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Added some more quickcheck tests

Getty Ritter 8 anos atrás
1 arquivos alterados com 99 adições e 25 exclusões
  1. 99 25

+ 99 - 25

@@ -1,28 +1,19 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-module Data.SCargot.ReprQC (reprQC) where
-import Data.SCargot ( SExprParser
-                    , SExprPrinter
-                    , mkParser
-                    , flatPrint
-                    , encodeOne
-                    , decodeOne
-                    , asRich
-                    , asWellFormed
-                    )
-import Data.SCargot.Repr ( SExpr(..)
-                         , RichSExpr
-                         , fromRich
-                         , toRich
-                         , WellFormedSExpr(..)
-                         , fromWellFormed
-                         , toWellFormed
-                         )
-import Test.QuickCheck
-import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
-import Text.Parsec (char)
-import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
+module Main where
+import Data.SCargot
+import Data.SCargot.Comments
+import Data.SCargot.Repr
+import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import           Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import           Test.QuickCheck
+import           Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
+import           Text.Parsec (char)
+import           Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
 instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (SExpr a) where
   arbitrary = sized $ \n ->
@@ -54,12 +45,35 @@ instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (WellFormedSExpr a) where
+data EncodedSExpr = EncodedSExpr
+  { encoding :: Text
+  , original :: SExpr ()
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Arbitrary EncodedSExpr where
+  arbitrary = do
+    sexpr :: SExpr () <- arbitrary
+    let chunks = T.words (encodeOne printer sexpr)
+    whitespace <- sequence [ mkWs | _ <- chunks ]
+    pure (EncodedSExpr { encoding = T.concat (zipWith (<>) chunks whitespace)
+                       , original = sexpr
+                       })
+    where mkWs = do
+            n :: Int <- choose (1, 10)
+            T.pack <$> sequence [ elements " \t\r\n"
+                                | _ <- [0..n]
+                                ]
 parser :: SExprParser () (SExpr ())
 parser = mkParser (() <$ char 'X')
 printer :: SExprPrinter () (SExpr ())
 printer = flatPrint (const "X")
+prettyPrinter :: SExprPrinter () (SExpr ())
+prettyPrinter = basicPrint (const "X")
 richIso :: SExpr () -> Bool
 richIso s = fromRich (toRich s) == s
@@ -79,23 +93,83 @@ wfIsoBk s = toWellFormed (fromWellFormed s) == Right s
 encDec :: SExpr () -> Bool
 encDec s = decodeOne parser (encodeOne printer s) == Right s
+encDecPretty :: SExpr () -> Bool
+encDecPretty s = decodeOne parser (encodeOne prettyPrinter s) == Right s
+decEnc :: EncodedSExpr -> Bool
+decEnc s = decodeOne parser (encoding s) == Right (original s)
 encDecRich :: RichSExpr () -> Bool
 encDecRich s = decodeOne (asRich parser) (encodeOne printer (fromRich s))
                 == Right s
+encDecRichPretty :: RichSExpr () -> Bool
+encDecRichPretty s = decodeOne (asRich parser)
+                               (encodeOne prettyPrinter (fromRich s))
+                       == Right s
+decEncRich :: EncodedSExpr -> Bool
+decEncRich s = decodeOne (asRich parser) (encoding s) == Right (toRich (original s))
 encDecWF :: WellFormedSExpr () -> Bool
 encDecWF s = decodeOne (asWellFormed parser) (encodeOne printer (fromWellFormed s))
                == Right s
-reprQC :: IO ()
-reprQC = do
+encDecWFPretty :: WellFormedSExpr () -> Bool
+encDecWFPretty s =
+  decodeOne (asWellFormed parser) (encodeOne prettyPrinter (fromWellFormed s))
+    == Right s
+decEncWF :: EncodedSExpr -> Bool
+decEncWF s = decodeOne (asWellFormed parser) (encoding s) == toWellFormed (original s)
+insertComments :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text
+insertComments lc rc sexpr =
+  T.replace " " (" " <> lc <> "blahblahblah" <> rc <> " ") sexpr
+encDecLineComments :: SExpr () -> Bool
+encDecLineComments s =
+  decodeOne (withLispComments parser)
+            (insertComments ";" "\n" (encodeOne printer s)) == Right s
+encDecBlockComments :: SExpr () -> Bool
+encDecBlockComments s =
+  decodeOne (withHaskellBlockComments parser)
+            (insertComments "{-" "-}" (encodeOne printer s)) == Right s
+-- Sometimes we generate really huge test cases, which can take a really
+-- long time to process---especially when we're modifying the whitespace
+-- to produce weird anomalous S-expressions. So, we make the size parameter
+-- a bit smaller for good measure.
+reallyQuickCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ()
+reallyQuickCheck = quickCheckWith stdArgs { maxSize = 25 }
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
   putStrLn "The SExpr <--> Rich translation should be isomorphic"
   quickCheck richIso
   quickCheck richIsoBk
   putStrLn "The SExpr <--> WF translation should be near-isomorphic"
   quickCheck wfIso
   quickCheck wfIsoBk
   putStrLn "This should be true when parsing, as well"
   quickCheck encDec
+  reallyQuickCheck decEnc
   quickCheck encDecRich
+  reallyQuickCheck decEncRich
   quickCheck encDecWF
+  reallyQuickCheck decEncWF
+  putStrLn "And it should be true if pretty-printed"
+  reallyQuickCheck encDecPretty
+  reallyQuickCheck encDecRichPretty
+  reallyQuickCheck encDecWFPretty
+  putStrLn "Comments should not affect parsing"
+  reallyQuickCheck encDecLineComments
+  reallyQuickCheck encDecBlockComments