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Chapter 13 part 1 - waiting and healing.

Herbert Wolverson 4 gadi atpakaļ
2 mainītis faili ar 93 papildinājumiem un 1 dzēšanām
  1. 59 0
  2. 34 1

+ 59 - 0

@@ -10,6 +10,65 @@
+Currently, you can advance through multiple dungeon levels - but they all have the same spawns. There's no ramp-up of difficulty as you advance, and no easy-mode to get you through the beginning. This chapter aims to change that.
+# Adding a wait key
+An important tactical element of most roguelikes is the ability to skip a turn - let the monsters come to you (and not get the first hit!). As part of turning the game into a more tactical challenge, lets quickly implement turn skipping. In `player.rs` (along with the rest of the input), we'll add numeric keypad 5 and space to be skip:
+// Skip Turn
+VirtualKeyCode::Numpad5 => return RunState::PlayerTurn,
+VirtualKeyCode::Space => return RunState::PlayerTurn,
+This adds a nice tactical dimension to the game: you can lure enemies towards you, and benefit from tactical placement. Another frequently found feature of roguelikes is waiting providing some healing if there are no enemies nearby. We'll only implement that for the player, since mobs suddenly healing up is disconcerting! So we'll change that to:
+// Skip Turn
+VirtualKeyCode::Numpad5 => return skip_turn(&mut gs.ecs),
+VirtualKeyCode::Space => return skip_turn(&mut gs.ecs),
+Now we implement `skip_turn`:
+fn skip_turn(ecs: &mut World) -> RunState {
+    let player_entity = ecs.fetch::<Entity>();
+    let viewshed_components = ecs.read_storage::<Viewshed>();
+    let monsters = ecs.read_storage::<Monster>();
+    let worldmap_resource = ecs.fetch::<Map>();
+    let mut can_heal = true;
+    let viewshed = viewshed_components.get(*player_entity).unwrap();
+    for tile in viewshed.visible_tiles.iter() {
+        let idx = worldmap_resource.xy_idx(tile.x, tile.y);
+        for entity_id in worldmap_resource.tile_content[idx].iter() {
+            let mob = monsters.get(*entity_id);
+            match mob {
+                None => {}
+                Some(_) => { can_heal = false; }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if can_heal {
+        let mut health_components = ecs.write_storage::<CombatStats>();
+        let player_hp = health_components.get_mut(*player_entity).unwrap();
+        player_hp.hp = i32::min(player_hp.hp + 1, player_hp.max_hp);
+    }
+    RunState::PlayerTurn
+This looks up various entities, and then iterates the player's viewshed using the `tile_content` system. It checks what the player can see for monsters; if no monster is present, it heals the player by 1 hp. This encourages cerebral play - and can be balanced with the inclusion of a hunger clock at a later date. It also makes the game *really easy* - but we're getting to that!
+# Increased difficulty as you delve: spawn tables
 **The source code for this chapter may be found [here](https://github.com/thebracket/rustrogueliketutorial/tree/master/chapter-12-delvingdeeper)**

+ 34 - 1

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use rltk::{VirtualKeyCode, Rltk, Point};
 extern crate specs;
 use specs::prelude::*;
 use super::{Position, Player, Viewshed, State, Map, RunState, CombatStats, WantsToMelee, Item,
-    gamelog::GameLog, WantsToPickupItem, TileType};
+    gamelog::GameLog, WantsToPickupItem, TileType, Monster};
 pub fn try_move_player(delta_x: i32, delta_y: i32, ecs: &mut World) {
     let mut positions = ecs.write_storage::<Position>();
@@ -79,6 +79,35 @@ fn get_item(ecs: &mut World) {
+fn skip_turn(ecs: &mut World) -> RunState {
+    let player_entity = ecs.fetch::<Entity>();
+    let viewshed_components = ecs.read_storage::<Viewshed>();
+    let monsters = ecs.read_storage::<Monster>();
+    let worldmap_resource = ecs.fetch::<Map>();
+    let mut can_heal = true;
+    let viewshed = viewshed_components.get(*player_entity).unwrap();
+    for tile in viewshed.visible_tiles.iter() {
+        let idx = worldmap_resource.xy_idx(tile.x, tile.y);
+        for entity_id in worldmap_resource.tile_content[idx].iter() {
+            let mob = monsters.get(*entity_id);
+            match mob {
+                None => {}
+                Some(_) => { can_heal = false; }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if can_heal {
+        let mut health_components = ecs.write_storage::<CombatStats>();
+        let player_hp = health_components.get_mut(*player_entity).unwrap();
+        player_hp.hp = i32::min(player_hp.hp + 1, player_hp.max_hp);
+    }
+    RunState::PlayerTurn
 pub fn player_input(gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk) -> RunState {
     // Player movement
     match ctx.key {
@@ -113,6 +142,10 @@ pub fn player_input(gs: &mut State, ctx: &mut Rltk) -> RunState {
             VirtualKeyCode::Numpad1 => try_move_player(-1, 1, &mut gs.ecs),
             VirtualKeyCode::B => try_move_player(-1, 1, &mut gs.ecs),
+            // Skip Turn
+            VirtualKeyCode::Numpad5 => return skip_turn(&mut gs.ecs),
+            VirtualKeyCode::Space => return skip_turn(&mut gs.ecs),
             // Level changes
             VirtualKeyCode::Period => {
                 if try_next_level(&mut gs.ecs) {