# REX Paint Main Menu --- ***About this tutorial*** *This tutorial is free and open source, and all code uses the MIT license - so you are free to do with it as you like. My hope is that you will enjoy the tutorial, and make great games!* *If you enjoy this and would like me to keep writing, please consider supporting [my Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/blackfuture).* --- Our main menu is really boring, and not a good way to attract players! This chapter will spice it up a bit. ## REX Paint Grid Sage Games (the amazing u/Kyzrati on Reddit) provide a lovely tool for Codepage 437 image editing called [REX Paint](https://www.gridsagegames.com/rexpaint/index.html). RLTK has built-in support for using the output from this editor. As they used to say on the BBC's old kids show *Blue Peter* - here's one I made earlier. ![Screenshot](./c21-s1.jpg) I cheated a bit; I found a CC0 image, resized it to 80x50 in the GIMP, and used a [tool I wrote years](https://github.com/thebracket/png2rex) ago to convert the PNG to a REX Paint file. Still, I like the result. You can find the REX Paint file in the `resources` folder. ## Loading REX Assets We'll introduce a new file, `rex_assets.rs` to store our REX sprites. The file looks like this: ```rust use rltk::{rex::XpFile}; use std::fs::File; pub struct RexAssets { pub menu : XpFile } impl RexAssets { pub fn new() -> RexAssets { RexAssets{ menu : XpFile::read(&mut File::open("../resources/SmallDungeon_80x50.xp").unwrap()).unwrap() } } } ``` Very simple - it defines a structure, and loads the dungeon graphic into it when `new` is called. We'll also insert it into Specs as a resource so we can access our sprites anywhere. In `main.rs`: ```rust gs.ecs.insert(rex_assets::RexAssets::new()); ``` Now we open up `gui.rs` and find the `main_menu` function. We'll add two lines before we start printing menu content: ```rust let assets = gs.ecs.fetch::(); ctx.render_xp_sprite(&assets.menu, 0, 0); ``` The result (`cargo run` to see it) is a good start at a menu! ![Screenshot](./c21-s2.jpg) ## Improving the look of the menu - adding a box and borders To make it look a little snazzier, we'll work on spacing - and add a box for the menu and text. Replace the current title rendering code with: ```rust ctx.draw_box_double(24, 18, 31, 10, RGB::named(rltk::WHEAT), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK)); ctx.print_color_centered(20, RGB::named(rltk::YELLOW), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), "Rust Roguelike Tutorial"); ctx.print_color_centered(21, RGB::named(rltk::CYAN), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), "by Herbert Wolverson"); ctx.print_color_centered(22, RGB::named(rltk::GRAY), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), "Use Up/Down Arrows and Enter"); ``` If you `cargo run` now, your menu looks like this: ![Screenshot](./c21-s3.jpg) That's quite a bit better! ## Fixing the spacing You'll notice that if you don't have a saved game to load, there is an annoying gap between menu items. This is an easy fix, by keeping track of the `y` position we have used while we render the menu. Here's the new menu rendering code: ```rust let mut y = 24; if let RunState::MainMenu{ menu_selection : selection } = *runstate { if selection == MainMenuSelection::NewGame { ctx.print_color_centered(y, RGB::named(rltk::MAGENTA), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), "Begin New Game"); } else { ctx.print_color_centered(y, RGB::named(rltk::WHITE), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), "Begin New Game"); } y += 1; if save_exists { if selection == MainMenuSelection::LoadGame { ctx.print_color_centered(y, RGB::named(rltk::MAGENTA), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), "Load Game"); } else { ctx.print_color_centered(y, RGB::named(rltk::WHITE), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), "Load Game"); } y += 1; } if selection == MainMenuSelection::Quit { ctx.print_color_centered(y, RGB::named(rltk::MAGENTA), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), "Quit"); } else { ctx.print_color_centered(y, RGB::named(rltk::WHITE), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), "Quit"); } ... ``` If you `cargo run` now, it looks better: ![Screenshot](./c21-s4.jpg) **The source code for this chapter may be found [here](https://github.com/thebracket/rustrogueliketutorial/tree/master/chapter-21-rexmenu)** --- Copyright (C) 2019, Herbert Wolverson. ---