fragments.tex 868 B

  1. \documentclass[8pt,landscape]{extarticle}
  2. \input{assets/prelude.tex}
  3. \begin{document}
  4. \begin{multicols}{3}
  5. \begin{fragment}{Agenda}
  6. \begin{itemize}
  7. \item Make the world fantastic
  8. \item Fill the characters' lives with adventure
  9. \item Play to find out what happens
  10. \end{itemize}
  11. \end{fragment}
  12. \hrule
  13. \begin{fragment}{Goals}
  14. \begin{itemize}
  15. \item Establish details, describe
  16. \item Use what they give you
  17. \item Ask questions
  18. \item Leave blanks
  19. \item Look for interesting facts
  20. \item Help the players understand the moves
  21. \item Give each character a chance to shine
  22. \item Introduce NPCs
  23. \item Fill out your worksheet
  24. \end{itemize}
  25. \end{fragment}
  26. \vfill\null
  27. \columnbreak
  28. \subheader{Impressions}
  29. \vfill\null
  30. \columnbreak
  31. \subheader{Custom Moves}
  32. \end{multicols}
  33. \end{document}