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BSP Room Dungeons (alpha quality)

About this tutorial

This tutorial is free and open source, and all code uses the MIT license - so you are free to do with it as you like. My hope is that you will enjoy the tutorial, and make great games!

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Implementing a new map - subdivided BSP

Now that we have a framework to allow us to make a new map, lets do so! Nethack started out using a relatively simple map generation system that still produces satisfying maps. You subdivide your map rectangle into ever-smaller rectangles, sub-dividing each rectangle in turn - until you hit a minimum size. Then you randomly join them together to give a more interesting map.

We'll start by making a new file in map_builders - A skeleton implementation of a new builder goes here:

use super::{MapBuilder, Map, Rect, apply_room_to_map, 
    apply_horizontal_tunnel, apply_vertical_tunnel, TileType,
    Position, spawner};
use rltk::RandomNumberGenerator;
use specs::prelude::*;

pub struct BspDungeonBuilder {}

impl MapBuilder for BspDungeonBuilder {
    fn build(new_depth: i32) -> (Map, Position) {
        let mut map = Map::new(new_depth);
        (map, Position{x:0, y:0})

    fn spawn(map : &Map, ecs : &mut World, new_depth: i32) {
        for room in map.rooms.iter().skip(1) {
            spawner::spawn_room(ecs, room, new_depth);

This makes an unusable map - but gives us a starting point. We'll modify to always use this builder, while we work on it:

pub fn build_random_map(new_depth: i32) -> (Map, Position) {

pub fn spawn(map : &Map, ecs : &mut World, new_depth: i32) {
    BspDungeonBuilder::spawn(map, ecs, new_depth);

We'll worry about swapping out map types later. Onto making the map! Note that this implementation is ported from my C++ game, One Knight in the Dungeon. We'll start with room generation:

fn build(new_depth: i32) -> (Map, Position) {
    let mut map = Map::new(new_depth);
    let mut rng = RandomNumberGenerator::new();

    let mut rects : Vec<Rect> = Vec::new(); // Vector to hold our rectangles as we divide
    rects.push( Rect::new(2, 2, map.width-5, map.height-5) ); // Start with a single map-sized rectangle
    let first_room = rects[0];
    add_subrects(&mut rects, first_room); // Divide the first room

    // Up to 240 times, we get a random rectangle and divide it. If its possible to squeeze a
    // room in there, we place it and add it to the rooms list.
    let mut n_rooms = 0;
    while n_rooms < 240 {
        let rect = get_random_rect(&mut rects, &mut rng);
        let candidate = get_random_sub_rect(rect, &mut rng);

        if is_possible(&mut map, candidate) {
            apply_room_to_map(&mut map, &candidate);
            add_subrects(&mut rects, rect);

        n_rooms += 1;
    let player_start = map.rooms[0].center();
    (map, Position{ x : player_start.0, y : player_start.1 })

So what on Earth does this do?

  1. We start by initializing a new map and random number generator to use.
  2. We create a new vector of Rect structures.
  3. We create the "first room" - which is really the whole map. We've trimmed a bit to add some padding to the sides of the map.
  4. We call add_subrects, passing it the rectangle list - and the first room. We'll implement that in a minute, but what it does is: it divides the rectangle into four quadrants, and adds each of the quadrants to the rectangle list.
  5. Now we setup a room counter, so we don't infinitely loop.
  6. While that counter is less than 240 (a relatively arbitrary limit that gives fun results):
    1. We call get_random_rect to retrieve a random rectangle from the rectangles list.
    2. We call get_random_sub_rect using this rectangle as an outer boundary. It creates a random room from 3 to 10 tiles in size (on each axis), somewhere within the parent rectangle.
    3. We ask is_possible if the candidate can be drawn to the map; every tile must be within the map boundaries, and not already a room. If it IS possible:
      1. We mark it on the map.
      2. We add it to the rooms list.
      3. We call add_subrects to sub-divide the rectangle we just used (not the candidate!).

If you cargo run now, you will be in a room with no exits. That's a great start.

Now, we sort the rooms by left coordinate. You don't have to do this, but it helps make connected rooms line up.

map.rooms.sort_by(|a,b| a.x1.cmp(&b.x1) );

sort_by takes a closure - that is, an inline function (known as a "lambda" in other languages) as a parameter. You could specify a whole other function if you wanted to, or implement traits on Rect to make it sortable - but this is easy enough. It sorts by comparing the x1 value of each rectangle.

Now we'll add some corridors:

for i in {
    let room = map.rooms[i];
    let next_room = map.rooms[i+1];
    let start_x = room.x1 + (rng.roll_dice(1, i32::abs(room.x1 - room.x2))-1);
    let start_y = room.y1 + (rng.roll_dice(1, i32::abs(room.y1 - room.y2))-1);
    let end_x = next_room.x1 + (rng.roll_dice(1, i32::abs(next_room.x1 - next_room.x2))-1);
    let end_y = next_room.y1 + (rng.roll_dice(1, i32::abs(next_room.y1 - next_room.y2))-1);
    draw_corridor(&mut map, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y);

This iterates the rooms list, ignoring the last one. It fetches the current room, and the next one in the list and calculates a random location (start_x/start_y and end_x/end_y) within each room. It then calls the mysterious draw_corridor function with these coordinates. Draw corridor adds a line from the start to the end, using only north/south or east/west (it can give 90-degree bends). It won't give you a staggered, hard to navigate perfect line like Bresenham would.

Finally, we need to wrap up and create the exit:

let stairs = map.rooms[map.rooms.len()-1].center();
let stairs_idx = map.xy_idx(stairs.0, stairs.1);
map.tiles[stairs_idx] = TileType::DownStairs;

We place the exit in the last room, guaranteeing that the poor player has a ways to walk.

If you cargo run now, you'll see something like this:


We have a different dungeon, this one quite suited to sewers or similar.

Randomizing the dungeon per level

Rather than always using the BSP sewer algorithm, we would like to sometimes use one or the other. In map_builders/, replace the build function:

pub fn build_random_map(new_depth: i32) -> (Map, Position) {
    let mut rng = rltk::RandomNumberGenerator::new();
    let builder = rng.roll_dice(1, 2);
    match builder {
        1 => SimpleMapBuilder::build(new_depth),
        _ => BspDungeonBuilder::build(new_depth)

Now when you play, it's a coin toss what type of map you encounter. The spawn functions for the types are the same - so we're not going to worry about map builder state until the next chapter.


You've refactored your map building into a new module, and built a simple BSP (Binary Space Partitioning) based map. The game randomly picks a map type, and you have more variety. The next chapter will further refactor map generation, and introduce another technique.

The source code for this chapter may be found here

Run this chapter's example with web assembly, in your browser (WebGL2 required)

Copyright (C) 2019, Herbert Wolverson.