
gidl: haskell types backend sketched up.

Pat Hickey 9 年之前
共有 5 個文件被更改,包括 163 次插入2 次删除
  1. 16 0
  2. 7 2
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  4. 131 0
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+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+IVORY_REPO ?= ../smaccmpilot-build/ivory
+	cabal build
+	-rm -rf .cabal-sandbox
+	-rm cabal.sandbox.config
+	-rm -rf dist
+	cabal sandbox init
+	cabal sandbox add-source $(IVORY_REPO)/ivory-artifact
+	cabal install --dependencies-only

+ 7 - 2

@@ -16,12 +16,16 @@ library
-                       Gidl.Types.Base
+                       Gidl.Types.Base,
+                       Gidl.Backend.Haskell,
+                       Gidl.Backend.Haskell.Types
   build-depends:       base >=4.7 && <4.8,
+                       mainland-pretty,
-                       transformers
+                       transformers,
+                       ivory-artifact
   hs-source-dirs:      src
   default-language:    Haskell2010
   ghc-options:         -Wall
@@ -30,6 +34,7 @@ executable             gidl-test
   main-is:             Test.hs
   hs-source-dirs:      tests
   build-depends:       base >= 4.6,
+                       ivory-artifact,
   default-language:    Haskell2010

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module Gidl.Backend.Haskell where

+ 131 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+module Gidl.Backend.Haskell.Types where
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.List (intercalate, nub)
+import Data.Char (toUpper)
+import Gidl.Types
+import Ivory.Artifact
+import Text.PrettyPrint.Mainland
+typeModule :: [String] -> TypeRepr -> Artifact
+typeModule modulepath tr@(TypeRepr _ td) =
+  artifactPath (intercalate "/" modulepath) $
+  artifactText ((typeModuleName tr) ++ ".hs") $
+  prettyLazyText 80 $
+  stack
+    [ text "module"
+      <+> tm (typeModuleName tr)
+      <+> text "where"
+    , empty
+    , stack $ map (importDecl tm)
+            $ nub
+            $ map importType
+            $ typeLeaves td
+    , empty
+    , typeDecl typename td
+    ]
+  where
+  typename = typeModuleName tr
+  tm mname = mconcat $ punctuate dot
+                     $ map text (modulepath ++ [mname])
+typeHaskellType :: TypeRepr -> String
+typeHaskellType (TypeRepr tn (StructType _)) = userTypeModuleName tn
+typeHaskellType (TypeRepr tn (NewtypeType _)) = userTypeModuleName tn
+typeHaskellType (TypeRepr tn (EnumType _)) = userTypeModuleName tn
+typeHaskellType (TypeRepr _ (AtomType a)) = case a of
+  AtomInt Bits8  -> "Int8"
+  AtomInt Bits16 -> "Int16"
+  AtomInt Bits32 -> "Int32"
+  AtomInt Bits64 -> "Int64"
+  AtomWord Bits8  -> "Word8"
+  AtomWord Bits16 -> "Word16"
+  AtomWord Bits32 -> "Word32"
+  AtomWord Bits64 -> "Word64"
+  AtomFloat -> "Float"
+  AtomDouble -> "Double"
+typeHaskellType (TypeRepr _ VoidType) = "()"
+typeModuleName :: TypeRepr -> String
+typeModuleName (TypeRepr tn (StructType _)) = userTypeModuleName tn
+typeModuleName (TypeRepr tn (NewtypeType _)) = userTypeModuleName tn
+typeModuleName (TypeRepr tn (EnumType _)) = userTypeModuleName tn
+typeModuleName (TypeRepr _ (AtomType _)) = error "do not take typeModuleName of an AtomType"
+typeModuleName (TypeRepr _ VoidType) = error "do not take typeModuleName of a VoidType"
+userTypeModuleName :: String -> String
+userTypeModuleName = first_cap . u_to_camel
+  where
+  first_cap (s:ss) = (toUpper s) : ss
+  first_cap []     = []
+  u_to_camel ('_':'t':[]) = []
+  u_to_camel ('_':[]) = []
+  u_to_camel ('_':a:as) = (toUpper a) : u_to_camel as
+  u_to_camel (a:as) = a : u_to_camel as
+  u_to_camel [] = []
+typeDecl :: TypeName -> Type TypeRepr -> Doc
+typeDecl tname (StructType (Struct ss)) = stack
+  [ text "data" <+> text tname <+> equals
+  , indent 2 $ text tname
+  , indent 4 $ encloseStack lbrace (rbrace <+> deriv) comma
+      [ text i <+> colon <> colon <+> text (typeHaskellType t)
+      | (i,t) <- ss ]
+  ]
+  where deriv = typeDeriving ["Eq", "Show"]
+typeDecl tname (NewtypeType (Newtype n)) = stack
+  [ text "newtype" <+> text tname <+> equals
+  , indent 2 $ text tname <+> align
+        (lbrace <+> text ("un" ++ tname) <+> text "::" <+>
+         text (typeHaskellType n) </>
+         rbrace <+> typeDeriving ["Eq", "Show"])
+  ]
+typeDecl tname (EnumType (EnumT _ es)) = stack
+  [ text "data" <+> text tname
+  , indent 2 $ encloseStack equals deriv (text "|")
+      [ text (userTypeModuleName i)
+      | (i, _) <- es ]
+  , empty
+  , text "instance Enum" <+> text tname <+> text "where"
+  , indent 2 $ stack $
+      [ text "toEnum" <+> ppr e <+> equals <+> text (userTypeModuleName i)
+      | (i,e) <- es ] ++
+      [ text ("toEnum _ = error \"toEnum: invalid value for " ++ tname ++ "\"") ] ++
+      [ text "fromEnum" <+> text (userTypeModuleName i) <+> equals <+> ppr e
+      | (i,e) <- es ]
+  ]
+  where deriv = typeDeriving ["Eq", "Show", "Ord"]
+typeDecl tn _ = error ("typeDecl: cannot create decl for built in type " ++ tn)
+typeDeriving :: [String] -> Doc
+typeDeriving cs = text "deriving" <+> parens (commasep (map text cs))
+data ImportType = LibraryType String
+                | UserType String
+                | NoImport
+                deriving (Eq, Show)
+importType :: TypeRepr -> ImportType
+importType (TypeRepr _ (AtomType a)) =
+  case a of
+    AtomWord _ -> LibraryType "Data.Word"
+    AtomInt _ -> LibraryType "Data.Int"
+    _ -> NoImport
+importType (TypeRepr _ VoidType) = NoImport
+importType (TypeRepr n _) = UserType n
+importDecl :: (String -> Doc) -> ImportType -> Doc
+importDecl _ (LibraryType p) =
+  text "import" <+> text p
+importDecl mkpath (UserType t) =
+  text "import" <+> mkpath (userTypeModuleName t)
+importDecl _ NoImport = empty
+encloseStack :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
+encloseStack l r p ds = case ds of
+  [] -> l </> r
+  [d] -> l <+> d </> r
+  _ -> align (l <+> (folddoc (\a b -> a </> p <+> b) ds) </> r)

+ 7 - 0

@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 module Main where
+import Ivory.Artifact
 import Control.Monad
 import Gidl.Types
 import Gidl.Interface
 import Gidl.Parse
 import Gidl.Schema
+import Gidl.Backend.Haskell.Types
 main :: IO ()
 main = test "tests/testtypes.sexpr"
@@ -20,6 +22,10 @@ test f = do
       forM_ te' $ \(tn, t) -> do
         putStrLn (tn ++ ":")
         print (typeLeaves t)
+        printArtifact (typeModule (words "Sample IDL Haskell Types")
+                                  (typeDescrToRepr tn te))
+      {-
       putStrLn "---"
       print ie
       putStrLn "---"
@@ -32,3 +38,4 @@ test f = do
         print (producerSchema ir)
         print (consumerSchema ir)
         putStrLn "---"
+      -}