fighter.tex 11 KB

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  19. \newenvironment{amove}[1]
  20. {\Checkbox{6pt}\ {\headingfont #1}\begin{quote}
  21. }
  22. {\end{quote}
  23. }
  24. \newenvironment{basicmove}[1]
  25. {\begin{quote}{\headingfont #1}\begin{quote}
  26. }
  27. {\end{quote}\end{quote}
  28. }
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  30. {#1
  31. \begin{quote}
  32. }
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  77. % Modify this commands to define Class name, Base HP, Base Load and Damage Dice (only number)
  78. \newcommand{\Class}{Fighter}
  79. \newcommand{\BaseHP}{10}
  80. \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{12}
  81. \newcommand{\Damage}{10}
  82. % Don't replace here, replace before every section
  83. \newcommand{\SectionTitle}{4}
  84. \begin{document}
  85. \openup -0.3em
  86. \input{figuras/TopBanner}
  87. %\input{figuras/TopBanner10Plus} %Use this instead when damage dice has 10 or more faces
  88. \begin{multicols}{2}
  89. \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Folk}
  90. \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
  91. \begin{amove}{Dwarf}
  92. When you \textbf{share a drink with someone}, you may parley with
  93. them using CON instead of CHA.
  94. \end{amove}
  95. \begin{amove}{Elf}
  96. Choose one weapon—you can always treat weapons of that type as if
  97. they had the precise tag.
  98. \end{amove}
  99. \begin{amove}{Halfling}
  100. When you defy danger and \textbf{use your small size to your
  101. advantage}, take +1.
  102. \end{amove}
  103. \begin{amove}{Human}
  104. Once per battle you may reroll a single damage roll (yours or
  105. someone else’s).
  106. \end{amove}
  107. \
  108. \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Alignment}
  109. \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
  110. \begin{amove}{Good}
  111. Defend those weaker than you.
  112. \end{amove}
  113. \begin{amove}{Neutral}
  114. Defeat a worthy opponent.
  115. \end{amove}
  116. \begin{amove}{Evil}
  117. Kill a defenseless or surrendered enemy.
  118. \end{amove}
  119. \
  120. \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Bonds}
  121. \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
  122. \begin{quote}
  123. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  124. \enspace\hrulefill
  125. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  126. \enspace\hrulefill
  127. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  128. \enspace\hrulefill
  129. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  130. \enspace\hrulefill
  131. \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
  132. \enspace\hrulefill
  133. \end{quote}
  134. \vfill\null
  135. \columnbreak
  136. \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Starting Moves}
  137. \input{figuras/RightBanner}
  138. \begin{basicmove}{Bend Bars, Lift Gates}
  139. When you use pure strength to destroy an inanimate obstacle,
  140. roll+Str. \textbf{On a 10+}, choose 3. \textbf{On a 7-9}, choose 2.
  141. • It doesn’t take a very long time
  142. • Nothing of value is damaged
  143. • It doesn’t make an inordinate amount of noise
  144. • You can fix the thing again without a lot of effort
  145. \end{basicmove}
  146. \begin{basicmove}{Armored}
  147. You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.
  148. \end{basicmove}
  149. \begin{basicmove}{Signature Weapon}
  150. This is your weapon. There are many like it, but this one is
  151. yours. Your weapon is your best friend. It is your life. You master
  152. it as you master your life. Your weapon, without you, is
  153. useless. Without your weapon, you are useless. You must wield your
  154. weapon true.
  155. Choose a base description, all are 2 weight:
  156. \begin{quote}
  157. \choice Sword
  158. \choice Axe
  159. \choice Hammer
  160. \choice Spear
  161. \choice Flail
  162. \choice Fists
  163. \end{quote}
  164. Choose the range that best fits your weapon:
  165. \begin{quote}
  166. \choice Hand
  167. \choice Close
  168. \choice Reach
  169. \end{quote}
  170. Choose two enhancements:
  171. \begin{quote}
  172. \choice Hooks and spikes. +1 damage, but +1 weight.
  173. \choice Sharp. +2 piercing.
  174. \choice Perfectly weighted. Add precise.
  175. \choice Serrated edges. +1 damage.
  176. \choice Glows in the presence of one type of creature, your choice.
  177. \choice Huge. Add messy and forceful.
  178. \choice Versatile. Choose an additional range.
  179. \choice Well-crafted. -1 weight.
  180. \end{quote}
  181. Choose a look:
  182. \begin{quote}
  183. \choice Ancient
  184. \choice Unblemished
  185. \choice Ornate
  186. \choice Blood-stained
  187. \choice Sinister
  188. \end{quote}
  189. \end{basicmove}
  190. \vfill\null
  191. \end{multicols}
  192. \clearpage
  193. \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Gear}
  194. \input{figuras/RightBannerEquipment}
  195. \begin{multicols}{2}
  196. \begin{quote}
  197. Your load is 12+Str. You carry your signature weapon and dungeon
  198. rations (5 uses, 1 weight). Choose your defenses:
  199. \begin{quote}
  200. \choice Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) and adventuring gear (1 weight)
  201. \choice Scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight)
  202. \end{quote}
  203. Choose two:
  204. \begin{quote}
  205. \choice 2 Healing potions (0 weight)
  206. \choice Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
  207. \choice Antitoxin (0 weight), dungeon rations (1 weight), and poultices and herbs (1 weight)
  208. \choice 22 coins
  209. \end{quote}
  210. \end{quote}
  211. \
  212. \columnbreak
  213. \
  214. \end{multicols}
  215. \begin{multicols}{2}
  216. \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (2-5)}
  217. \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
  218. When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.
  219. \
  220. \begin{amove}{Merciless}
  221. When you deal damage, deal +1d4 damage.
  222. \end{amove}
  223. \begin{amove}{Heirloom}
  224. When you consult the spirits that reside within your signature
  225. weapon, they will give you an insight relating to the current
  226. situation, and might ask you some questions in return,
  227. roll+CHA. \textbf{On a 10+}, the GM will give you good
  228. detail. \textbf{On a 7-9}, the GM will give you an impression.
  229. \end{amove}
  230. \begin{amove}{Armor Mastery}
  231. When you make your armor take the brunt of damage dealt to you, the
  232. damage is negated but you must reduce the armor value of your armor
  233. or shield (your choice) by 1. The value is reduced each time you
  234. make this choice. If the reduction leaves the item with 0 armor it
  235. is destroyed.
  236. \end{amove}
  237. \begin{amove}{Improved Weapon}
  238. Choose one extra enhancement for your signature weapon.
  239. \end{amove}
  240. \begin{amove}{Seeing Red}
  241. When you discern realities during combat, you take +1.
  242. \end{amove}
  243. \begin{amove}{Interrogator}
  244. When you parley using threats of impending violence as leverage, you
  245. may use STR instead of CHA.
  246. \end{amove}
  247. \begin{amove}{Scent of Blood}
  248. When you hack and slash an enemy, your next attack against that same
  249. foe deals +1d4 damage.
  250. \end{amove}
  251. \begin{amove}{Multiclass Dabbler}
  252. Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
  253. choosing the move.
  254. \end{amove}
  255. \begin{amove}{Iron Hide}
  256. You gain +1 armor.
  257. \end{amove}
  258. \begin{amove}{Blacksmith}
  259. When you have access to a forge you can graft the magical powers of
  260. a weapon onto your signature weapon. This process destroys the
  261. magical weapon. Your signature weapon gains the magical powers of
  262. the destroyed weapon.
  263. \end{amove}
  264. \vfill\null
  265. \columnbreak
  266. \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (6-10)}
  267. \input{figuras/RightBanner}
  268. When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or
  269. the level 2--5 moves.
  270. \
  271. \begin{amove}{Bloodthirsty}
  272. \textbf{Replaces}: Merciless
  273. When you deal damage, deal +1d8 damage.
  274. \end{amove}
  275. \begin{amove}{Armored Perfection}
  276. \textbf{Replaces}: Armor Mastery
  277. When you choose to let your armor take the brunt of damage dealt to
  278. you, the damage is negated and you take +1 forward against the
  279. attacker, but you must reduce the armor value of your armor or shield
  280. (your choice) by 1. The value is reduced each time you make this
  281. choice. If the reduction leaves the item with 0 armor it is destroyed.
  282. \end{amove}
  283. \begin{amove}{Evil Eye}
  284. \textbf{Requires}: Seeing Red
  285. When you enter combat, roll+CHA. \textbf{On a 10+}, hold
  286. 2. \textbf{On a 7-9}, hold 1. Spend your hold to make eye contact
  287. with an NPC present, who freezes or flinches and can’t act until you
  288. break it off. \textbf{On a 6-}, your enemies immediately identify
  289. you as their biggest threat.
  290. \end{amove}
  291. \begin{amove}{Taste of Blood}
  292. \textbf{Replaces}: Scent of Blood
  293. When you hack and slash an enemy, your next attack against that same
  294. foe deals +1d8 damage.
  295. \end{amove}
  296. \begin{amove}{Multiclass Initiate}
  297. \textbf{Required}: Multiclass Dabbler
  298. Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
  299. choosing the move.
  300. \end{amove}
  301. \begin{amove}{Steel Hide}
  302. \textbf{Replaces}: Iron Hide
  303. You gain +2 armor.
  304. \end{amove}
  305. \begin{amove}{Through Death’s Eyes}
  306. When you go into battle, roll+WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, name someone
  307. who will live and someone who will die. \textbf{On a 7-9}, name
  308. someone who will live or someone who will die. Name NPCs, not player
  309. characters. The GM will make your vision come true, if it’s even
  310. remotely possible. \textbf{On a 6-}, you see your own death and
  311. consequently take -1 ongoing throughout the battle.
  312. \end{amove}
  313. \begin{amove}{Eye for Weaponry}
  314. When you look over an enemy’s weaponry, ask the GM how much damage
  315. they do.
  316. \end{amove}
  317. \begin{amove}{Superior Warrior}
  318. When you hack and slash on a 12+ you deal your damage, avoid their
  319. attack, and impress, dismay, or frighten your enemy.
  320. \end{amove}
  321. \vfill\null
  322. \end{multicols}
  323. \end{document}