author: "Kimura Ky\u016Bho, *Kenjutsu Fushigi Hen*"
content: "\u2014 Everything written symbols can say has already passed by. They are\
  \ like tracks left by animals.That is why the masters of meditation refuse to accept\
  \ that writings are final. The aim is to reach true being by means of those tracks,\
  \ those letters, those signs\u2014but reality itself is not a sign, and it leaves\
  \ no tracks. It doesn't come to us by way of letters or words. We can go toward\
  \ it, by following those words and letters back to what they came from. But so long\
  \ as we are preoccupied with symbols, theories and opinions, we will fail to reach\
  \ the principle.\r\n\r\n\u2014 But when we give up symbols and opinions, aren't\
  \ we left in the utter nothingness of being?\r\n\r\n\u2014 Yes."
id: 0d7dd04d-d0d3-44ef-9547-ae3df9a1ea1d