@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
module Gidl.Types
( module Gidl.Types.AST
, module Gidl.Types.Base
+ , TypeDescr
+ , TypeRepr(..)
, lookupTypeName
, insertType
+ , typeLeaves
+ , typeDescrToRepr
+ , sizeOf
) where
+import Data.List (nub)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Gidl.Types.AST
import Gidl.Types.Base
-lookupTypeName :: TypeName -> TypeEnv -> Maybe Type
+lookupTypeName :: TypeName -> TypeEnv -> Maybe TypeDescr
lookupTypeName tn te =
case aux te of
Just a -> Just a
@@ -17,8 +25,46 @@ lookupTypeName tn te =
aux (TypeEnv e) = lookup tn e
-insertType :: TypeName -> Type -> TypeEnv -> TypeEnv
+insertType :: TypeName -> TypeDescr -> TypeEnv -> TypeEnv
insertType tn t e@(TypeEnv te) = case lookupTypeName tn e of
Nothing -> TypeEnv ((tn,t):te)
Just _ -> error ("insertType invariant broken: type " ++ tn ++ " already exists")
+typeLeaves :: (Eq t) => Type t -> [t]
+typeLeaves (StructType (Struct s)) = nub (map snd s)
+typeLeaves (NewtypeType (Newtype tn)) = [tn]
+typeLeaves (EnumType _) = []
+typeLeaves (AtomType _) = []
+type TypeDescr = Type TypeName
+data TypeRepr = TypeRepr TypeName (Type TypeRepr)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- invariant: TypeName exists in a well-formed TypeEnv
+typeDescrToRepr :: TypeName -> TypeEnv -> TypeRepr
+typeDescrToRepr tn te = TypeRepr tn tr
+ where
+ tr = case fromJust $ lookupTypeName tn te of
+ EnumType e -> EnumType e
+ AtomType a -> AtomType a
+ NewtypeType (Newtype ntn) ->
+ NewtypeType (Newtype (typeDescrToRepr ntn te))
+ StructType (Struct s) ->
+ StructType (Struct [(i, typeDescrToRepr stn te) | (i, stn) <- s])
+sizeOf :: TypeRepr -> Integer
+sizeOf (TypeRepr _ (StructType (Struct s))) = sum [ sizeOf tr | (_, tr) <- s ]
+sizeOf (TypeRepr _ (NewtypeType (Newtype tr))) = sizeOf tr
+sizeOf (TypeRepr _ (EnumType (EnumT bs _))) = bitsSize bs
+sizeOf (TypeRepr _ (AtomType (AtomInt bs))) = bitsSize bs
+sizeOf (TypeRepr _ (AtomType (AtomWord bs))) = bitsSize bs
+sizeOf (TypeRepr _ (AtomType AtomFloat)) = 4
+sizeOf (TypeRepr _ (AtomType AtomDouble)) = 8
+bitsSize :: Bits -> Integer
+bitsSize Bits8 = 1
+bitsSize Bits16 = 2
+bitsSize Bits32 = 4
+bitsSize Bits64 = 8