &dpms_standby, &dpms_suspend, &dpms_off); DPMSSetTimeouts(dpy, cfg_dpms_standby, cfg_dpms_standby, cfg_dpms_off); DPMSInfo(dpy, &dpms_level, &dpms_state); if (!dpms_state) DPMSEnable(dpy); } // Get password timeout cfg_passwd_timeout = Cfg::string2int(cfg->getOption("wrong_passwd_timeout").c_str()); // Let's just make sure it has a sane value cfg_passwd_timeout = cfg_passwd_timeout > 60 ? 60 : cfg_passwd_timeout; pthread_t raise_thread; pthread_create(&raise_thread, NULL, RaiseWindow, NULL); // Main loop while (true) { loginPanel->ResetPasswd(); // AuthenticateUser returns true if authenticated if (AuthenticateUser()) break; cerr << APPNAME << ": HOGE14b: " << endl; loginPanel->WrongPassword(cfg_passwd_timeout); cerr << APPNAME << ": HOGE14c: " << endl; } // kill thread before destroying the window that it's supposed to be raising pthread_cancel(raise_thread); loginPanel->ClosePanel(); delete loginPanel; // Get DPMS stuff back to normal if (using_dpms) { DPMSSetTimeouts(dpy, dpms_standby, dpms_suspend, dpms_off); // turn off DPMS if it was off when we entered if (!dpms_state) DPMSDisable(dpy); } XCloseDisplay(dpy); close(lock_file); if(cfg->getOption("tty_lock") == "1") { if ((ioctl(term, VT_UNLOCKSWITCH)) == -1) { perror("error unlocking console"); } } close(term); return 0; } void HideCursor() { if (cfg->getOption("hidecursor") == "true") { XColor black; char cursordata[1]; Pixmap cursorpixmap; Cursor cursor; cursordata[0] = 0; cursorpixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, win, cursordata, 1, 1); black.red = 0; black.green = 0; black.blue = 0; cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(dpy, cursorpixmap, cursorpixmap, &black, &black, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(dpy, cursorpixmap); XDefineCursor(dpy, win, cursor); } } static int ConvCallback(int num_msgs, const struct pam_message **msg, struct pam_response **resp, void *appdata_ptr) { loginPanel->EventHandler(Panel::Get_Passwd); // PAM expects an array of responses, one for each message if (num_msgs == 0 || (*resp = (pam_response*) calloc(num_msgs, sizeof(struct pam_message))) == NULL) return PAM_BUF_ERR; for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) { if (msg[i]->msg_style != PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF && msg[i]->msg_style != PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON) continue; // return code is currently not used but should be set to zero resp[i]->resp_retcode = 0; if ((resp[i]->resp = strdup(loginPanel->GetPasswd().c_str())) == NULL) { free(*resp); return PAM_BUF_ERR; } } return PAM_SUCCESS; } bool AuthenticateUser() { return(pam_authenticate(pam_handle, 0) == PAM_SUCCESS); } string findValidRandomTheme(const string& set) { // extract random theme from theme set; return empty string on error string name = set; struct stat buf; if (name[name.length() - 1] == ',') { name.erase(name.length() - 1); } Util::srandom(Util::makeseed()); vector themes; string themefile; Cfg::split(themes, name, ','); do { int sel = Util::random() % themes.size(); name = Cfg::Trim(themes[sel]); themefile = string(THEMESDIR) +"/" + name + THEMESFILE; if (stat(themefile.c_str(), &buf) != 0) { themes.erase(find(themes.begin(), themes.end(), name)); cerr << APPNAME << ": Invalid theme in config: " << name << endl; name = ""; } } while (name == "" && themes.size()); return name; } void HandleSignal(int sig) { // Get DPMS stuff back to normal if (using_dpms) { DPMSSetTimeouts(dpy, dpms_standby, dpms_suspend, dpms_off); // turn off DPMS if it was off when we entered if (!dpms_state) DPMSDisable(dpy); } if ((ioctl(term, VT_UNLOCKSWITCH)) == -1) { perror("error unlocking console"); } close(term); loginPanel->ClosePanel(); delete loginPanel; die(APPNAME": Caught signal; dying\n"); } void* RaiseWindow(void *data) { while(1) { XRaiseWindow(dpy, win); sleep(1); } }