merchant.tex 2.2 KB

  1. \documentclass[8pt]{extarticle}
  2. \input{assets/prelude}
  3. \newcommand{\Class}{Merchant}
  4. \newcommand{\BaseHP}{6}
  5. \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{9}
  6. \newcommand{\Damage}{4}
  7. \begin{document}
  8. \openup -0.2em
  9. \charbanner
  10. \begin{multicols}{2}
  11. \leftbanner{Folk}
  12. \begin{amove}{Elf}
  13. You know the academics and historians of the universities. You get
  14. the \textbf{Bookseller} connection in addition to any others you
  15. choose.
  16. \end{amove}
  17. \begin{amove}{Human}
  18. You know the artisans and tradespeople of the city. You get the
  19. \textbf{Home Goods} connection in addition to any others you choose.
  20. \end{amove}
  21. \begin{amove}{Kitt}
  22. You know the trappers and hunters on the outskirts of the city. You
  23. get the \textbf{Hunted Goods} connection in addition to any others
  24. you choose.
  25. \end{amove}
  26. \
  27. \leftbanner{Drive}
  28. \begin{amove}{???}
  29. foo
  30. \end{amove}
  31. \begin{amove}{???}
  32. bar
  33. \end{amove}
  34. \begin{amove}{???}
  35. baz
  36. \end{amove}
  37. \
  38. \leftbanner{Bonds}
  39. \vfill\null
  40. \columnbreak
  41. \rightbanner{Starting Moves}
  42. \begin{basicmove}{Capital}
  43. You begin with 3 Capital. When in a city large enough to have a
  44. market, you can once per day exchange 1 Capital for 100 gold, or
  45. exchange 100 gold for 1 Capital.
  46. \end{basicmove}
  47. \begin{basicmove}{Connections}
  48. You have connections who can supply you with goods that you can then
  49. sell at the market. Choose two of the following categories: you can
  50. always \textbf{Buy in Bulk} from them.
  51. \end{basicmove}
  52. \vfill\null
  53. \end{multicols}
  54. \clearpage
  55. \gearbanner
  56. \begin{multicols}{2}
  57. \begin{quote}
  58. Your load is 8+STR.
  59. \end{quote}
  60. \
  61. \columnbreak
  62. \
  63. \end{multicols}
  64. \begin{multicols}{2}
  65. \leftbanner{Advanced Moves (2-5)}
  66. When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.
  67. \begin{amove}{The Deals Warlock}
  68. foo
  69. \end{amove}
  70. \begin{amove}{Wager}
  71. foo
  72. \end{amove}
  73. \begin{amove}{Spice and Wolf}
  74. When you \textbf{escort a valuable trade good through the dangerous
  75. wilderness}, you can take +1 to rolls to \textbf{Take a Perilous
  76. Journey.}
  77. \end{amove}
  78. \vfill\null
  79. \columnbreak
  80. \rightbanner{Advanced Moves (6-10)}
  81. When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or
  82. the level 2--5 moves.
  83. \vfill\null
  84. \end{multicols}
  85. \end{document}