module Rolling.Prob where import GHC.Exts (groupWith) -- a probability expressed as a ratio (i.e. @P 1 2@ is a 50/50 chance) data P = P Int Int deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show P where show (P n t) = show n ++ " in " ++ show t times :: P -> P -> P P a at `times` P b bt = P (a * b) (at * bt) combine :: [P] -> P combine ps = let tots = [t | P _ t <- ps] newTot = foldr lcm 1 tots newNums = [if t == newTot then n else error "FIXME" | P n t <- ps] in P (sum newNums) newTot -- a Prob monad that tracks possible things with their probabilities newtype Prob a = Prob {unprob :: [(a, P)]} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor Prob where fmap f (Prob xs) = Prob [(f x, p) | (x, p) <- xs] instance Applicative Prob where pure x = Prob [(x, P 1 1)] Prob fs <*> Prob xs = Prob [(f x, pf `times` px) | (f, pf) <- fs, (x, px) <- xs] instance Monad Prob where Prob xs >>= f = Prob [ (y, p `times` p') | (x, p) <- xs, (y, p') <- unprob (f x) ] -- probably the wrong name? this is collapsing identical possibilities -- into one normalize :: (Ord a) => Prob a -> Prob a normalize (Prob xs) = Prob [(fst (head rs), combine (map snd rs)) | rs <- groupWith fst xs]