author: Grant Morrison
content: Otherwise, I know I'm often wasting my breath and electronic ink saying this,
  but the "real-world" is a pretty weird place where lots of inexplicable things happen
  all the time, and I like to catch the flavor of that too. It just seems more modern
  and authentic to me as a storyteller. The "real world" doesn't come with the neat
  thee-act structures and resolutions we love to impose on it, and if repeated doses
  of movie and TV-storytelling have convinced anyone that it does, it's time to get
  out and about a bit. The real world is filled with ghost stories, non sequiturs,
  inexplicable mysteries, dead ends and absurdities, and I think it's cool to season
  our comfortable fictions with at least a little taste of what actual reality is
id: 72efe536-fd33-4c33-a9a3-5b2b2af1961b