author: The Last Psychiatrist
content: President Bush knew we were fucked by history, right? He got there day 1,
  opened the Book, and was like, fuck me, this is what's really going on...? And then
  he looked at America and said, these fucktards couldn't find Iraq on a map of Iraq
  labeled 'Iraq', no way are these Raymond loving motherfuckers going to understand
  anything about labor costs and the inevitability of falling foreign reserve accumulation.
  Let's go with 'WMDs.'" A decade of historical analysis later and the deepest anyone's
  been able to go is, "they lied, it's really about oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jesus,
  what asshats. Now every time poor Obama looks over his speeches he has to say, "no
  good, too many syllables."
id: 813c3a50-df12-4098-b4e0-e879313e5414