author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek\n" content: "Yeah, because I'm extremely romantic here. You know what is my fear? This\ \ postmodern, permissive, pragmatic etiquette towards sex. It's horrible. They claim\ \ sex is healthy; it's good for the heart, for blood circulation, it relaxes you.\ \ They even go into how kissing is also good because it develops the muscles here\u2014\ this is horrible, my God! It's no longer that absolute passion. I like this idea\ \ of sex as part of love, you know: 'I'm ready to sell my mother into slavery just\ \ to fuck you for ever.' There is something nice, transcendent, about it. I remain\ \ incurably romantic.\n" id: 55402a31-05b0-4f41-beaa-e39cc5e9edc8