extern crate specs; use specs::prelude::*; use super::{WantsToPickupItem, Name, InBackpack, Position, gamelog::GameLog, WantsToUseItem, Consumable, ProvidesHealing, CombatStats, WantsToDropItem, InflictsDamage, Map, SufferDamage, AreaOfEffect, Confusion, Equippable, Equipped, WantsToRemoveItem, particle_system::ParticleBuilder}; pub struct ItemCollectionSystem {} impl<'a> System<'a> for ItemCollectionSystem { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type SystemData = ( ReadExpect<'a, Entity>, WriteExpect<'a, GameLog>, WriteStorage<'a, WantsToPickupItem>, WriteStorage<'a, Position>, ReadStorage<'a, Name>, WriteStorage<'a, InBackpack> ); fn run(&mut self, data : Self::SystemData) { let (player_entity, mut gamelog, mut wants_pickup, mut positions, names, mut backpack) = data; for pickup in wants_pickup.join() { positions.remove(pickup.item); backpack.insert(pickup.item, InBackpack{ owner: pickup.collected_by }).expect("Unable to insert backpack entry"); if pickup.collected_by == *player_entity { gamelog.entries.insert(0, format!("You pick up the {}.", names.get(pickup.item).unwrap().name)); } } wants_pickup.clear(); } } pub struct ItemUseSystem {} impl<'a> System<'a> for ItemUseSystem { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type SystemData = ( ReadExpect<'a, Entity>, WriteExpect<'a, GameLog>, ReadExpect<'a, Map>, Entities<'a>, WriteStorage<'a, WantsToUseItem>, ReadStorage<'a, Name>, ReadStorage<'a, Consumable>, ReadStorage<'a, ProvidesHealing>, ReadStorage<'a, InflictsDamage>, WriteStorage<'a, CombatStats>, WriteStorage<'a, SufferDamage>, ReadStorage<'a, AreaOfEffect>, WriteStorage<'a, Confusion>, ReadStorage<'a, Equippable>, WriteStorage<'a, Equipped>, WriteStorage<'a, InBackpack>, WriteExpect<'a, ParticleBuilder>, ReadStorage<'a, Position> ); #[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)] fn run(&mut self, data : Self::SystemData) { let (player_entity, mut gamelog, map, entities, mut wants_use, names, consumables, healing, inflict_damage, mut combat_stats, mut suffer_damage, aoe, mut confused, equippable, mut equipped, mut backpack, mut particle_builder, positions) = data; for (entity, useitem) in (&entities, &wants_use).join() { let mut used_item = true; // Targeting let mut targets : Vec = Vec::new(); match useitem.target { None => { targets.push( *player_entity ); } Some(target) => { let area_effect = aoe.get(useitem.item); match area_effect { None => { // Single target in tile let idx = map.xy_idx(target.x, target.y); for mob in map.tile_content[idx].iter() { targets.push(*mob); } } Some(area_effect) => { // AoE let blast_tiles = rltk::field_of_view(target, area_effect.radius, &*map); for tile_idx in blast_tiles.iter() { let idx = map.xy_idx(tile_idx.x, tile_idx.y); for mob in map.tile_content[idx].iter() { targets.push(*mob); } particle_builder.request(tile_idx.x, tile_idx.y, rltk::RGB::named(rltk::ORANGE), rltk::RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), rltk::to_cp437('░'), 200.0); } } } } } // If it is equippable, then we want to equip it - and unequip whatever else was in that slot let item_equippable = equippable.get(useitem.item); match item_equippable { None => {} Some(can_equip) => { let target_slot = can_equip.slot; let target = targets[0]; // Remove any items the target has in the item's slot let mut to_unequip : Vec = Vec::new(); for (item_entity, already_equipped, name) in (&entities, &equipped, &names).join() { if already_equipped.owner == target && already_equipped.slot == target_slot { to_unequip.push(item_entity); if target == *player_entity { gamelog.entries.insert(0, format!("You unequip {}.", name.name)); } } } for item in to_unequip.iter() { equipped.remove(*item); backpack.insert(*item, InBackpack{ owner: target }).expect("Unable to insert backpack entry"); } // Wield the item equipped.insert(useitem.item, Equipped{ owner: target, slot: target_slot }).expect("Unable to insert equipped component"); backpack.remove(useitem.item); if target == *player_entity { gamelog.entries.insert(0, format!("You equip {}.", names.get(useitem.item).unwrap().name)); } } } // If it heals, apply the healing let item_heals = healing.get(useitem.item); match item_heals { None => {} Some(healer) => { used_item = false; for target in targets.iter() { let stats = combat_stats.get_mut(*target); if let Some(stats) = stats { stats.hp = i32::min(stats.max_hp, stats.hp + healer.heal_amount); if entity == *player_entity { gamelog.entries.insert(0, format!("You use the {}, healing {} hp.", names.get(useitem.item).unwrap().name, healer.heal_amount)); } used_item = true; let pos = positions.get(*target); if let Some(pos) = pos { particle_builder.request(pos.x, pos.y, rltk::RGB::named(rltk::GREEN), rltk::RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), rltk::to_cp437('♥'), 200.0); } } } } } // If it inflicts damage, apply it to the target cell let item_damages = inflict_damage.get(useitem.item); match item_damages { None => {} Some(damage) => { used_item = false; for mob in targets.iter() { suffer_damage.insert(*mob, SufferDamage{ amount : damage.damage }).expect("Unable to insert"); if entity == *player_entity { let mob_name = names.get(*mob).unwrap(); let item_name = names.get(useitem.item).unwrap(); gamelog.entries.insert(0, format!("You use {} on {}, inflicting {} hp.", item_name.name, mob_name.name, damage.damage)); let pos = positions.get(*mob); if let Some(pos) = pos { particle_builder.request(pos.x, pos.y, rltk::RGB::named(rltk::RED), rltk::RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), rltk::to_cp437('‼'), 200.0); } } used_item = true; } } } // Can it pass along confusion? Note the use of scopes to escape from the borrow checker! let mut add_confusion = Vec::new(); { let causes_confusion = confused.get(useitem.item); match causes_confusion { None => {} Some(confusion) => { used_item = false; for mob in targets.iter() { add_confusion.push((*mob, confusion.turns )); if entity == *player_entity { let mob_name = names.get(*mob).unwrap(); let item_name = names.get(useitem.item).unwrap(); gamelog.entries.insert(0, format!("You use {} on {}, confusing them.", item_name.name, mob_name.name)); let pos = positions.get(*mob); if let Some(pos) = pos { particle_builder.request(pos.x, pos.y, rltk::RGB::named(rltk::MAGENTA), rltk::RGB::named(rltk::BLACK), rltk::to_cp437('?'), 200.0); } } } } } } for mob in add_confusion.iter() { confused.insert(mob.0, Confusion{ turns: mob.1 }).expect("Unable to insert status"); } // If its a consumable, we delete it on use if used_item { let consumable = consumables.get(useitem.item); match consumable { None => {} Some(_) => { entities.delete(useitem.item).expect("Delete failed"); } } } } wants_use.clear(); } } pub struct ItemDropSystem {} impl<'a> System<'a> for ItemDropSystem { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type SystemData = ( ReadExpect<'a, Entity>, WriteExpect<'a, GameLog>, Entities<'a>, WriteStorage<'a, WantsToDropItem>, ReadStorage<'a, Name>, WriteStorage<'a, Position>, WriteStorage<'a, InBackpack> ); fn run(&mut self, data : Self::SystemData) { let (player_entity, mut gamelog, entities, mut wants_drop, names, mut positions, mut backpack) = data; for (entity, to_drop) in (&entities, &wants_drop).join() { let mut dropper_pos : Position = Position{x:0, y:0}; { let dropped_pos = positions.get(entity).unwrap(); dropper_pos.x = dropped_pos.x; dropper_pos.y = dropped_pos.y; } positions.insert(to_drop.item, Position{ x : dropper_pos.x, y : dropper_pos.y }).expect("Unable to insert position"); backpack.remove(to_drop.item); if entity == *player_entity { gamelog.entries.insert(0, format!("You drop up the {}.", names.get(to_drop.item).unwrap().name)); } } wants_drop.clear(); } } pub struct ItemRemoveSystem {} impl<'a> System<'a> for ItemRemoveSystem { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type SystemData = ( Entities<'a>, WriteStorage<'a, WantsToRemoveItem>, WriteStorage<'a, Equipped>, WriteStorage<'a, InBackpack> ); fn run(&mut self, data : Self::SystemData) { let (entities, mut wants_remove, mut equipped, mut backpack) = data; for (entity, to_remove) in (&entities, &wants_remove).join() { equipped.remove(to_remove.item); backpack.insert(to_remove.item, InBackpack{ owner: entity }).expect("Unable to insert backpack"); } wants_remove.clear(); } }