import init, {matzo_run} from '../pkg/matzo_web.js'; import {EditorView, basicSetup} from "codemirror" window.onload = () => { const run = document.getElementById('run'); const src = document.getElementById('src'); const output = document.getElementById('output'); const examples = document.getElementById('examples'); const seed = document.getElementById('seed'); let timer = null; init() .then(() => { const updateCode = () => { const code = editor.state.doc.toString(); const data = JSON.stringify({ 'source': code, 'seed': Number(seed.value), }); // update the URL hash location.hash = '#' + encodeURIComponent(data); // run the code updateOutput(code); clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; }; const updateOutput = (code) => { let result = matzo_run(code, BigInt(seed.value)); output.innerHTML = result; }; const editListener = EditorView.updateListener.of(_ => { if (timer !== null) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } timer = setTimeout(updateCode, 500); }); const editor = new EditorView({ extensions: [basicSetup, editListener], parent: src, }); if (location.hash) { const encoded = location.hash.substring(1); try { const data = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(encoded)); editor.dispatch({ changes: {from: 0, insert: data.source} }); seed.value = Number(data.seed); console.log(`Setting seed value to ${seed.value}`); } catch (exn) { editor.dispatch({ changes: {from: 0, insert: sources['simple']} }); seed.value = 12345; } } else { editor.dispatch({ changes: {from: 0, insert: sources['simple']} }); } examples.onchange = () => { const stuff = sources[examples.value] editor.dispatch({changes: {from: 0, to: editor.state.doc.length, insert: stuff}}); }; seed.onchange = () => { updateCode(); } run.onclick = () => { seed.value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffffff); updateCode(); } }); };