author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek" content: "The only solution to this deadlock is to posit a kind of pre-ontological\ \ perturbation/inversion/disturbance _within nirvana itself_\u2014that is to say,\ \ prior to the split between nirvana and false appearance\u2014so that the Absolute\ \ itself (the cosmic Force, or whatever it is called) gets radically perverted.\ \ The traces of this inversion are discernible even in pop-cultural New Age icons\ \ like Darth Vader from _Star Wars_: in the idea that the truly evil people are\ \ those who have gained access to the Force that enables us to reach the true realm\ \ beyond false material reality, but then perverted/misused this Force, employing\ \ it for bad, evil ends. What, however, if this fall into perversion is original,\ \ the original monstrous cut/excess, and the opposition between nirvana and desire\ \ for false appearances is there to conceal this monstrosity?" id: 9d91b692-f5e4-4653-b30a-c1aa524b0f0d