bard.tex 8.0 KB

  1. \documentclass[8pt]{extarticle}
  2. \input{prelude.tex}
  3. % Modify this commands to define Class name, Base HP, Base Load and Damage Dice (only number)
  4. \newcommand{\Class}{Bard}
  5. \newcommand{\BaseHP}{6}
  6. \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{9}
  7. \newcommand{\Damage}{6}
  8. \begin{document}
  9. \openup -0.3em
  10. \input{figuras/TopBanner}
  11. \begin{multicols}{2}
  12. \leftbanner{Folk}
  13. \begin{amove}{Elf}
  14. When you enter an important location (your call) you can ask the GM for one fact from the history of that location.
  15. \end{amove}
  16. \begin{amove}{Human}
  17. When you first enter a civilized settlement someone who respects the custom of hospitality to minstrels will take you in as their guest.
  18. \end{amove}
  19. \begin{amove}{Rihamm}
  20. When you speak frankly and openly with someone, ask them two questions instead of one.
  21. \end{amove}
  22. \
  23. \leftbanner{Alignment}
  24. \choice \textbf{Good}
  25. \begin{quote}
  26. Perform your art to aid someone else.
  27. \end{quote}
  28. \choice \textbf{Neutral}
  29. \begin{quote}
  30. Avoid a conflict or defuse a tense situation.
  31. \end{quote}
  32. \choice \textbf{Chaotic}
  33. \begin{quote}
  34. Spur others to significant and unplanned decisive action.
  35. \end{quote}
  36. \
  37. \leftbanner{Bonds}
  38. \begin{quote}
  39. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  40. \enspace\hrulefill
  41. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  42. \enspace\hrulefill
  43. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  44. \enspace\hrulefill
  45. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  46. \enspace\hrulefill
  47. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  48. \enspace\hrulefill
  49. \end{quote}
  50. \vfill\null
  51. \columnbreak
  52. \rightbanner{Starting Moves}
  53. \begin{quote}
  54. {\headingfont Arcane Art}
  55. \begin{quote}
  56. When you \textbf{weave a performance into a basic spell}, choose an ally and an effect:
  57. • Heal 1d8 damage
  58. • +1d4 forward to damage
  59. • Their mind is shaken clear of one enchantment
  60. • The next time someone successfully assists the target with aid, they get +2 instead of +1
  61. Then roll +CHA.
  62. • On a 10+, the ally gets the selected effect.
  63. • On a 7-9, your spell still works, but you draw unwanted attention or your magic reverberates to other targets affecting them as well, GM’s choice.
  64. \end{quote}
  65. \end{quote}
  66. \begin{basicmove}{Bardic Lore}
  67. Choose an area of expertise:
  68. • Spells and Magicks
  69. • The Dead and Undead
  70. • Grand Histories of the Known World
  71. • A Bestiary of Creatures Unusual
  72. • The Planar Spheres
  73. • Legends of Heroes Past
  74. • Gods and Their Servants
  75. When you \textbf{first encounter an important creature, location, or item (your call) covered by your bardic lore} you can ask the GM any one question about it; the GM will answer truthfully. The GM may then ask you what tale, song, or legend you heard that information in.
  76. \end{basicmove}
  77. \begin{basicmove}{Charming and Open}
  78. When you \textbf{speak frankly with someone}, you can ask their player a question from the list below. They must answer it truthfully, then they may ask you a question from the list (which you must answer truthfully).
  79. • Whom do you serve?
  80. • What do you wish I would do?
  81. • How can I get you to \_\_\_\_?
  82. • What are you really feeling right now?
  83. • What do you most desire?
  84. \end{basicmove}
  85. \begin{basicmove}{A Port in the Storm}
  86. When you \textbf{arrive at a civilized settlement spoken of in
  87. lore or song}, tell the GM something you've heard about the
  88. place. They’ll tell you how it’s changed since the Shattering.
  89. \end{basicmove}
  90. \vfill\null
  91. \end{multicols}
  92. \clearpage
  93. \gearbanner
  94. \begin{multicols}{2}
  95. \begin{quote}
  96. Your load is 9+Str. You have dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight). Choose one instrument, all are 0 weight for you:
  97. \choice Your father’s mandolin, repaired
  98. \choice A fine lute, a gift from a noble
  99. \choice The pipes with which you courted your first love
  100. \choice A stolen horn
  101. \choice A fiddle, never before played
  102. \choice A songbook in a forgotten tongue
  103. \end{quote}
  104. \
  105. \columnbreak
  106. \begin{quote}
  107. Choose your clothing:
  108. \choice Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
  109. \choice Ostentatious clothes (0 weight)
  110. Choose your armament:
  111. \choice Dueling rapier (close, precise, 2 weight)
  112. \choice Worn bow (near, 2 weight), bundle of arrows (3 ammo,
  113. 1 weight), and short sword (close, 1 weight)
  114. Choose one:
  115. \choice Adventuring gear (1 weight)
  116. \choice Bandages (0 weight)
  117. \choice Halfling pipeleaf (0 weight)
  118. \choice 3 coins
  119. \end{quote}
  120. \end{multicols}
  121. \begin{multicols}{2}
  122. \leftbanner{Advanced Moves (2-5)}
  123. When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.
  124. \
  125. \begin{amove}{Healing Song}
  126. When you \textbf{heal with arcane art}, you heal +1d8 damage.
  127. \end{amove}
  128. \begin{amove}{Vicious Cacophony}
  129. When you \textbf{grant bonus damage with arcane art}, you grant an
  130. extra +1d4 damage.
  131. \end{amove}
  132. \begin{amove}{It Goes To Eleven}
  133. When you \textbf{unleash a crazed performance} (a righteous lute
  134. solo or mighty brass blast, maybe) choose a target who can hear you
  135. and roll+Cha.
  136. • On a 10+ the target attacks their nearest ally in range.
  137. • On a 7–9 they attack their nearest ally, but you also draw their
  138. attention and ire.
  139. \end{amove}
  140. \begin{amove}{Metal Hurlant}
  141. When you \textbf{shout with great force or play a shattering note}
  142. choose a target and roll+Con.
  143. • On a 10+ the target takes 1d10 damage and is deafened for a few
  144. minutes.
  145. • On a 7–9 you still damage your target, but it’s out of control:
  146. the GM will choose an additional target nearby.
  147. \end{amove}
  148. \begin{amove}{A Little Help From My Friends}
  149. When you \textbf{successfully aid someone} you take +1 forward as well.
  150. \end{amove}
  151. \begin{amove}{Eldritch Tones}
  152. Your arcane art is strong, allowing you to choose two effects instead of one.
  153. \end{amove}
  154. \begin{amove}{Duelist’s Parry}
  155. When you hack and slash, you take +1 armor forward.
  156. \end{amove}
  157. \begin{amove}{Bamboozle}
  158. When you parley with someone, on a 7+ you also take +1 forward with them.
  159. \end{amove}
  160. \begin{amove}{Multiclass Dabbler}
  161. Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
  162. choosing the move.
  163. \end{amove}
  164. \begin{amove}{Multiclass Initiate}
  165. Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
  166. choosing the move.
  167. \end{amove}
  168. \vfill\null
  169. \columnbreak
  170. \rightbanner{Advanced Moves (6-10)}
  171. When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or
  172. the level 2--5 moves.
  173. \
  174. \begin{amove}{Healing Chorus}
  175. \textbf{Replaces}: Healing Song
  176. When you \textbf{heal with arcane art}, you heal +2d8 damage.
  177. \end{amove}
  178. \begin{amove}{Vicious Blast}
  179. \textbf{Replaces}: Vicious Cacophony
  180. When you \textbf{grant bonus damage with arcane art}, you grant an
  181. extra +2d4 damage.
  182. \end{amove}
  183. \begin{amove}{Unforgettable Face}
  184. When you \textbf{meet someone you’ve met before} (your call) after
  185. some time apart you take +1 forward against them.
  186. \end{amove}
  187. \begin{amove}{Reputation}
  188. When you \textbf{first meet someone who’s heard songs about you},
  189. roll+Cha.
  190. • On a 10+, tell the GM two things they’ve heard about you.
  191. • On a 7-9, tell the GM one thing they’ve heard, and the GM tells you
  192. one thing.
  193. \end{amove}
  194. \begin{amove}{Eldritch Chord}
  195. \textbf{Replaces}: Eldritch Tones
  196. When you use arcane art, you choose two effects. You also get to
  197. choose one of those effects to double.
  198. \end{amove}
  199. \begin{amove}{An Ear For Magic}
  200. When you \textbf{hear an enemy cast a spell} the GM will tell you
  201. the name of the spell and its effects. Take +1 forward when acting
  202. on the answers.
  203. \end{amove}
  204. \begin{amove}{Devious}
  205. When you use charming and open you may also ask “How are you vulnerable to me?” Your subject may not ask this question of you.
  206. \end{amove}
  207. \begin{amove}{Duelist’s Block}
  208. \textbf{Replaces}: Duelist’s Parry
  209. When you hack and slash, you take +2 armor forward.
  210. \end{amove}
  211. \begin{amove}{Con}
  212. \textbf{Replaces}: Bamboozle
  213. When you parley with someone, on a 7+ you also take +1 forward with
  214. them and get to ask their player one question which they must answer
  215. truthfully.
  216. \end{amove}
  217. \begin{amove}{Multiclass Master}
  218. Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
  219. choosing the move.
  220. \end{amove}
  221. \vfill\null
  222. \end{multicols}
  223. \end{document}