@@ -543,6 +543,120 @@ We basically repeat those changes for the others (see the source). We now have a
If you `cargo run` the project now: once again, nothing visible has changed - it still works the way it did before. When you are refactoring, that's a good thing!
If you `cargo run` the project now: once again, nothing visible has changed - it still works the way it did before. When you are refactoring, that's a good thing!
+## So why do maps still have rooms?
+Rooms don't actually do much in the game itself: they are an artifact of how we build the map. It's quite possible that later map builders won't actually *care* about rooms, at least not in the "here's a rectangle, we're calling a room" sense. Lets try and move that abstraction out of the map, and also out of the spawner.
+As a first step, in `map.rs` we remove the `rooms` structure completely:
+#[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
+pub struct Map {
+ pub tiles : Vec<TileType>,
+ pub width : i32,
+ pub height : i32,
+ pub revealed_tiles : Vec<bool>,
+ pub visible_tiles : Vec<bool>,
+ pub blocked : Vec<bool>,
+ pub depth : i32,
+ pub bloodstains : HashSet<usize>,
+ #[serde(skip_serializing)]
+ #[serde(skip_deserializing)]
+ pub tile_content : Vec<Vec<Entity>>
+We also remove it from the `new` function. Take a look at your IDE, and you'll notice that you've only broken code in `simple_map.rs`! We weren't *using* the `rooms` anywhere else - which is a pretty big clue that they don't belong in the map we're passing around throughout the main program.
+We can fix `simple_map` by putting `rooms` into the builder rather than the map. We'll put it into the structure:
+pub struct SimpleMapBuilder {
+ map : Map,
+ starting_position : Position,
+ depth: i32,
+ rooms: Vec<Rect>
+This requires that we fixup the constructor:
+pub fn new(new_depth : i32) -> SimpleMapBuilder {
+ SimpleMapBuilder{
+ map : Map::new(new_depth),
+ starting_position : Position{ x: 0, y : 0 },
+ depth : new_depth,
+ rooms: Vec::new()
+ }
+The spawn function becomes:
+fn spawn_entities(&mut self, ecs : &mut World) {
+ for room in self.rooms.iter().skip(1) {
+ spawner::spawn_room(ecs, room, self.depth);
+ }
+And we replace *every* instance of `map.rooms` with `self.rooms` in `rooms_and_corridors`:
+fn rooms_and_corridors(&mut self) {
+ const MAX_ROOMS : i32 = 30;
+ const MIN_SIZE : i32 = 6;
+ const MAX_SIZE : i32 = 10;
+ let mut rng = RandomNumberGenerator::new();
+ for _i in 0..MAX_ROOMS {
+ let w = rng.range(MIN_SIZE, MAX_SIZE);
+ let h = rng.range(MIN_SIZE, MAX_SIZE);
+ let x = rng.roll_dice(1, self.map.width - w - 1) - 1;
+ let y = rng.roll_dice(1, self.map.height - h - 1) - 1;
+ let new_room = Rect::new(x, y, w, h);
+ let mut ok = true;
+ for other_room in self.rooms.iter() {
+ if new_room.intersect(other_room) { ok = false }
+ }
+ if ok {
+ apply_room_to_map(&mut self.map, &new_room);
+ if !self.rooms.is_empty() {
+ let (new_x, new_y) = new_room.center();
+ let (prev_x, prev_y) = self.rooms[self.rooms.len()-1].center();
+ if rng.range(0,1) == 1 {
+ apply_horizontal_tunnel(&mut self.map, prev_x, new_x, prev_y);
+ apply_vertical_tunnel(&mut self.map, prev_y, new_y, new_x);
+ } else {
+ apply_vertical_tunnel(&mut self.map, prev_y, new_y, prev_x);
+ apply_horizontal_tunnel(&mut self.map, prev_x, new_x, new_y);
+ }
+ }
+ self.rooms.push(new_room);
+ }
+ }
+ let stairs_position = self.rooms[self.rooms.len()-1].center();
+ let stairs_idx = self.map.xy_idx(stairs_position.0, stairs_position.1);
+ self.map.tiles[stairs_idx] = TileType::DownStairs;
+ let start_pos = self.rooms[0].center();
+ self.starting_position = Position{ x: start_pos.0, y: start_pos.1 };
+Once again, `cargo run` the project: and nothing should have changed.
+## Wrap-up
+This was an interesting chapter to write, because the objective is to finish with code that operates *exactly* as it did before - but with the map builder cleaned into its own module, completely isolated from the rest of the code. That gives us a great starting point to start building new map builders, without having to change the game itself.
**The source code for this chapter may be found [here](https://github.com/thebracket/rustrogueliketutorial/tree/master/chapter-23-generic-map)**
**The source code for this chapter may be found [here](https://github.com/thebracket/rustrogueliketutorial/tree/master/chapter-23-generic-map)**