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Merge pull request #13 from aisamanra/revert-11-master

Revert "Printing updates: bugfix for flat and speed for pretty"
G. D. Ritter vor 6 Jahren
7 geänderte Dateien mit 41 neuen und 725 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 41 199
  2. 0 17
  3. 0 228
  4. 0 1
  5. 0 17
  6. 0 262
  7. 0 1

+ 41 - 199

@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ module Data.SCargot.Print
          , flatPrint
          ) where
-import           Control.Applicative
 import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
 import           Data.Text (Text)
 import qualified Data.Text as T
@@ -181,10 +180,10 @@ indentSubsequent n (t:ts) = joinLines (t : go ts)
 prettyPrintSExpr :: SExprPrinter a (SExpr a) -> SExpr a -> Text
 prettyPrintSExpr pr@SExprPrinter { .. } expr = case maxWidth of
   Nothing -> flatPrintSExpr (fmap atomPrinter (fromCarrier expr))
-  Just w  -> indentPrintSExpr2 pr w expr
+  Just _  -> indentPrintSExpr pr expr
-indentPrintSExpr :: SExprPrinter a (SExpr a) -> Int -> SExpr a -> Text
-indentPrintSExpr SExprPrinter { .. } _ = pHead 0
+indentPrintSExpr :: SExprPrinter a (SExpr a) -> SExpr a -> Text
+indentPrintSExpr SExprPrinter { .. } = pHead 0
     pHead _   SNil         = "()"
     pHead _   (SAtom a)    = atomPrinter a
@@ -219,205 +218,44 @@ indentPrintSExpr SExprPrinter { .. } _ = pHead 0
               , T.length flat + ind > maxAmt = " " <> indented
               | otherwise = " " <> flat
-type IndentSpec = Int
-type Indenting = Maybe IndentSpec
-data PPS = PPS { indentWc :: IndentSpec
-               , remWidth :: Int
-               , numClose :: Int
-               }
-         deriving Show
-data SElem = SText Int T.Text
-           | SPair Int SElem SElem
-           | SDecl Int SElem [SElem]
-           | SJoin Int [SElem]
-             deriving (Show, Eq)
-sElemSize :: SElem -> Int
-sElemSize (SText n _) = n
-sElemSize (SPair n _ _) = n
-sElemSize (SDecl n _ _) = n
-sElemSize (SJoin n _) = n
-indentPrintSExpr2 :: SExprPrinter a (SExpr a) -> Int -> SExpr a -> Text
-indentPrintSExpr2 SExprPrinter { .. } maxW sexpr =
-    let atomTextTree = selems sexpr
-        pretty = fmap addIndent $ fst $ pHead (PPS 0 maxW 0) atomTextTree
-        -- prettyWithDebug = pretty <> ["", (T.pack $ show atomTextTree)]
-    in T.unlines pretty
-  where
-    -- selems converts the (SExpr a) into an SElem, converting
-    -- individual atoms to their text format but not concerned with
-    -- other text formatting.  The resulting SElem tree will be
-    -- iterated over to determine the wrapping strategy to apply.
-    selems SNil = SText 2 "()"
-    selems (SAtom a) = let p = atomPrinter a in SText (T.length p) p
-    selems (SCons l r) =
-        let l' = selems l
-            lsz = sElemSize l'
-            r' = selems r
-            rsz = sElemSize r'
-            bsz = lsz + rsz
-        in case r of
-             SNil -> SJoin lsz [l']
-             SAtom _ -> SPair bsz l' r'
-             _ -> case l of
-                    SAtom _ -> case r' of
-                                 SJoin _ rl' -> SDecl bsz l' rl'
-                                 SDecl _ d dl -> SDecl bsz l' (d:dl)
-                                 _ -> SDecl bsz l' [r']
-                    _ -> SJoin bsz $ prefixOnto l' r'
-    prefixOnto e (SJoin _ l) = e:l
-    prefixOnto e (SDecl _ l r) = e:l:r
-    prefixOnto e r = [e,r]
-    addIndent (Nothing, t) = t
-    addIndent (Just n, t) = indent n t
-    nextIndent = incrIndent indentAmount
-    incrIndent v n = n + v
-    pHead :: PPS -> SElem -> ( [(Indenting, Text)], PPS )
-    pHead pps (SText _ t) = ( [(Nothing, t)]
-                            , pps { remWidth = remWidth pps - T.length t})
-    pHead pps (SPair _ e1 e2) =
-        let (t1,pps1) = pHead pps e1
-            (t2,pps2) = pTail ppsNextLine e2
-            (t3,pps3) = pTail ppsSameLine e2  -- same line
-            ppsNextLine = pps { remWidth = remWidth pps - T.length sep }
-            ppsSameLine = pps1 { remWidth = remWidth pps1 - T.length sep }
-            sep = " . "
-            t1h = head t1
-            wrapJoin i l rs = wrapT i (snd l <> sep) rs
-            sameLine l r p = (wrapJoin (indentWc pps) l r, p)
-            separateLines l r p = (wrapTWith False "(" "" (indentWc pps) "" l ++
-                                   wrapTWith True sep ")" (indentWc pps) "" r, p)
-        in if length t1 > 1 || remWidth pps3 < numClose pps + 5
-           then separateLines t1 t2 pps2
-           else sameLine t1h t3 pps3
-    -- An SJoin is a sequence of elements at the same rank.  They are
-    -- either all placed on a single line, or one on each line.
-    pHead pps (SJoin _ []) = ( [], pps )
-    pHead pps (SJoin els others) =
-        let (t1,_) = pHead pps $ head others
-            (t3,pps3) = foldl pTail' ([], pps) others
-            pTail' :: ([(Indenting, Text)], PPS)
-                   -> SElem
-                   -> ([(Indenting, Text)], PPS)
-            pTail' (rl,pp) ne = let (rt,pr) = pTail pp ne
-                                    hrl = head rl
-                                    hrt = head rt
-                                in if length rt == 1
-                                   then case length rl of
-                                          0 -> (rt, pr)
-                                          1 -> ((fst hrl, snd hrl <> " " <> snd hrt):[], pr)
-                                          _ -> (rl <> rt, pr)
-                                   else (rl <> rt, pr)
-            sameLine parts pEnd = (wrapT (indentWc ppsSame) "" parts, pEnd)
-            ppsNext = pps { indentWc = nextIndent (indentWc pps)
-                          , remWidth = remWidth pps - indentAmount
-                          }
-            ppsSame = pps { indentWc = nextIndent (indentWc pps)
-                          , remWidth = remWidth pps - indentAmount
-                          }
-            ppsMulti = pps { indentWc = nextIndent (indentWc pps)
-                           , remWidth = remWidth pps - indentAmount
-                           }
-            pps3' = pps3
-            separateLines elems pEnd =
-                let lr = concatMap (fst . pTail pEnd) elems
-                in (wrapTWith False "(" ")" (indentWc ppsNext) "" lr, pEnd)
-        in if els > remWidth pps3 || length t1 > 1 || remWidth pps3 < numClose pps + 5
-           then separateLines others ppsMulti
-           else sameLine t3 pps3'
-    --  For an SDecl, always put the first element on the line.  If
-    --  *all* other elements fit on the same line, do that, otherwise
-    --  all other elements should appear on subsequent lines with
-    --  indentation.  This will produce left-biased wrapping: wrapping
-    --  will occur near the root of the SExp tree more than at the
-    --  leaves.
-    pHead pps (SDecl els first others) =
-        let (t1,pps1) = pHead pp2 first
-            (to1,_) = pTail pps1 (head others)
-            firstPlusFits = sElemSize first + sElemSize (head others) < (remWidth pps - 4)
-            allFits = els < (remWidth pps - length others - 3)
-            tryFirstArgSameLine = case swingIndent (SCons SNil (SCons SNil SNil)) of
-                                    Align -> True
-                                    _ -> False
-            pp2 = pps { indentWc = nextIndent (indentWc pps)
-                      , remWidth = remWidth pps - 1 - indentAmount
-                      , numClose = numClose pps + 1
-                      }
-            pp2next = pp2
-            pp2solo = pp2
-            t1h = head t1
-            pps1' = pps1 { indentWc = incrIndent (T.length (snd t1h) + 1)
-                                                 (indentWc pps1)
-                         , remWidth = remWidth pps1 - T.length (snd t1h) - 1
-                         }
-            tothers = concatMap (fst . pTail pp2next) others -- multiline
-            tothers' = concatMap (fst . pTail pps1') $ tail others -- multiline from 2nd
-            (others', ppone) = foldl foldPTail ([],pps1) others -- oneline
-            (others'', ppone') = foldl foldPTail ([],pps1') $ tail others -- multiline from 2nd
-            foldPTail (tf,ppf) o = let (ot,opp) = pTail ppf o
-                                       tf1 = head tf
-                                       tr = if length ot == 1
-                                            then case length tf of
-                                                   0 -> ot
-                                                   1 -> [(fst tf1, snd tf1 <> " " <> snd (head ot))]
-                                                   _ -> tf ++ ot
-                                            else tf ++ ot
-                                   in (tr, opp)
-            separateLines l r p =
-                let wr = if null r then []
-                         else wrapTWith True "" ")" (indentWc p) "" r
-                    cl = if null r then ")" else ""
-                in (wrapTWith False "(" cl (indentWc pps) "" l <> wr, pp2)
-            maybeSameLine l (r1,p1) (rn,p2) =
-                if length r1 <= 1 && remWidth p1 > numClose p1
-                then (wrapT (indentWc pps) (snd l <> " ") r1, p1)
-                else separateLines [l] rn p2
-        in if allFits && length t1 < 2
-           then maybeSameLine t1h (others',ppone) (tothers,pp2solo)
-           else if (tryFirstArgSameLine && firstPlusFits &&
-                    length t1 < 2 &&
-                    length to1 < 2 &&
-                    not (null to1) && not (null others))
-                then maybeSameLine (fst t1h,
-                                    snd t1h <> " " <> snd (head to1)) (others'',ppone') (tothers',pps1')
-                else separateLines t1 tothers pp2
-    pTail = pHead
-wrapTWith :: Bool -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IndentSpec
-          -> T.Text
-          -> [(Indenting, T.Text)]
-          -> [(Indenting, T.Text)]
-wrapTWith isContinued st en ind hstart ts =
-    let th = head ts
-        tt = last ts
-        tb = init $ tail ts
-        tp l = (fst l <|> Just ind, snd l)
-        fi = if isContinued then Just ind else Nothing
-    in if length ts > 1
-       then (((fi, st <> hstart <> snd th) : map tp tb) ++
-             [ tp $ (fst tt, snd tt <> en) ])
-       else [(fi, st <> hstart <> snd th <> en)]
-wrapT :: IndentSpec -> T.Text -> [(Indenting, T.Text)] -> [(Indenting, T.Text)]
-wrapT = wrapTWith False "(" ")"
+  -- where
+  --   -- this is the base-case that knows how to print empty lists and
+  --   -- atoms
+  --   pHead _   SNil         = B.fromString "()"
+  --   pHead _   (SAtom a)    = B.fromText a
+  --   pHead ind (SCons x xs) = gather ind x xs id 0
+  --   -- otherwise, we trawl through the list grabbing every element...
+  --   gather ind h (SCons x xs) k r = gather ind h xs (k . (x:)) (r + T.length x)
+  --   gather ind h end          k r = B.fromString "(" <> hd <> body <> tl <> B.fromString ")"
+  --     where
+  --       tl   = case end of
+  --                SNil      -> mempty
+  --                SAtom a   -> B.fromString " . " <> B.fromText a
+  --                SCons _ _ -> error "[unreachable]"
+  --       hd   = indentSubsequent ind [pHead (ind+1) h]
+  --       lst  = k []
+  --       flat = T.unwords (map (pHead (ind+1)) lst)
+  --       headWidth = T.length hd + 1
+  --       indented =
+  --         case swingIndent h of
+  --           SwingAfter n ->
+  --             let (l, ls) = splitAt n lst
+  --                 t  = T.unwords (map (pHead (ind+1)) l)
+  --                 ts = indentAll (ind + indentAmount)
+  --                                (map (pHead (ind + indentAmount)) ls)
+  --             in t <> ts
+  --           Swing ->
+  --             indentAll (ind + indentAmount)
+  --               (map (pHead (ind + indentAmount)) lst)
+  --           Align ->
+  --             indentSubsequent (ind + headWidth + 1)
+  --               (map (pHead (ind + headWidth + 1)) lst)
+  --       body
+  --         | length lst == 0              = B.fromString ""
+  --         | Just maxAmt <- maxWidth
+  --         , T.length flat + ind > maxAmt = B.fromString " " <> indented
+  --         | otherwise                    = B.fromString " " <> flat
 -- if we don't indent anything, then we can ignore a bunch of the
 -- details above
@@ -431,8 +269,6 @@ flatPrintSExpr = TL.toStrict . B.toLazyText . pHead
     pHead SNil         =
       B.fromString "()"
-    pTail e@(SCons _ (SAtom _)) =
-        B.fromString " " <> pHead e <> B.fromString ")"
     pTail (SCons x xs) =
       B.fromString " " <> pHead x <> pTail xs
     pTail (SAtom t) =

+ 0 - 17

@@ -20,12 +20,6 @@ build-type:          Simple
 cabal-version:       >=1.10
 bug-reports:         https://github.com/aisamanra/s-cargot/issues
-extra-source-files:  test/big-sample.sexp
-                   , test/med-sample.sexp
-                   , test/med2-sample.sexp
-                   , test/small-sample.sexp
 source-repository head
   type: git
   location: git://github.com/aisamanra/s-cargot.git
@@ -78,14 +72,3 @@ test-suite s-cargot-qc
                     parsec        >=3.1 && <4,
                     QuickCheck    >=2.8 && <3,
                     text          >=1.2 && <2
-test-suite s-cargot-printparse
-  default-language: Haskell2010
-  type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
-  hs-source-dirs:   test
-  main-is:          SCargotPrintParse.hs
-  build-depends:    s-cargot,
-                    base          >=4.7 && <5,
-                    parsec        >=3.1 && <4,
-                    HUnit         >=1.6 && <1.7,
-                    text          >=1.2 && <2

+ 0 - 228

@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-module Main where
-import           Data.Either
-import           Data.SCargot
-import           Data.SCargot.Comments
-import           Data.SCargot.Repr
-import           Data.Semigroup
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
-import           System.Exit
-import           Test.HUnit
-import           Text.Parsec as P
-import           Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
-import           Text.Printf ( printf )
-main = do
-  putStrLn "Parsing a large S-expression"
-  srcs <- mapM (\n -> (,) n <$> TIO.readFile n) [ "test/small-sample.sexp"
-                                                , "test/med-sample.sexp"
-                                                , "test/med2-sample.sexp"
-                                                , "test/big-sample.sexp"
-                                                ]
-  counts <- runTestTT $ TestList
-            [ TestLabel "basic checks" $ TestList
-              [ TestLabel "flat print" $ TestList
-                [ TestLabel "flatprint SNil" $ "()" ~=? printSExpr SNil
-                , TestLabel "flatprint SAtom" $ "hi" ~=? printSExpr (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                , TestLabel "flatprint pair" $ "(hi . world)" ~=?
-                  printSExpr (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi")) (SAtom (AIdent "world")))
-                , TestLabel "flatprint list of 1" $ "(hi)" ~=?
-                  printSExpr (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi")) SNil)
-                , TestLabel "flatprint list of 2" $ "(hi world)" ~=?
-                  printSExpr (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                                    (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "world"))
-                                           SNil))
-                , TestLabel "flatprint list of 2 pairs" $ "((hi . hallo) (world . welt))" ~=?
-                  printSExpr (SCons (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                                           (SAtom (AIdent "hallo")))
-                                    (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "world"))
-                                           (SAtom (AIdent "welt"))))
-                , TestLabel "flatprint list of 3 ending in a pair" $ "(hi world (hallo . welt))" ~=?
-                  printSExpr (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                                    (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "world"))
-                                           (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hallo"))
-                                                  (SAtom (AIdent "welt")))))
-                , TestLabel "flatprint list of 3" $ "(hi world hallo)" ~=?
-                  printSExpr (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                                    (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "world"))
-                                           (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hallo"))
-                                                  SNil)))
-                ]
-              , TestLabel "pretty print" $
-                let pprintIt = pprintSExpr 40 Swing in TestList
-                [ TestLabel "pretty print SNil" $ "()\n" ~=? pprintIt SNil
-                , TestLabel "pretty print SAtom" $ "hi\n" ~=? pprintIt (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                , TestLabel "pretty print pair" $ "(hi . world)\n" ~=?
-                  pprintIt (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi")) (SAtom (AIdent "world")))
-                , TestLabel "pretty print list of 1" $ "(hi)\n" ~=?
-                  pprintIt (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi")) SNil)
-                , TestLabel "pretty print list of 2" $ "(hi world)\n" ~=?
-                  pprintIt (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                                  (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "world"))
-                                         SNil))
-                , TestLabel "pretty print list of 2 pairs" $
-                  "((hi . hallo) (world . welt))\n" ~=?
-                  pprintIt (SCons (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                                         (SAtom (AIdent "hallo")))
-                                  (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "world"))
-                                         (SAtom (AIdent "welt"))))
-                , TestLabel "pretty print list of 3 ending in a pair" $
-                  "(hi world (hallo . welt))\n" ~=?
-                  pprintIt (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                                  (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "world"))
-                                         (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hallo"))
-                                                (SAtom (AIdent "welt")))))
-                , TestLabel "pretty print list of 3" $ "(hi world hallo)\n" ~=?
-                  pprintIt (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hi"))
-                                  (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "world"))
-                                         (SCons (SAtom (AIdent "hallo"))
-                                                SNil)))
-                ]
-              ]
-            , TestLabel "round-trip" $ TestList $
-              concatMap (\t -> map t srcs) $
-              [ testParsePrint
-              ]
-            ]
-  if errors counts + failures counts > 0
-  then exitFailure
-  else exitSuccess
-testParsePrint :: (String, T.Text) -> Test
-testParsePrint (n,s) = TestList
-                       [ testParseFlatPrint n s
-                       , testParsePPrint 80 Swing n s
-                       , testParsePPrint 60 Swing n s
-                       , testParsePPrint 40 Swing n s
-                       , testParsePPrint 20 Swing n s
-                       , testParsePPrint 15 Swing n s
-                       , testParsePPrint 10 Swing n s
-                       , testParsePPrint 80 Align n s
-                       , testParsePPrint 40 Align n s
-                       , testParsePPrint 10 Align n s
-                       ]
-testParseFlatPrint testName src =
-    testRoundTrip (testName <> " flat print")
-                      (fromRight (error "Failed parse") . parseSExpr)
-                      printSExpr
-                      stripAllText
-                      src
-testParsePPrint width indentStyle testName src =
-    testRoundTrip (testName <> " pretty print")
-                      (fromRight (error "Failed parse") . parseSExpr)
-                      (pprintSExpr width indentStyle)
-                      stripAllText
-                      src
-stripAllText = T.unwords . concatMap T.words . T.lines
-testRoundTrip nm there back prep src = TestList
-  [ TestLabel (nm <> " round trip") $
-    TestCase $ (prep src) @=? (prep $ back $ there src)
-  , TestLabel (nm <> " round trip twice") $
-    TestCase $ (prep src) @=? (prep $ back $ there $ back $ there src)
-  ]
-data FAtom = AIdent String
-           | AQuoted String
-           | AString String
-           | AInt Integer
-           | ABV Int Integer
-           deriving (Eq, Show)
-string :: String -> SExpr FAtom
-string = SAtom . AString
-ident :: String -> SExpr FAtom
-ident = SAtom . AIdent
-quoted :: String -> SExpr FAtom
-quoted = SAtom . AQuoted
-int :: Integer -> SExpr FAtom
-int = SAtom . AInt
-printAtom :: FAtom -> T.Text
-printAtom a =
-  case a of
-    AIdent s -> T.pack s
-    AQuoted s -> T.pack ('\'' : s)
-    AString s -> T.pack (show s)
-    AInt i -> T.pack (show i)
-    ABV w val -> formatBV w val
-printSExpr :: SExpr FAtom -> T.Text
-printSExpr = encodeOne (flatPrint printAtom)
-pprintSExpr :: Int -> Indent -> SExpr FAtom -> T.Text
-pprintSExpr w i = encodeOne (setIndentStrategy (const i) $
-                             setMaxWidth w $
-                             setIndentAmount 1 $
-                             basicPrint printAtom)
-getIdent :: FAtom -> Maybe String
-getIdent (AIdent s) = Just s
-getIdent _ = Nothing
-formatBV :: Int -> Integer -> T.Text
-formatBV w val = T.pack (prefix ++ printf fmt val)
-  where
-    (prefix, fmt)
-      | w `rem` 4 == 0 = ("#x", "%0" ++ show (w `div` 4) ++ "x")
-      | otherwise = ("#b", "%0" ++ show w ++ "b")
-parseIdent :: Parser String
-parseIdent = (:) <$> first <*> P.many rest
-  where first = P.letter P.<|> P.oneOf "+-=<>_"
-        rest = P.letter P.<|> P.digit P.<|> P.oneOf "+-=<>_"
-parseString :: Parser String
-parseString = do
-  _ <- P.char '"'
-  s <- P.many (P.noneOf ['"'])
-  _ <- P.char '"'
-  return s
-parseBV :: Parser (Int, Integer)
-parseBV = P.char '#' >> ((P.char 'b' >> parseBin) P.<|> (P.char 'x' >> parseHex))
-  where parseBin = P.oneOf "10" >>= \d -> parseBin' (1, if d == '1' then 1 else 0)
-        parseBin' :: (Int, Integer) -> Parser (Int, Integer)
-        parseBin' (bits, x) = do
-          P.optionMaybe (P.oneOf "10") >>= \case
-            Just d -> parseBin' (bits + 1, x * 2 + (if d == '1' then 1 else 0))
-            Nothing -> return (bits, x)
-        parseHex = (\s -> (length s * 4, read ("0x" ++ s))) <$> P.many1 P.hexDigit
-parseAtom :: Parser FAtom
-  =   AIdent      <$> parseIdent
-  P.<|> AQuoted     <$> (P.char '\'' >> parseIdent)
-  P.<|> AString     <$> parseString
-  P.<|> AInt . read <$> P.many1 P.digit
-  P.<|> uncurry ABV <$> parseBV
-parserLL :: SExprParser FAtom (SExpr FAtom)
-parserLL = withLispComments (mkParser parseAtom)
-parseSExpr :: T.Text -> Either String (SExpr FAtom)
-parseSExpr = decodeOne parserLL

Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 0 - 1

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-((operands ((rA . 'Gprc) (rS . 'Gprc) (rB . 'Gprc))) 
-  (in ('XER 'CR rB rS 'IP))
-  (defs 
-    (('CR 
-       (bvor 
-         (bvand 
-           'CR
-           (bvnot (bvshl #x0000000f (bvmul ((_ zero_extend 29) #b000) #x00000004))))
-         (bvshl 
-           ((_ zero_extend 28) 
-             (concat 
-               (ite 
-                 (bvslt (bvxor rS rB) #x00000000)
-                 #b100
-                 (ite (bvsgt (bvxor rS rB) #x00000000) #b010 #b001))
-               ((_ extract 0 0) 'XER)))
-           (bvmul ((_ zero_extend 29) #b000) #x00000004)))) (rA (bvxor rS rB)) ('IP (bvadd 'IP #x00000004)))))

+ 0 - 262

@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
- ((rD . 'GPR)
- (setcc . 'Cc_out)
- (predBits . 'Pred)
- (rM . 'GPR)
- (rN . 'GPR)))
-(in (setcc rN rM 'CPSR 'PC))
- (('PC
-  (ite
-   ((_ call "arm.is_r15") rD)
-   (ite
-    (bveq
-     #b0
-     ((_ extract 0 0)
-     ((_ extract 31 0)
-     (bvadd
-      (bvadd ((_ zero_extend 1) rN) ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-      ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001)))))
-    (bvand
-     #xfffffffe
-     ((_ extract 31 0)
-     (bvadd
-      (bvadd ((_ zero_extend 1) rN) ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-      ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001))))
-    (ite
-     (bveq
-      #b0
-      ((_ extract 1 1)
-      ((_ extract 31 0)
-      (bvadd
-       (bvadd
-        ((_ zero_extend 1) rN)
-        ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-       ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001)))))
-     (bvand
-      #xfffffffd
-      ((_ extract 31 0)
-      (bvadd
-       (bvadd
-        ((_ zero_extend 1) rN)
-        ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-       ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001))))
-     ((_ extract 31 0)
-     (bvadd
-      (bvadd ((_ zero_extend 1) rN) ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-      ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001)))))
-   (bvadd 'PC #x00000004)))
- ('CPSR
-  (ite
-   (ite
-    (andp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 0 0) predBits)) (bvne predBits #xf))
-    (notp
-     (ite
-      (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b000)
-      (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))
-      (ite
-       (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b001)
-       (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 29 29) 'CPSR))
-       (ite
-        (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b010)
-        (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR))
-        (ite
-         (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b011)
-         (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-         (ite
-          (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b100)
-          (andp
-           (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 29 29) 'CPSR))
-           (notp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))))
-          (ite
-           (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b101)
-           (bveq
-            ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR)
-            ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-           (ite
-            (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b110)
-            (andp
-             (bveq
-              ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR)
-              ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-             (notp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))))
-            (bveq #b0 #b0)))))))))
-    (ite
-     (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b000)
-     (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))
-     (ite
-      (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b001)
-      (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 29 29) 'CPSR))
-      (ite
-       (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b010)
-       (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR))
-       (ite
-        (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b011)
-        (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-        (ite
-         (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b100)
-         (andp
-          (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 29 29) 'CPSR))
-          (notp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))))
-         (ite
-          (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b101)
-          (bveq
-           ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR)
-           ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-          (ite
-           (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b110)
-           (andp
-            (bveq
-             ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR)
-             ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-            (notp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))))
-           (bveq #b0 #b0)))))))))
-   (ite
-    (andp (bveq setcc #b1) (notp ((_ call "arm.is_r15") rD)))
-    (concat
-     (concat
-      ((_ extract 31 31)
-      ((_ extract 31 0)
-      (bvadd
-       (bvadd
-        ((_ zero_extend 1) rN)
-        ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-       ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001))))
-      (concat
-       (ite
-        (bveq
-         ((_ extract 31 0)
-         (bvadd
-          (bvadd
-           ((_ zero_extend 1) rN)
-           ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-          ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001)))
-         #x00000000)
-        #b1
-        #b0)
-       (concat
-        ((_ extract 32 32)
-        (bvadd
-         (bvadd
-          ((_ zero_extend 1) rN)
-          ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-         ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001)))
-        (bvand
-         ((_ extract 31 31)
-         ((_ extract 31 0)
-         (bvadd
-          (bvadd
-           ((_ zero_extend 1) rN)
-           ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-          ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001))))
-         ((_ extract 32 32)
-         (bvadd
-          (bvadd
-           ((_ zero_extend 1) rN)
-           ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-          ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001)))))))
-     ((_ extract 27 0)
-     (ite
-      ((_ call "arm.is_r15") rD)
-      (ite
-       (bveq
-        #b0
-        ((_ extract 0 0)
-        ((_ extract 31 0)
-        (bvadd
-         (bvadd
-          ((_ zero_extend 1) rN)
-          ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-         ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001)))))
-       (bvand #xfeffffff (bvor #x00000020 'CPSR))
-       'CPSR)
-      'CPSR)))
-    (ite
-     ((_ call "arm.is_r15") rD)
-     (ite
-      (bveq
-       #b0
-       ((_ extract 0 0)
-       ((_ extract 31 0)
-       (bvadd
-        (bvadd
-         ((_ zero_extend 1) rN)
-         ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-        ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001)))))
-      (bvand #xfeffffff (bvor #x00000020 'CPSR))
-      'CPSR)
-     'CPSR))
-   'CPSR))
- (rD
-  (ite
-   (ite
-    (andp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 0 0) predBits)) (bvne predBits #xf))
-    (notp
-     (ite
-      (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b000)
-      (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))
-      (ite
-       (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b001)
-       (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 29 29) 'CPSR))
-       (ite
-        (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b010)
-        (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR))
-        (ite
-         (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b011)
-         (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-         (ite
-          (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b100)
-          (andp
-           (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 29 29) 'CPSR))
-           (notp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))))
-          (ite
-           (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b101)
-           (bveq
-            ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR)
-            ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-           (ite
-            (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b110)
-            (andp
-             (bveq
-              ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR)
-              ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-             (notp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))))
-            (bveq #b0 #b0)))))))))
-    (ite
-     (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b000)
-     (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))
-     (ite
-      (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b001)
-      (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 29 29) 'CPSR))
-      (ite
-       (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b010)
-       (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR))
-       (ite
-        (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b011)
-        (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-        (ite
-         (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b100)
-         (andp
-          (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 29 29) 'CPSR))
-          (notp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))))
-         (ite
-          (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b101)
-          (bveq
-           ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR)
-           ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-          (ite
-           (bveq ((_ extract 3 1) predBits) #b110)
-           (andp
-            (bveq
-             ((_ extract 31 31) 'CPSR)
-             ((_ extract 28 28) 'CPSR))
-            (notp (bveq #b1 ((_ extract 30 30) 'CPSR))))
-           (bveq #b0 #b0)))))))))
-   (ite
-    ((_ call "arm.is_r15") rD)
-    rD
-    ((_ extract 31 0)
-    (bvadd
-     (bvadd ((_ zero_extend 1) rN) ((_ zero_extend 1) (bvnot rM)))
-     ((_ zero_extend 1) #x00000001))))
-   rD)))))

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-((operands ((rT . 'Gprc) (rA . 'Gprc))) (in (rA 'IP)) (defs ((rT rA) ('IP (bvadd 'IP #x00000004)))))