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  • Added encodeLazy and encodeOneLazy functions to producing lazy text


  • Added the Located type for source location tracking for atom values (thanks ckoparkar!)
  • Added unconstrainedPrint, which does not try to restrict a printed s-expression to a fixed width but will attempt to indent it in a reasonable way nonetheless.



  • Added the Located type for source location tracking for atom values (thanks ckoparkar!)
  • Added unconstrainedPrint, which does not try to restrict a printed s-expression to a fixed width but will attempt to indent it in a reasonable way nonetheless.


  • Pretty-printing configurations created with flatPrint now use a much more efficient pretty-printer.
  • Internally, pretty-printers use a richer type which improves performance somewhat by cutting down on repeated intermediate printing, and future work will build on this to make printing even more efficient.


  • Added atom and mkAtomParser helper functions for new user-defined atom types.
  • New parsers for various atom types:
    • Exported parsers for individual Haskell literals, to allow building new variations on the HaskLike atom type.
    • Added syntaxes for arbitrary-base numeric literals in the style of Common Lisp and M4
  • Added a suite of basic QuickCheck tests
  • Compatibility fix: GHC 7.8 didn't allow type signatures on pattern synonyms.


  • Strongly considered but did not keep a changelog. …sorry.