@@ -1,242 +1,326 @@
-module Gidl.Parse where
-import Data.List
-import Data.Functor.Identity
-import Control.Monad
-import Text.Parsec.Prim
-import Text.Parsec.Char
-import Text.Parsec.Token
-import Text.Parsec.Combinator
-import Text.Parsec.Language
-import Text.Parsec.Error
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+module Gidl.Parse (parseDecls) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
+import Control.Monad ((>=>))
+import Data.List (partition, group, intercalate)
+import Data.SCargot.Comments (withHaskellComments)
+import Data.SCargot.General ( SExprSpec
+ , convertSpec
+ , decode
+ , encodeOne
+ , asWellFormed
+ )
+import Data.SCargot.HaskLike (HaskLikeAtom(..), haskLikeSpec)
+import Data.SCargot.Repr.WellFormed
+import Data.Text (unpack, pack)
import Gidl.Types
import Gidl.Interface
-type Parser u a = ParsecT String u Identity a
-type ParseEnv = (TypeEnv, InterfaceEnv)
-emptyParseEnv :: ParseEnv
-emptyParseEnv = (emptyTypeEnv, emptyInterfaceEnv)
-getTypeEnv :: Parser ParseEnv TypeEnv
-getTypeEnv = fmap fst getState
-getInterfaceEnv :: Parser ParseEnv InterfaceEnv
-getInterfaceEnv = fmap snd getState
-setTypeEnv :: TypeEnv -> Parser ParseEnv ()
-setTypeEnv te = do
- (_, ie) <- getState
- setState (te, ie)
-setInterfaceEnv :: InterfaceEnv -> Parser ParseEnv ()
-setInterfaceEnv ie = do
- (te, _) <- getState
- setState (te, ie)
-lexer :: GenTokenParser String u Identity
-lexer = makeTokenParser haskellDef
-tWhiteSpace :: Parser u ()
-tWhiteSpace = whiteSpace lexer
-tInteger :: Parser u Integer
-tInteger = (integer lexer) <?> "integer"
-tNatural :: Parser u Integer
-tNatural = do
- i <- tInteger
- case i < 0 of
- True -> fail "expected positive integer"
- False -> return i
-tFloat :: Parser u Double
-tFloat = (float lexer) <?> "floating point number"
-tString :: Parser u String
-tString = (stringLiteral lexer) <?> "string"
-tSymbol :: Parser u String
-tSymbol = (many1 $ noneOf "()\" \t\n\r") <?> "symbol"
-tIdentifier :: String -> Parser u ()
-tIdentifier i = do
- s <- tSymbol
- case s == i of
- True -> return ()
- False -> fail ("expected identifier " ++ i)
-tList :: Parser u a -> Parser u a
-tList c = do
- tWhiteSpace
- void $ char '('
- tWhiteSpace
- r <- c
- tWhiteSpace
- void $ char ')'
- return r
- <?> "list"
-tPair :: Parser u a
- -> Parser u b
- -> Parser u (a, b)
-tPair a b = tList $ do
- ra <- a
- tWhiteSpace
- rb <- b
- return (ra, rb)
-tKnownPrimType :: Parser ParseEnv PrimType
-tKnownPrimType = do
- t <- tKnownType
- case t of
- PrimType p -> return p
- StructType n _ -> fail ("expected a known primitive type name, got " ++ n)
-tKnownType :: Parser ParseEnv Type
-tKnownType = do
- s <- tSymbol
- te <- getTypeEnv
- case lookupTypeName s te of
- Just t -> return t
- Nothing -> fail ("expected a known type name, got " ++ s)
-tStructRow :: Parser ParseEnv (Identifier, PrimType)
-tStructRow = tPair tSymbol tKnownPrimType
- <?> "struct row"
-tStructBody :: Parser ParseEnv [(Identifier, PrimType)]
-tStructBody = tList (many1 (tWhiteSpace >> tStructRow))
- <?> "struct body"
-tStructDecl :: Parser ParseEnv (TypeName, Type)
-tStructDecl = tList $ do
- tIdentifier "def-struct"
- tWhiteSpace
- n <- tSymbol
- b <- tStructBody
- return (n, StructType n b)
-defineType :: (TypeName, Type) -> Parser ParseEnv ()
-defineType (tn, t) = do
- te <- getTypeEnv
- case lookupTypeName tn te of
- Just _ -> fail ("type named '" ++ tn ++ "' already exists")
- Nothing -> setTypeEnv (insertType tn t te)
-defineInterface :: Interface -> Parser ParseEnv ()
-defineInterface i = do
- ie <- getInterfaceEnv
- case lookupInterface ina ie of
- Just _ -> fail ("interface named '" ++ ina ++ "' already exists")
- Nothing -> setInterfaceEnv (insertInterface i ie)
- where (Interface ina _ _) = i
-tNewtypeDecl :: Parser ParseEnv (TypeName, Type)
-tNewtypeDecl = tList $ do
- tIdentifier "def-newtype"
- tWhiteSpace
- n <- tSymbol
- tWhiteSpace
- c <- tKnownPrimType
- return (n, PrimType (Newtype n c))
-tEnumDecl :: Parser ParseEnv (TypeName, Type)
-tEnumDecl = tList $ do
- tIdentifier "def-enum"
- tWhiteSpace
- n <- tSymbol
- w <- optionMaybe (try tInteger)
- width <- case w of
- Nothing -> return Bits32
- Just 8 -> return Bits8
- Just 16 -> return Bits16
- Just 32 -> return Bits32
- Just 64 -> return Bits64
- _ -> fail "Expected enum bit size to be 8, 16, 32, or 64"
- vs <- tList $ many1 $ tPair tSymbol tNatural
- when (not_unique (map fst vs)) $
- fail "enum keys were not unique"
- when (not_unique (map snd vs)) $
- fail "enum values were not unique"
- -- XXX make it possible to implicitly assign numbers
- return (n, PrimType (EnumType n width vs))
-not_unique :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
-not_unique l = nub l /= l
-tPermission :: Parser a Perm
-tPermission = do
- s <- tSymbol
- case s of
- "read" -> return Read
- "r" -> return Read
- "write" -> return Write
- "w" -> return Write
- "readwrite" -> return ReadWrite
- "rw" -> return ReadWrite
- _ -> fail "expected permission"
-tInterfaceMethod :: Parser ParseEnv (MethodName, Method)
-tInterfaceMethod = tList $ do
- n <- tSymbol
- m <- choice [ try tAttr, try tStream ]
- return (n, m)
+-- We parse into this abstract structure before converting it to the
+-- structures Gidl uses elsewhere. That way, we can separate our
+-- parsing and our checking.
+data Decl
+ = NewtypeDecl Identifier Identifier
+ | EnumDecl (Identifier, Bits) [(Identifier, Integer)]
+ | StructDecl Identifier [(Identifier, Identifier)]
+ | InterfaceDecl Identifier [Identifier] [(Identifier, MethodDecl)]
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+data MethodDecl
+ = AttrDecl Perm Identifier
+ | StreamDecl Integer Identifier
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+unlessEmpty :: [a] -> (a -> String) -> Either String ()
+unlessEmpty [] _ = return ()
+unlessEmpty as msg = throw (intercalate ";\n" (map msg as))
+duplicated :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
+duplicated as = map (\a -> a !! 0) $ filter (\a -> length a > 1) $ group as
+-- Here's a function to convert those decls.
+toEnv :: [Decl] -> Either String (TypeEnv, InterfaceEnv)
+toEnv decls = do
+ unlessEmpty (duplicated typeNames)
+ (\n -> "Type named '" ++ n ++ "' declared multiple times")
+ unlessEmpty (filter (\t -> elem t (map fst builtins)) typeNames)
+ (\n -> "Builtin type named '" ++ n ++ "' cannot be redeclared")
+ unlessEmpty (duplicated interfaceNames)
+ (\n -> "Interface named '" ++ n ++ "' declared multiple times")
+ typs <- mapM (getTypePair . getName) typDs
+ ifcs <- mapM getIfacePair interfaceNames
+ return (TypeEnv typs, InterfaceEnv ifcs)
+ where (typDs, ifcDs) = partition isTypeDecl decls
+ builtins = let TypeEnv bs = baseTypeEnv in bs
+ typeNames = map getName typDs
+ interfaceNames = map getName ifcDs
+ typMap = [(getName d, toType d) | d <- typDs] ++
+ [(n, return (n, t)) | (n, t) <- builtins ]
+ ifcMap = [(getName i, toInterface i) | i <- ifcDs]
+ -- this is gross because I'm trying to make sure declarations
+ -- can happen in any order. XXX: prevent recursion!
+ getType n = snd `fmap` getTypePair n
+ getTypePair n = case lookup n typMap of
+ Just (Right t) -> return t
+ Just (Left l) -> Left l
+ Nothing -> throw ("Unknown primitive type: " ++ n)
+ getIface n = snd `fmap` getIfacePair n
+ getIfacePair n = case lookup n ifcMap of
+ Just (Right i) -> return i
+ Just (Left l) -> Left l
+ Nothing -> throw ("Unknown interface: " ++ n)
+ getPrimType n = do
+ t <- getType n
+ case t of
+ PrimType t' -> return t'
+ _ -> throw ("Expected primitive type but got " ++ show t)
+ -- converts a decl to an actual type
+ toType (NewtypeDecl n t) = do
+ t' <- getPrimType t
+ return (n, PrimType (Newtype n t'))
+ toType (EnumDecl (n, s) ts) = do
+ unlessEmpty (duplicated (map fst ts))
+ (\i -> "Enum identifier '" ++ i
+ ++ "' repeated in declaration of 'Enum " ++ n ++ "'")
+ unlessEmpty (duplicated (map snd ts))
+ (\i -> "Enum value '" ++ (show i)
+ ++ "' repeated in declaration of 'Enum " ++ n ++ "'")
+ return (n, PrimType (EnumType n s ts))
+ toType (StructDecl n ss) = do
+ ps <- mapM (getPrimType . snd) ss
+ return (n, StructType n (zip (map fst ss) ps))
+ toType _ = error "[unreachable]"
+ toMethod (n, AttrDecl perm t) = do
+ t' <- getType t
+ return (n, AttrMethod perm t')
+ toMethod (n, StreamDecl rate t) = do
+ t' <- getType t
+ return (n, StreamMethod rate t')
+ toInterface (InterfaceDecl n is ms) = do
+ ms' <- mapM toMethod ms
+ is' <- mapM getIface is
+ return (n, Interface n is' ms')
+ toInterface _ = error "[unreachable]"
+ getName (NewtypeDecl n _) = n
+ getName (EnumDecl (n, _) _) = n
+ getName (StructDecl n _) = n
+ getName (InterfaceDecl n _ _) = n
+ isTypeDecl InterfaceDecl {} = False
+ isTypeDecl _ = True
+parseDecls :: String -> Either String (TypeEnv, InterfaceEnv)
+parseDecls = return . pack >=> decode gidlSpec >=> toEnv
+gidlSpec :: SExprSpec HaskLikeAtom Decl
+ = withHaskellComments
+ $ convertSpec tDecl ppDecl
+ $ asWellFormed haskLikeSpec
+-- utility aliases and helpers
+type Parse a = WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom -> Either String a
+throw :: String -> Either String a
+throw = Left
+infix 9 /?/
+(/?/) :: Either String a -> String -> Either String a
+Left msg /?/ ctx = throw (msg ++ "\n in parsing " ++ ctx)
+r /?/ _ = r
+infix 9 `asErr`
+asErr :: Either String a -> String -> Either String a
+Left _ `asErr` msg = throw msg
+r `asErr` _ = r
+seShow :: WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom -> String
+seShow sx = "`" ++ unpack (encodeOne (asWellFormed haskLikeSpec) sx) ++ "`"
+atShow :: WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom -> String
+atShow e = go e ++ " " ++ seShow e
- tAttr = tList $ do
- tIdentifier "attr"
- tWhiteSpace
- p <- tPermission
- tWhiteSpace
- tn <- tKnownType
- return (AttrMethod p tn)
- tStream = tList $ do
- tIdentifier "stream"
- tWhiteSpace
- r <- tInteger
- tWhiteSpace
- tn <- tKnownType
- return (StreamMethod r tn)
-tKnownInterface :: Parser ParseEnv Interface
-tKnownInterface = do
- n <- tSymbol
- ie <- getInterfaceEnv
- case lookupInterface n ie of
- Just i -> return i
- Nothing -> fail ("expected a known interface name, got " ++ n)
-tInterfaceDecl :: Parser ParseEnv Interface
-tInterfaceDecl = tList $ do
- tIdentifier "def-interface"
- tWhiteSpace
- n <- tSymbol
- tWhiteSpace
- ms <- tList (many1 tInterfaceMethod)
- when (not_unique (map fst ms)) $
- fail "expected unique interface method names"
- tWhiteSpace
- ps <- optionMaybe (tList (many1 tKnownInterface))
- -- XXX require the ms not shadow names in inherited interfaces
- case ps of
- Just p -> return (Interface n p ms)
- Nothing -> return (Interface n [] ms)
-tDecls :: Parser ParseEnv ParseEnv
-tDecls = do
- _ <- many (choice [ try tStructDecl >>= defineType
- , try tNewtypeDecl >>= defineType
- , try tEnumDecl >>= defineType
- , try tInterfaceDecl >>= defineInterface
- ])
- tWhiteSpace >> eof
- getState
-parseDecls :: String -> Either ParseError ParseEnv
-parseDecls s = runP tDecls emptyParseEnv "" s
+ go (A (HSInt _)) = "int"
+ go (A (HSString _)) = "string"
+ go (A (HSIdent _)) = "identifier"
+ go (A (HSFloat _)) = "float"
+ go (L _) = "list"
+ go _ = "??"
+-- basic parsing of things (these might show up in s-cargot
+-- proper eventually?)
+tSymbol :: Parse String
+tSymbol e = asAtom go e `asErr`
+ ("Expected identifier; got " ++ atShow e)
+ where go (HSIdent i) = return (unpack i)
+ go sx = throw ("Expected identifier; got " ++ atShow (A sx))
+tType :: Parse String
+tType = tSymbol
+tInteger :: Parse Integer
+tInteger e = asAtom go e `asErr` ("Expected integer; got " ++ atShow e)
+ where go (HSInt n) = return n
+ go sx = throw ("Expected integer; got " ++ atShow (A sx))
+-- some parsing of gidl-specific types
+tBits :: Parse Bits
+tBits = tInteger >=> tWidth
+tWidth :: Integer -> Either String Bits
+tWidth 8 = return Bits8
+tWidth 16 = return Bits16
+tWidth 32 = return Bits32
+tWidth 64 = return Bits64
+tWidth _ = throw "Expected enum bit size to be 8, 16, 32, or 64"
+tPermission :: Parse Perm
+tPermission e = asAtom go e `asErr` ("unknown permission: " ++ seShow e)
+ where go token
+ | token == "read" || token == "r" = return Read
+ | token == "write" || token == "w" = return Write
+ | token == "readwrite" || token == "rw" = return ReadWrite
+ | otherwise = throw "error"
+-- newtypes
+tNewtypeDecl :: Parse Decl
+tNewtypeDecl = asList go
+ where go ["def-newtype",name,typ] =
+ NewtypeDecl <$> tSymbol name /?/ "newtype name"
+ <*> tSymbol typ /?/ "newtype type"
+ go _ = throw "wrong number of elements"
+-- structs
+tStructDecl :: Parse Decl
+tStructDecl = asList go
+ where go ("def-struct":name:body) =
+ StructDecl
+ <$> (tSymbol name /?/ "struct name")
+ <*> (mapM tStructRow body /?/
+ ("struct body " ++ seShow (L (A "..." : body))))
+ go _ = throw "invalid struct decl"
+tStructRow :: Parse (Identifier, Identifier)
+tStructRow sx =
+ fromPair tSymbol tType sx /?/ ("struct row " ++ seShow sx)
+-- enums
+tEnumDecl :: Parse Decl
+tEnumDecl = asList go
+ where go ("def-enum" : name : body) =
+ EnumDecl <$> tEnumName name /?/ "enum name"
+ <*> mapM tEnumBody body
+ go _ = throw "invalid enum decl"
+tEnumName :: Parse (Identifier, Bits)
+tEnumName (L [name, size]) = (,) <$> tSymbol name <*> tBits size
+tEnumName name = (,) <$> tSymbol name <*> return Bits32
+tEnumBody :: Parse (Identifier, Integer)
+tEnumBody e =
+ fromPair tSymbol tInteger e /?/ ("enum constructor " ++ seShow e)
+-- interface declarations
+tInterfaceDecl :: Parse Decl
+tInterfaceDecl = asList go
+ where go ("def-interface":name:parents:body) =
+ InterfaceDecl
+ <$> tSymbol name /?/ "interface name"
+ <*> asList (mapM tSymbol) parents
+ /?/ ("interface parents " ++ seShow parents)
+ <*> mapM tInterfaceMethod body
+ go _ = throw "invalid interface decl"
+tInterfaceMethod :: Parse (Identifier, MethodDecl)
+tInterfaceMethod e =
+ fromPair tSymbol (asList go) e /?/ ("interface method " ++ seShow e)
+ where go ["attr", p, t] = AttrDecl <$> tPermission p <*> tType t
+ go ["stream", n, t] = StreamDecl <$> tInteger n <*> tType t
+ go (x:_) = throw ("unknown interface type: " ++ seShow x)
+ go [] = throw "empty interface decl"
+-- declarations in general
+tDecl :: Parse Decl
+tDecl ls@(L ("def-struct" : _)) =
+ tStructDecl ls /?/ ("struct " ++ showHead ls)
+tDecl ls@(L ("def-newtype" : _)) =
+ tNewtypeDecl ls /?/ ("newtype " ++ showHead ls)
+tDecl ls@(L ("def-enum" : _)) =
+ tEnumDecl ls /?/ ("enum " ++ showHead ls)
+tDecl ls@(L ("def-interface" : _)) =
+ tInterfaceDecl ls /?/ ("interface " ++ showHead ls)
+tDecl (L (A name : _)) =
+ throw ("unknown declaration type: " ++ seShow (A name))
+tDecl item = do
+ throw ("invalid top-level item " ++ seShow item)
+showHead :: WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom -> String
+showHead (L (a:b:_)) = seShow (L [a,b,"..."])
+showHead sx = seShow sx
+-- For now, no pretty-printing (but it will come soon!)
+ident :: Identifier -> WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom
+ident = A . HSIdent . pack
+int :: Integer -> WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom
+int = A . HSInt
+ppBits :: Bits -> WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom
+ppBits Bits8 = A (HSInt 8)
+ppBits Bits16 = A (HSInt 16)
+ppBits Bits32 = A (HSInt 32)
+ppBits Bits64 = A (HSInt 64)
+ppDecl :: Decl -> WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom
+ppDecl (NewtypeDecl name typ) =
+ L ["def-newtype", ident name, ident typ ]
+ppDecl (EnumDecl (name, Bits32) fields) =
+ L ( "def-enum"
+ : ident name
+ : [ L [ ident a, int b ]
+ | (a, b) <- fields
+ ]
+ )
+ppDecl (EnumDecl (name, bits) fields) =
+ L ( "def-enum"
+ : L [ ident name, ppBits bits ]
+ : [ L [ ident a, int b ]
+ | (a, b) <- fields
+ ]
+ )
+ppDecl (StructDecl name fields) =
+ L ( "def-struct"
+ : ident name
+ : [ L [ident a, ident b ]
+ | (a, b) <- fields
+ ]
+ )
+ppDecl (InterfaceDecl name parents methods) =
+ L ( "def-interface"
+ : ident name
+ : L (map ident parents)
+ : map go methods
+ ) where go (n, m) = L [ ident n, ppMethod m ]
+ppMethod :: MethodDecl -> WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom
+ppMethod (StreamDecl rate name) = L [ "stream", int rate, ident name ]
+ppMethod (AttrDecl perm name) = L [ "attr", ppPerm perm, ident name ]
+ where ppPerm Read = "r"
+ ppPerm Write = "w"
+ ppPerm ReadWrite = "rw"