use std::fmt; pub type Name = string_interner::DefaultSymbol; pub struct ASTArena { strings: string_interner::StringInterner, exprs: Vec, } impl Default for ASTArena { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl ASTArena { pub fn new() -> ASTArena { ASTArena { strings: string_interner::StringInterner::new(), exprs: vec![Expr::Nil], } } pub fn expr_nil(&self) -> ExprRef { ExprRef { idx: 0 } } pub fn add_expr(&mut self, e: Expr) -> ExprRef { let idx = self.exprs.len(); self.exprs.push(e); ExprRef { idx } } pub fn add_string(&mut self, s: &str) -> Name { self.strings.get_or_intern(s) } pub fn show_stmt(&self, stmt: &Stmt, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match stmt { Stmt::Puts(expr) => { write!(f, "Puts ")?; self.show_expr(&self[*expr], f, 0) } Stmt::Fix(name) => writeln!(f, "Fix {}", &self[*name]), Stmt::Assn(fixed, name, expr) => { write!( f, "Assn {} {} ", if *fixed { "fixed" } else { "" }, &self[*name] )?; self.show_expr(&self[*expr], f, 0) } Stmt::LitAssn(fixed, name, strs) => { write!( f, "LitAssn {} {}, [ ", if *fixed { "fixed" } else { "" }, &self[*name], )?; for str in strs.iter() { write!(f, " {} ", str)?; } writeln!(f, "]") } } } fn indent(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, depth: usize) -> fmt::Result { for _ in 0..depth { write!(f, " ")?; } Ok(()) } fn show_pat(&self, pat: &Pat, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match pat { Pat::Wildcard => write!(f, "_"), Pat::Var(n) => write!(f, "{}", &self[*n]), Pat::Lit(Literal::Atom(n)) => write!(f, "{}", &self[*n]), Pat::Lit(lit) => write!(f, "{:?}", lit), Pat::Tup(tup) => { write!(f, "Tup( ")?; for t in tup { self.show_pat(t, f)?; write!(f, " ")?; } write!(f, ")") } } } fn show_expr(&self, expr: &Expr, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, depth: usize) -> fmt::Result { match expr { Expr::Nil => writeln!(f, "Nil"), Expr::Var(v) => writeln!(f, "Var({})", &self[*v]), Expr::Lit(Literal::Atom(n)) => writeln!(f, "Lit(Atom({}))", &self[*n]), Expr::Lit(lit) => writeln!(f, "{:?}", lit), Expr::Range(from, to) => { writeln!(f, "Range(")?; self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_expr(&self[*from], f, depth + 2)?; self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_expr(&self[*to], f, depth + 2)?; self.indent(f, depth)?; writeln!(f, ")") } Expr::Ap(func, arg) => { writeln!(f, "Ap(")?; self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_expr(&self[*func], f, depth + 2)?; self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_expr(&self[*arg], f, depth + 2)?; self.indent(f, depth)?; writeln!(f, ")") } Expr::Tup(expr) => { writeln!(f, "Tup(")?; for e in expr { self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_expr(&self[*e], f, depth + 2)?; } self.indent(f, depth)?; writeln!(f, ")") } Expr::Cat(expr) => { writeln!(f, "Cat(")?; for e in expr { self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_expr(&self[*e], f, depth + 2)?; } self.indent(f, depth)?; writeln!(f, ")") } Expr::Chc(expr) => { writeln!(f, "Chc(")?; for e in expr { if let Some(s) = e.weight { self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; writeln!(f, "{}:", s)?; self.indent(f, depth + 4)?; self.show_expr(&self[e.value], f, depth + 4)?; } else { self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_expr(&self[e.value], f, depth + 2)?; } } self.indent(f, depth)?; writeln!(f, ")") } Expr::Let(name, expr, body) => { writeln!(f, "Let({}", &self[*name])?; self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_expr(&self[*expr], f, depth + 2)?; self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_expr(&self[*body], f, depth + 2)?; self.indent(f, depth)?; writeln!(f, ")") } Expr::Fun(cases) => { writeln!(f, "Fun(")?; for case in cases { self.indent(f, depth + 2)?; self.show_pat(&case.pat, f)?; writeln!(f, " =>")?; self.indent(f, depth + 4)?; self.show_expr(&self[case.expr], f, depth + 4)?; } self.indent(f, depth)?; writeln!(f, ")") } } } } impl std::ops::Index for ASTArena { type Output = str; fn index(&self, sf: string_interner::DefaultSymbol) -> &str { self.strings.resolve(sf).unwrap() } } impl std::ops::Index for ASTArena { type Output = Expr; fn index(&self, rf: ExprRef) -> &Self::Output { &self.exprs[rf.idx] } } /// A `Printable` struct is a bundle of another value and an /// `ASTArena`, which allows us to fetch the various indices and /// dereference the interned strings. pub struct Printable<'a, T> { arena: &'a ASTArena, value: &'a T, } impl<'a> std::fmt::Debug for Printable<'a, Stmt> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.arena.show_stmt(self.value, f) } } impl<'a> std::fmt::Debug for Printable<'a, Expr> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.arena.show_expr(self.value, f, 0) } } /// A top-level Matzo statement #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Stmt { /// evaluate and print the value of an expression Puts(ExprRef), /// replace a named item with the forced version of that item Fix(Name), /// assign a value to a name which may or may not be forced Assn(bool, Name, ExprRef), /// assign one of a set of strings to a name, which may or may not /// be forced LitAssn(bool, Name, Vec), } impl Stmt { pub fn show<'a>(&'a self, ast: &'a ASTArena) -> Printable<'a, Stmt> { Printable { arena: ast, value: self, } } } /// A Matzo expression #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Expr { Var(Name), Cat(Vec), Chc(Vec), Lit(Literal), Ap(ExprRef, ExprRef), Tup(Vec), Let(Name, ExprRef, ExprRef), Fun(Vec), Range(ExprRef, ExprRef), Nil, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ExprRef { idx: usize, } /// A single case in an anonymous function or `case` statement #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Case { pub pat: Pat, pub expr: ExprRef, } /// A pattern, e.g. in an anonymous function or `case` statement #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Pat { Var(Name), Wildcard, Lit(Literal), Tup(Vec), } /// A single element in a choice, with an optional weight (which /// defaults to 1) and a value #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Choice { pub weight: Option, pub value: ExprRef, } impl Choice { /// Fetch a weight from a `Choice`, defaulting to 1 pub fn weight(&self) -> i64 { self.weight.unwrap_or(1) } } /// An atomic literal: a string, a number, or an atom #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Literal { Str(String), Atom(Name), Num(i64), }