# Lament Configuration Bookmark organizing for pinheads. ## Planned Features - [ ] Hierarchical tags: every link tagged with `#food/bread` will also be visible under `#food` - [ ] Collections: your top-level view of links can optionally be several folder-like divisions instead of a single tagged soup of link - [ ] Optional image previews: links can be viewed in text view or in thumbnail view, and this setting should be sticky on a per-collection basis - [ ] Some kind of bookmarklet for adding links, of course ## Developing You'll need `poetry` installed, and having `invoke` installed makes it easier. ```bash # install all the needed dependencies $ inv install # run all the tests $ inv test # run a local test server at port 9999 $ inv run -p 9999 ``` All the code here is auto-formatted by `black`, which should be installed by the `inv install`. Running `inv fmt` on a clean branch will run `black` over all Python files and commit those changes automatically; if the repository is dirty then it will run the formatter but won't try to commit anything.