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About this tutorial

This tutorial is free and open source, and all code uses the MIT license - so you are free to do with it as you like. My hope is that you will enjoy the tutorial, and make great games!

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Our character lives the life of a "murder-hobo", looting and slaying at will - so it only makes sense that the pristine dungeon will start to resemble a charnel house. It also gives us a bridge into a future chapter, in which we'll start to add some particle and visual effects (in ASCII/CP437) to the game.

Storing the blood

Tiles either have blood or they don't, so it makes sense to attach them to the map as a set. So at the top of, we'll include a new storage type - HashSet:

use std::collections::HashSet;

In the map definition, we'll include a HashSet of usize (to represent tile indices) types for blood:

#[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct Map {
    pub tiles : Vec<TileType>,
    pub rooms : Vec<Rect>,
    pub width : i32,
    pub height : i32,
    pub revealed_tiles : Vec<bool>,
    pub visible_tiles : Vec<bool>,
    pub blocked : Vec<bool>,
    pub depth : i32,
    pub bloodstains : HashSet<usize>,

    pub tile_content : Vec<Vec<Entity>>

And in the new map generator, we'll initialize it:

let mut map = Map{
    tiles : vec![TileType::Wall; MAPCOUNT],
    rooms : Vec::new(),
    width : MAPWIDTH as i32,
    height: MAPHEIGHT as i32,
    revealed_tiles : vec![false; MAPCOUNT],
    visible_tiles : vec![false; MAPCOUNT],
    blocked : vec![false; MAPCOUNT],
    tile_content : vec![Vec::new(); MAPCOUNT],
    depth: new_depth,
    bloodstains: HashSet::new()

Rendering the blood

We'll indicate a bloodstain by changing a tile background to a dark red. We don't want to be too "in your face" with the effect, and we don't want to hide the tile content - so that should be sufficient. We'll also not show blood that isn't in visual range, to keep it understated. In, the render section now looks like this:

if map.revealed_tiles[idx] {
    let glyph;
    let mut fg;
    let mut bg = RGB::from_f32(0., 0., 0.);
    match tile {
        TileType::Floor => {
            glyph = rltk::to_cp437('.');
            fg = RGB::from_f32(0.0, 0.5, 0.5);
        TileType::Wall => {
            glyph = wall_glyph(&*map, x, y);
            fg = RGB::from_f32(0., 1.0, 0.);
        TileType::DownStairs => {
            glyph = rltk::to_cp437('>');
            fg = RGB::from_f32(0., 1.0, 1.0);
    if map.bloodstains.contains(&idx) { bg = RGB::from_f32(0.75, 0., 0.); }
    if !map.visible_tiles[idx] { 
        fg = fg.to_greyscale();
        bg = RGB::from_f32(0., 0., 0.); // Don't show stains out of visual range
    ctx.set(x, y, fg, bg, glyph);

Blood for the blood god

Now we need to add blood to the scene! We'll mark a tile as bloody whenever someone takes damage in it. We'll adjust the DamageSystem in to set the bloodstain:

impl<'a> System<'a> for DamageSystem {
    type SystemData = ( WriteStorage<'a, CombatStats>,
                        WriteStorage<'a, SufferDamage>,
                        ReadStorage<'a, Position>,
                        WriteExpect<'a, Map>,
                        Entities<'a> );

    fn run(&mut self, data : Self::SystemData) {
        let (mut stats, mut damage, positions, mut map, entities) = data;

        for (entity, mut stats, damage) in (&entities, &mut stats, &damage).join() {
            stats.hp -= damage.amount;
            let pos = positions.get(entity);
            if let Some(pos) = pos {
                let idx = map.xy_idx(pos.x, pos.y);


If you cargo run your project, the map starts to show signs of battle!


The source code for this chapter may be found here

Copyright (C) 2019, Herbert Wolverson.