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tower-backend: stub interface file

Pat Hickey 9 years ago
3 changed files with 118 additions and 3 deletions
  1. 2 1
  2. 15 2
  3. 101 0

+ 2 - 1

@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ library
-                       Gidl.Backend.Tower
+                       Gidl.Backend.Tower,
+                       Gidl.Backend.Tower.Interface
   other-modules:       Paths_gidl

+ 15 - 2

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Gidl.Interface
 import Gidl.Schema
 import Gidl.Backend.Cabal
 import Gidl.Backend.Ivory (dotwords, ivorySources)
+import Gidl.Backend.Tower.Interface
 towerBackend :: TypeEnv -> InterfaceEnv -> String -> String -> [Artifact]
 towerBackend te ie pkgname namespace_raw =
@@ -21,9 +22,12 @@ towerBackend te ie pkgname namespace_raw =
   , artifactPath "tests" (codegenTest namespace)
   ] ++ map (artifactPath "src") sources
-  sources = isources ++ []
   namespace = dotwords namespace_raw
+  sources = isources ++ tsources
+  tsources = towerSources ie (namespace ++ ["Tower"])
   isources = ivorySources te ie (namespace ++ ["Ivory"])
   cf = (defaultCabalFile pkgname cabalmods deps) { executables = [ cg_exe ] }
@@ -32,6 +36,15 @@ towerBackend te ie pkgname namespace_raw =
   cg_exe = defaultCabalExe (pkgname ++ "-gen") "CodeGen.hs"
             (deps ++ (words "tower-config tower-freertos-stm32") ++ [pkgname])
+towerSources :: InterfaceEnv -> [String] -> [Artifact]
+towerSources (InterfaceEnv ie) namespace = towerInterfaces
+  where
+  towerInterfaces = concat
+    [ [ interfaceModule (namespace ++ ["Tower", "Interface"]) i (producerSchema i)
+      , interfaceModule (namespace ++ ["Tower", "Interface"]) i (consumerSchema i) ]
+    | (_iname, i) <- ie ]
 makefile :: Artifact
 makefile = artifactCabalFile P.getDataDir "support/tower/Makefile"

+ 101 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+module Gidl.Backend.Tower.Interface where
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.List (intercalate, nub)
+import Gidl.Types
+import Gidl.Interface
+import Gidl.Schema
+import Gidl.Backend.Ivory.Types
+import Gidl.Backend.Ivory.Interface (ifModuleName)
+import Ivory.Artifact
+import Text.PrettyPrint.Mainland
+interfaceModule :: [String] -> Interface -> Schema -> Artifact
+interfaceModule modulepath ir schema =
+  artifactPath (intercalate "/" (modulepath ++ [ifModuleName ir])) $
+  artifactText (schemaName ++ ".hs") $
+  prettyLazyText 80 $
+  stack
+    [ text "{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}"
+    , text "{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}"
+    , text "{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}"
+    , text "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}"
+    , empty
+    , text "module"
+      <+> im (ifModuleName ir) <> dot <> text schemaName
+      <+> text "where"
+    , empty
+    , stack $ typeimports ++ extraimports
+    , empty
+    , schemaDoc (ifModuleName ir) schema
+    ]
+  where
+  (Schema schemaName _) = schema
+  rootpath = reverse . drop 3 . reverse
+  modAt path = mconcat (punctuate dot (map text path))
+  im mname = modAt (modulepath ++ [mname])
+  tm mname = modAt (rootpath modulepath ++ ["Ivory","Types", mname])
+  ivoryIFMod = modAt (rootpath modulepath
+                      ++ ["Ivory","Interface", ifModuleName ir, schemaName])
+  typeimports = map (importDecl tm)
+              $ nub
+              $ map importType
+              $ interfaceTypes ir
+  extraimports = [ text "import qualified" <+> ivoryIFMod <+> text "as I"
+                 , text "import Ivory.Language"
+                 , text "import Ivory.Stdlib"
+                 , text "import Ivory.Tower"
+                 , text "import Ivory.Serialize"
+                 ]
+schemaDoc :: String -> Schema -> Doc
+schemaDoc interfaceName (Schema schemaName [])     =
+    text "-- Cannot define" <+> text schemaName  <+> text "schema for"
+        <+> text interfaceName <+> text "interface: schema is empty"
+schemaDoc interfaceName (Schema schemaName schema) = stack
+    [ text "-- Define" <+> text schemaName  <+> text "schema for"
+        <+> text interfaceName <+> text "interface"
+    , empty
+    , text "data" <+> constructor <+> text "c" <+> equals <+> constructor
+    , indent 2 $ encloseStack lbrace rbrace comma
+        [ case t of
+            PrimType VoidType -> text (accessorName n) <+> colon <> colon
+                <+> text "c (Stored IBool)"
+            _ -> text (accessorName n) <+> colon <> colon
+                    <+> text "c"
+                    <+> parens (text (typeIvoryType t))
+        | (_, (Message n t)) <- schema
+        ]
+    , empty
+    , text (inputFuncName typeName) <+> align
+        (stack [ text ":: (ANat n)"
+               , text "=> ChanOutput (Array n (Stored Uint8))"
+               , text "-> Tower e" <+> parens (constructor <+> text "ChanOutput")
+               ])
+    , text (inputFuncName typeName) <+> text "frame_ch" <+> equals
+    , indent 2 $ stack
+        [ text "return undefined"
+        ]
+    , empty
+    , text (outputFuncName typeName) <> align
+        (stack [ text ":: (ANat n)"
+               , text "=>" <+> constructor <+> text "ChanOutput"
+               , text "-> Tower e (ChanOutput (Array n (Stored Uint8)))"
+               ])
+    , text (outputFuncName typeName) <+> text "a" <+> equals <+> text "do"
+    , indent 2 $ stack
+        [ text "return undefined"
+        ]
+    ]
+  where
+  constructor = text typeName
+  accessorName n = userEnumValueName n ++ schemaName
+  typeName = interfaceName ++ schemaName
+  inputFuncName tn = userEnumValueName tn ++ "Input"
+  outputFuncName tn = userEnumValueName tn ++ "Output"