dungeon size 1-3: small (2 themes, 6 areas) 4-9: medium (3 themes, 12 areas) 10-11: large (4 themes, 16 aras) 12: huge (5 themes, 24 areas) discovery 1: unthemed, common, empty 2: unthemed, common, danger 3-4: unthemed, common, danger + discovery 5-6: unthemed, common, discovery 7: themed, common, danger 8: themed, common, danger + discovery 9: themed, common, discovery 10: themed, unique, danger 11: themed, unique, danger + discovery 12: themed, unique, discovery ruination 1: arcane disaster 2: damnation/curse 3-4: earthquate/fire/flood 5-6: plague/famine/drought 7-8: overrun by monsters 9-10: war/invasion 11: depleted resources 12: better prospects elsewhere foundation builder 1: aliens/precursors 2: demigod/demon 3-4: natural (caves etc.) 5: religious order/cult 6-7: humanoid 8-9: dwarves/gnomes 10: elves 11: wizard/madman 12: monarch/warlord function 1: source/portal 2: mine 3-4: tomb/crypt 5: prison 6-7: lair/den/hideout 8-9: stronghold/sanctuary 10: shrine/temple/oracle 11: archive/library 12: unknown/mystery theme 1-5: @dungeon/theme/mundane 6-9: @dungeon/theme/unusual 10-12: @dungeon/theme/extraordinary mundane 1: rot/decay 2: torture/agony 3: madness 4: all is lost 5: noble sacrifice 6: savage fury 7: survival 8: criminal activity 9: secrets/treachery 10: tricks and traps 11: invasion/infestation 12: factions at war unusual 1: creation/invention 2: element 3: knowledge/learning 4: growth/expansion 5: deepening mystery 6: transformation/change 7: chaos and destruction 8: shadowy forces 9: forbidden knowledge 10: poison/disease 11: corruption/blight 12: impending disaster extraordinary 1: scheming evil 2: divination/scrying 3: blasphemy 4: arcane research 5: occult forces 6: an ancient curse 7: mutation 8: the unquiet dead 9: bottomless hunger 10: incredible power 11: unspeakable horrors 12: holy war discovery 1-3: @dungeon/discovery/dressing dressing 1: junk/debris 2: tracks/marks 3: signs of battle 4: writing/carving 5: warning 6: dead creature 7: bones/remains 8: book/scroll/map 9: broken door/wall 10: breeze/wind/smell 11: lichen/moss/fungus 12: @details/oddity details oddity 1: weird color/smell/sound 2: geometric 3: web/network/system 4: crystalline/glass-like 5: fungal 6: gaseous/smokey 7: mirage/illusion 8: volcanic/explosive 9: magnetic/repellant 10: devoid of life 11: unexpectedly alive 12: roll twice