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Getty Ritter 3 years ago
4 changed files with 0 additions and 229 deletions
  1. 0 13
  2. 0 10
  3. 0 104
  4. 0 102

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#lang racket
-(require "core.rkt")
-(define-asset-path animal-kin
-  (basic "When you make a move to pacify, calm, control, aid, or fend off an animal"
-         "(or an animal or beast companion), add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.")
-  (advance "You may add or upgrade an animal or beast companion asset for 1 fewer"
-           "experience. Once you mark all their abilities, you may [Forge a Bond]"
-           "with them and take an automatic strong hit. When you do, mark a bond twice"
-           "and take 1 experience.")
-  (advance "Once per fight, when you leverage your animal or beast companion to make a"
-           "move, reroll any dice. On a hit, take +1 momentum."))

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#lang racket
-(require "core.rkt")
-(require "assets.rkt")
-(require "oracles.rkt")
-;; our stats differ from Ironsworn only in substituting Grit for Iron
-(struct stats [edge heart grit shadow wits])
-(struct character [name experience])

+ 0 - 104

@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#lang racket
-;; start with some basic utilities
-(define (d n)
-  (random 1 (+ n 1)))
-;; the logic for judging the 'outcome' of an Ironsworn roll or progress track
-(define (judge-outcome attempt challenge-1 challenge-2)
-  (let [(outcome
-         (cond [(and (> attempt challenge-1) (> attempt challenge-2))
-                'success]
-               [(or (> attempt challenge-1) (> attempt challenge-2))
-                'partial]
-               [else 'failure]))]
-    `(,outcome ,attempt (,challenge-1 ,challenge-2))))
-;; a typical Ironsworn roll:
-(define (roll-plus-mod m)
-  (let [
-         ;; roll two challenge dice
-         (challenge-1 (d 10))
-         (challenge-2 (d 10))
-         ;; roll an attempt die
-         (attempt (+ (d 6) m))]
-    ;; judge the outome
-    (judge-outcome attempt challenge-1 challenge-2)))
-;; this just keeps us honest that this is playable with dice
-(define *allowed-table-sizes* '(2 4 6 8 10 12 20 36 50 100))
-;; this is used in define-oracle to actually process the information, and ought to
-;; return a zero-argument function that will roll on the table
-;; TODO: also allow generating print structures from the same data!
-(define (oracle table)
-  (cond [(andmap valid-oracle-result? table)
-         (if (member (length table) *allowed-table-sizes*)
-             (lambda () (car (shuffle table)))
-             (error 'oracle "Length ~a is not a die-size-compatible length" (length table)))]
-        [(andmap valid-table-member? table)
-         (let [(max (max-table-size table))]
-           (lambda () (table-index (d max) table)))]
-        [else (error 'oracle "Unexpected argument: ~a" table)]))
-;; given a range-based table, find the highest value to roll
-(define (max-table-size table)
-  (let [(final (last table))]
-    (if (= (length final) 3) (cadr final) (car final))))
-;; true if the `thing` is a symbol or string
-(define (valid-oracle-result? thing)
-  (or (symbol? thing) (string? thing)))
-;; true if the thing is a list of the form (num num string) or (num string)
-(define (valid-table-member? member)
-  (and (list? member)
-       (or (and (= (length member) 3)
-                (number? (car member))
-                (number? (cadr member))
-                (valid-oracle-result? (caddr member)))
-           (and (= (length member) 2)
-                (number? (car member))
-                (valid-oracle-result? (cadr member))))))
-;; look up a number and find it in the table. (this assumes the table is sorted and
-;; includes all possible values covered!
-;; TODO: make this more resilient to bad input
-(define (table-index idx table)
-  (if (null? table)
-      (error 'table-index "Unexpected empty table")
-      (let [(head (car table))]
-        (cond [(and (= (length head) 3)
-                    (>= idx (car head))
-                    (<= idx (cadr head)))
-               (caddr head)]
-              [(and (= (length head) 2)
-                    (= idx (car head)))
-               (cadr head)]
-              [else (table-index idx (cdr table))]))))
-(define-syntax-rule [define-oracle name . table]
-  (define name (oracle (quote table))))
-;; create an asset
-(define (asset name table)
-  (define (mk-feature feature)
-    (list (car feature) (smart-string-append (cdr feature))))
-  (let [(stuff (map mk-feature table))]
-    `(asset ,name ,stuff)))
-;; concatenate strings, adding whitespace if necessary
-(define (smart-string-append list)
-  (define (ensure-leading-space str)
-    (if (char-whitespace? (string-ref str 0))
-        str
-        (string-append " " str)))
-  (apply string-append (cons (car list) (map ensure-leading-space (cdr list)))))
-(define-syntax-rule [define-asset-path name . table]
-  (define name (asset (quote name) (quote table))))
-(provide judge-outcome roll-plus-mod oracle define-oracle define-asset-path)

+ 0 - 102

@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#lang racket
-(require "core.rkt")
-(define-oracle oracle/action
-  scheme clash weaken initiate create swear avenge guard defeat control
-  break risk surrender inspect raid evade assault deflect threaten attack
-  leave preserve manipulate remove eliminate withdraw abandon investigate hold focus
-  uncover breach aid uphold falter suppress hunt share destroy avoid
-  reject demand explore bolster seize mourn reveal gather defy transform
-  persevere serve begin move coordinate resist await impress take oppose
-  capture overwhelm challenge acquire protect finish strengthen restore advance command
-  refuse find deliver hide fortify betray secure arrive affect change
-  defend debate support follow construct locate endure release lose reduce
-  escalate distract journey escore learn communicate depart search charge summon)
-(define-oracle oracle/theme
-  risk ability price ally battle safety survival weapon wound shelter
-  leader fear time duty secret innocence renown direction death honor
-  labor solution tool balance love barrier creation decay trade bond
-  hope superstition peace deception history world vow protection nature opinion
-  burden vengeance opportunity faction danger corruption freedom debt hate possession
-  stranger passage land creature disease advantage blood language rumor weakness
-  greed family resource structure dream community war portent prize destiny
-  momentum power memory ruin mysticism rival problem idea revenge health
-  fellowship enemy religion spirit fame desolation strength knowledge truth quest
-  pride loss law path warning relationship wealth home strategy supply)
-;; TODO: figure out city regions
-(define-oracle oracle/region
-  (1 12 "Barrier Islands")
-  (13 24 "Ragged Coast")
-  (25 34 "Deep Wilds")
-  (35 46 "Flooded Lands")
-  (47 60 "Havens")
-  (61 72 "Hinterlands")
-  (73 84 "Tempest Hills")
-  (85 94 "Veiled Mountains")
-  (95 99 "Shattered Wastes")
-  (100 "Elsewhere"))
-;; TODO: figure out city locations
-(define-oracle oracle/location
-  (1 Hideout)
-  (2 Ruin)
-  (3 Mine)
-  (4 Waste)
-  (5 "Mystical Site")
-  (6 Path)
-  (7 Outpost)
-  (8 Wall)
-  (9 Battlefield)
-  (10 Hovel)
-  (11 Spring)
-  (12 Lair)
-  (13 Fort)
-  (14 Bridge)
-  (15 Camp)
-  (16 Cairn/Grave)
-  (17 18 Caravan)
-  (19 20 Waterfall)
-  (21 22 Cave)
-  (23 24 Swamp)
-  (25 26 Fen)
-  (27 28 Ravine)
-  (29 30 Road)
-  (31 32 Tree)
-  (33 34 Pond)
-  (35 36 Fields)
-  (37 38 Marsh)
-  (39 40 Steading)
-  (41 42 Rapids)
-  (43 44 Pass)
-  (45 46 Trail)
-  (47 48 Glade)
-  (49 50 Plain)
-  (51 52 Ridge)
-  (53 54 Cliff)
-  (55 56 Grove)
-  (57 58 Village)
-  (59 60 Moor)
-  (61 62 Thicket)
-  (63 64 "River Ford")
-  (65 66 Valley)
-  (67 68 Bay/Fjord)
-  (69 70 Foothills)
-  (71 72 Lake)
-  (73 75 River)
-  (76 79 Forest)
-  (80 83 Coast)
-  (84 88 Hill)
-  (89 93 Mountain)
-  (94 99 Woods)
-  (100 Anomaly))
-(define-oracle oracle/challenge-rank
-  ( 1  20 troublesome)
-  (21  55 dangerous)
-  (56  80 formidable)
-  (81  93 extreme)
-  (94 100 epic))