005948f5-6225-4692-b1dc-8d3acd7d1444 470 B

  1. author: Hal Summers, "My Old Cat"
  2. content: 'My old cat is dead / Who would butt me with his head. / He had the sleekest
  3. fur, / He had the blackest purr, / Always gentle with us / Was this black puss,
  4. / But when I found him today / Stiff and cold where he lay, / His look was a lion''s,
  5. / Full of rage, defiance: / O! he would not pretend / That what came was a friend
  6. / But met it in pure hate. / Well died, my old cat.'
  7. id: 005948f5-6225-4692-b1dc-8d3acd7d1444