123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418 |
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- }
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- }
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- }
- {\end{quote}\end{quote}
- }
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- \begin{quote}
- }
- {\end{quote}
- }
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- % Modify this commands to define Class name, Base HP, Base Load and Damage Dice (only number)
- \newcommand{\Class}{Paladin}
- \newcommand{\BaseHP}{10}
- \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{12}
- \newcommand{\Damage}{10}
- % Don't replace here, replace before every section
- \newcommand{\SectionTitle}{4}
- \begin{document}
- \openup -0.3em
- \input{figuras/TopBanner}
- %\input{figuras/TopBanner10Plus} %Use this instead when damage dice has 10 or more faces
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Folk}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- \begin{amove}{Human}
- When you \textbf{pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask,
- ``What here is evil?''} the GM will tell you, honestly.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Orc}
- When \textbf{you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask,
- ``What here is dangerous to me?''} the GM will tell you, honestly.
- \end{amove}
- \
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Alignment}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- \begin{amove}{Lawful}
- Deny mercy to a criminal or unbeliever.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Good}
- Endanger yourself to protect someone weaker than you.
- \end{amove}
- \
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Bonds}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- \begin{quote}
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \end{quote}
- \vfill\null
- \columnbreak
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Starting Moves}
- \input{figuras/RightBanner}
- \begin{basicmove}{Lay on Hands (CHA)}
- When you touch someone, skin to skin, and pray for their well-being,
- roll+CHA. \textbf{On a 10+}, you heal 1d8 damage or remove one
- disease. \textbf{On a 7–9}, they are healed, but the damage or
- disease is transferred to you.
- \end{basicmove}
- \begin{basicmove}{Armored}
- You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.
- \end{basicmove}
- \begin{basicmove}{I Am the Law}
- When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+CHA. \textbf{On a 7+}, they choose one:
- • Do what you say
- • Back away cautiously, then flee
- • Attack you
- \textbf{On a 10+}, you also take +1 forward against them. \textbf{On a
- miss}, they do as they please and you take -1 forward against them.
- \end{basicmove}
- \begin{basicmove}{Quest}
- When you dedicate yourself to a mission through prayer and ritual
- cleansing, state what you set out to do:
- • Slay \_\_\_\_\_, a great blight on the land
- • Defend \_\_\_\_\_ from the iniquities that beset them
- • Discover the truth of \_\_\_\_\_
- Then choose up to two boons:
- • An unwavering sense of direction to \_\_\_\_\_
- • Invulnerability to \_\_\_\_\_ (e.g., edged weapons, fire, enchantment, etc.)
- • A mark of divine authority
- • Senses that pierce lies
- • A voice that transcends language
- • A freedom from hunger, thirst, and sleep
- The GM will then tell you what vow or vows is required of you to
- maintain your blessing:
- • Honor (forbidden: cowardly tactics and tricks)
- • Temperance (forbidden: gluttony in food, drink, and pleasure of the flesh)
- • Piety (required: observance of daily holy services)
- • Valor (forbidden: suffering an evil creature to live)
- • Truth (forbidden: lies)
- • Hospitality (required: comfort to those in need, no matter who they are)
- \end{basicmove}
- \vfill\null
- \end{multicols}
- \clearpage
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Gear}
- \input{figuras/RightBannerEquipment}
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \begin{quote}
- Your load is 12+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1
- weight), scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight), and some mark of faith,
- describe it (0 weight). Choose your weapon:
- \begin{quote}
- \choice Halberd (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight)
- \choice Long sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight) and shield (+1
- armor, 2 weight)
- \end{quote}
- Choose one:
- \begin{quote}
- \choice Adventuring gear (1 weight)
- \choice Dungeon rations (1 weight) and healing potion (0 weight)
- \end{quote}
- \end{quote}
- \
- \columnbreak
- \
- \end{multicols}
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (2-5)}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.
- \
- \begin{amove}{Divine Favor}
- Dedicate yourself to a deity (name a new one or choose one that’s
- already been established). You gain the commune and cast a spell
- cleric moves. When you select this move, treat yourself as a cleric
- of level 1 for using spells. Every time you gain a level thereafter,
- increase your effective cleric level by 1.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Bloody Aegis}
- When you take damage you can grit your teeth and accept the blow. If
- you do you take no damage but instead suffer a debility of your
- choice. If you already have all six debilities you can’t use this
- move.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Smite}
- While on a quest you deal +1d4 damage.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Exterminatus}
- When you speak aloud your promise to defeat an enemy, you deal +2d4
- damage against that enemy and -4 damage against anyone else. This
- effect lasts until the enemy is defeated. If you fail to defeat the
- enemy or give up the fight, you can admit your failure, but the
- effect continues until you find a way to redeem yourself.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Charge!}
- When you lead the charge into combat, those you lead take +1
- forward.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Staunch Defender}
- When you defend you always get +1 hold, even on a 6-.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Setup Strike}
- When you hack and slash, choose an ally. Their next attack against
- your target does +1d4 damage.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Holy Protection}
- You get +1 armor while on a quest.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Voice of Authority}
- Take +1 to order hirelings.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Hospitaller}
- When you heal an ally, you heal +1d8 damage.
- \end{amove}
- \vfill\null
- \columnbreak
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (6-10)}
- \input{figuras/RightBanner}
- When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or
- the level 2--5 moves.
- \
- \begin{amove}{Evidence of Faith}
- \textbf{Requires}: Divine Favor
- When you see divine magic as it happens, you can ask the GM which
- deity granted the spell and its effects. Take +1 when acting on the
- answers.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Holy Smite}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Smite
- While on a quest you deal +1d8 damage.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Ever Onward}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Charge!
- When you lead the charge into combat, those you lead take +1 forward
- and +2 armor forward.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Impervious Defender}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Staunch Defender
- When you defend you always get +1 hold, even on a 6-. When you get a
- 12+ to defend instead of getting hold the nearest attacking creature
- is stymied giving you a clear advantage, the GM will describe it.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Tandem Strike}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Setup Strike
- When you hack and slash, choose an ally. Their next attack against
- your target does +1d4 damage and they take +1 forward against them.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Divine Protection}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Holy Protection
- You get +2 armor while on a quest.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Divine Authority}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Voice of Authority
- Take +1 to order hirelings. When you roll a 12+ the hireling
- transcends their moment of fear and doubt and carries out your order
- with particular effectiveness or efficiency.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Perfect Hospitaller}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Hospitaller
- When you heal an ally, you heal +2d8 damage.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Indomitable}
- When you suffer a debility (even through Bloody Aegis) take +1
- forward against whatever caused it.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Perfect Knight}
- When you quest you choose three boons instead of two.
- \end{amove}
- \vfill\null
- \end{multicols}
- \end{document}