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Getty Ritter 9 years ago
1 changed files with 212 additions and 45 deletions
  1. 212 45

+ 212 - 45

@@ -5,9 +5,39 @@ at any time.
 There are two main tasks for a feed reader: _fetching_ and _viewing_.
 These two tasks, in the `lektor` system, are split apart into different
-components, mediated by a `lektordir` system. There are two main parts
-to the `lektor` architecture: the `lektor-dir` format and the
-`lektor-entry` format.
+components, mediated by a `lektor-dir` system. A `lektor-dir` contains
+two kinds of information: information about feeds (sources of new
+entries) and information about entries themselves.
+# At A Glance
+A given user has their own `lektor-dir`. A `lektor-dir` contains both
+"feeds" and "entries". Two kinds of programs operate on `lektordir`s
+in two different capcities: a _fetcher_ produces entries for one or
+more feeds, and a _viewer_ manages entries once produced and shows
+them to some user. A given `lektor-dir` can have multiple fetchers
+and multiple viewers operating on it.
+The rationale for these decisions is this:
+- Separating fetchers from viewers means that a user can easily
+  mix-and-match different front-ends and back-ends.
+- Allowing multiple fetchers allows different entry sources to be
+  handled independently, ideally allowing those programs to be
+  simpler.
+- Allowing multiple viewers means that a user can track multiple
+  feeds but view the information from those feeds in ways which
+  are more or less appropriate.
+- Keeping this information split apart in the file system, rather
+  than in a database or text file, both improves the ability to
+  operate concurrently on different parts of a `lektor-dir` and
+  lifts the burden of parsing information from the implementer.
+  The file system is generally used here as a kind of hierarchical
+  key-value store.
+- The overall design is lifted straight from the `maildir` format,
+  which is a time-tested and well-understood format for email. This
+  modifies it slightly and adds a richer structure for RSS-like
+  applications.
 ## `lektor-feed`
@@ -17,7 +47,7 @@ a URI). Information about `feed`s is stored in the `src` directory
 inside a `lektor-dir`. Information about a given feed is stored inside
 `src/$hash`, where `$hash` is the SHA-1 hash of of the `feed`'s `id`.
-Obligatory elements include:
+Obligatory elements for a `feed` include:
 - `id`: The URI which identifies the feed. In the case of
 RSS/Atom/ActivityStream feeds, this will generally be the URL at
@@ -27,13 +57,11 @@ a tag URI or some other opaque identifier.
 - `name`: The human-readable name of the feed. This is
 produced by the fetcher and should not be changed by a viewer.
-Optional elements include:
+Optional elements for a `feed` include:
-- `description`: A human-readable description describing
-the feed.
+- `description`: A human-readable description describing the feed.
 - `language`: The language the feed is written in.
-- `image`: An image that can be optionally displayed with
-the channel.
+- `image`: An image that can be optionally displayed with the channel.
 - `copyright`: The copyright notice for the feed.
 - `author`: Authorship information for the feed.
@@ -41,58 +69,88 @@ the channel.
 A minimal feed might look like
-HASH=$(printf '' | sha1sum)
-mkdir -p $HASH
+# $HASH is sha1sum('')
+cd $HASH
-echo  >$HASH/id
-echo Example Feed                >$HASH/name
+echo ''  >id
+echo 'Example Feed'                >name
 A feed with more entries might look like
-HASH=$(printf '' | sha1sum)
-mkdir -p $HASH
-echo           >$HASH/id
-echo Example Feed                         >$HASH/name
-echo 'An example feed.'                   >$HASH/description
-echo en-us                                >$HASH/language
-echo         >$HASH/image
-echo Copyright 2015, Getty Ritter         >$HASH/copyright
-echo 'Getty Ritter <>'  >$HASH/author
+# $HASH is sha1sum('')
+cd $HASH
+echo ''         >id
+echo 'Example Feed'                       >name
+echo 'An example feed.'                   >description
+echo 'en-us'                              >language
+echo ''       >image
+echo 'Copyright 2015, Getty Ritter'       >copyright
+echo 'Getty Ritter <>'  >author
 ## `lektor-entry`
 In contrast to `maildir`, entries in a `lektor-dir` are not files
 but directories adhering to a particular structure.
-Obligatory elements include:
+Obligatory elements for an `entry` include:
 - `title`: The title of the entry.
 - `id`: The URI which identifies the entry. This will often be a
 URL at which the resource corresponding to the entry is available,
 but may also be an opaque identifier.
-- `content`: TBD
+- `content`: **TBD**
 - `feed`: A directory that contains all the information about the
-source `feed`. This will generally be a symlink 
+source `feed`. This will generally be a soft link to the relevant
+`feed` directory, but programs should not assume that it is.
-Optional elements include:
+Optional elements for an `entry` include:
 - `author`: Names and email addressess of the authors of the entry.
 - `pubdate`: When the entry was published.
+- `type`: The MIME type of the content. If `type` is not present,
+the assumed content type is `text/plain`.
+### Entry example
+A minimal entry might look like
+# $FEED is sha1sum('')
+echo 'Example Entry'               >title
+echo ''  >id
+echo 'A sample entry.'             >content
+ln -s $LEKTOR-DIR/src/$FEED          feed
+A full entry might look like
+# $FEED is sha1sum('')
+echo 'Example Entry'                         >title
+echo ''            >id
+echo 'A sample entry.'                       >content
+echo 'Getty Ritter <>'  >author
+echo '2015-06-23T13:06:22Z'                  >pubdate
+echo 'text/html'                             >type
+ln -s $LEKTOR-DIR/src/$FEED                    feed
 ## `lektor-dir`
-A `lektordir` is a directory with at least four subdirectories: `tmp`,
+A `lektor-dir` is a directory with at least four subdirectories: `tmp`,
 `new`, `cur`, and `src`. A _fetcher_ is responsible for examining a feed
-and adding new entries the `lektordir` according to the following process:
+and adding new entries the `lektor-dir` according to the following process:
-- The fetcher `chdir()`s to the `lektordir` directory.
+- The fetcher `chdir()`s to the `lektor-dir` directory.
 - The fetcher `stat()`s the name `tmp/$feed/$time.$pid.$host`, where
 `$feed` is the hash of the feed's `id` value, `$time`
 is the number of seconds since the beginning of 1970 GMT, `$pid` is the
@@ -103,20 +161,129 @@ number of times.
 - The fetcher creates the directory `tmp/$feed/$time.$pid.$host`.
 - The fetcher writes the entry contents (according to the `lektor-entry`
 format) to the directory.
-- The fetcher `link()`s the file to `new/$feed/$time.$pid.$host`. At that
+- The fetcher moves the file to `new/$feed/$time.$pid.$host`. At that
 instant, the entry has been successfully created.
 A _viewer_ is responsible for displaying new feed entries to a user
 through some mechanism. A viewer looks through the `new` directory for
 new entries. If there is a new entry, `new/$feed/$unique`, the viewer may:
-- Display the contents of `new/$feed/$unique`
-- Delete `new/$feed/$unique`
-- Rename `new/$feed/$unique`.
+- Display the contents of `new/$feed/$unique`.
+- Delete `new/$feed/$unique`.
+- Rename `new/$feed/$unique` to `cur/$feed/$unique;$info`.
+A `lektor-dir` can contain other information not specified here, but that
+information should attempt to adhere to these guidelines:
+- If the extra information pertains to a particular feed, it should appear
+in the directory `src/$feed/etc`
+- If the extra information pertains to a fetcher, it should appear in the
+directory `etc/fetch`.
+- If the extra information pertains to a viewer, it should appear in the
+directory `etc/view`.
+## Possibilities for `lektor`
+Lektor lends itself well to web syndication (e.g. RSS, Atom,
+ActivityStreams, &c) but could be used for any kind of stream of
+information. For example, a fetcher might serve as a mediated logging
+service for other information such as regular load information on a
+running web service, pushing updates into a shared `lektor-dir` on a
+regular basis. It would also be trivial to write custom fetchers for
+services that no longer expose RSS or other syndication formats, such
+as Twitter.
+Here is a trivial fetcher that provides a feed of timestamps every
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# the feed information
+HASH=$(printf $ID | sha1sum | awk '{ print $1; }' )
+# other metadata
+# create the feed
+mkdir -p src/$HASH
+echo $ID         >src/$HASH/id
+echo Timekeeper  >src/$HASH/name
+mkdir -p "tmp/$HASH"
+mkdir -p "new/$HASH"
+# create entries every hour
+while true; do
+    TIME=$(date '+%s')
+    # if the file exists, wait two seconds and try again
+    RETRY=0
+    while [ -e $ENTRY ]
+    do
+        # if we've waited more than $MAX times, then
+        # give up
+        if [ $RETRY -gt $MAX ]; then
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        sleep 2
+        RETRY=$(expr $RETRY + 1)
+    done
+    # create the entry
+    mkdir -p tmp/$ENTRY
+    # create entry values
+    echo 'Current Time'                      >tmp/$ENTRY/title
+    echo $TIME                               >tmp/$ENTRY/content
+    echo "$TIME"  >tmp/$ENTRY/id
+    ln -s $LEKTORDIR/src/$HASH                tmp/$ENTRY/feed
+    # move the entry to the new location
+    mv tmp/$ENTRY new/$ENTRY
+    # wait for half an hour and do it again
+    sleep 3600
+Additionally, multiple viewers can act on the same `lektor-dir`. A
+given viewer need not show every piece of information: for example,
+a viewer may sniff the `type` attribute of entries and only display
+entries of a given type, or selectively choose which feeds to display,
+or even select entries at random to display. It also has full control
+over how to display those entries.
+Here is a trivial viewer that shows a small digest of each entry in
+`new` and then moves those entries to `cur`:
+#/bin/bash -e
+for FEED in $(ls new)
+	mkdir -p cur/$FEED
+	# print feed header
+	echo "In feed $(cat src/$FEED/name):"
+	echo
-A `lektordir` can contain arbitrary other directories, but for the sake
-of compatibility, these should attempt to adhere to the following
+	for ENTRY in $(ls new/$FEED)
+	do
+		# print entry
+		echo "$(cat new/$FEED/$ENTRY/title)"
+		cat new/$FEED/$ENTRY/content | head -n 4
+		echo
-- If the extra directory contains configuration or other information
-for a given feed, it 
+		# move entry to `cur`
+		mv new/$FEED/$ENTRY cur/$FEED/$ENTRY
+	done