123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461 |
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- }
- {\end{quote}
- }
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- {\begin{quote}{\headingfont #1}\begin{quote}
- }
- {\end{quote}\end{quote}
- }
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- {#1
- \begin{quote}
- }
- {\end{quote}
- }
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- % Modify this commands to define Class name, Base HP, Base Load and Damage Dice (only number)
- \newcommand{\Class}{Fighter}
- \newcommand{\BaseHP}{10}
- \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{12}
- \newcommand{\Damage}{10}
- % Don't replace here, replace before every section
- \newcommand{\SectionTitle}{4}
- \begin{document}
- \openup -0.3em
- \input{figuras/TopBanner}
- %\input{figuras/TopBanner10Plus} %Use this instead when damage dice has 10 or more faces
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Folk}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- \begin{amove}{Dwarf}
- When you \textbf{share a drink with someone}, you may parley with
- them using CON instead of CHA.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Elf}
- Choose one weapon—you can always treat weapons of that type as if
- they had the precise tag.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Halfling}
- When you defy danger and \textbf{use your small size to your
- advantage}, take +1.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Human}
- Once per battle you may reroll a single damage roll (yours or
- someone else’s).
- \end{amove}
- \
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Alignment}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- \begin{amove}{Good}
- Defend those weaker than you.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Neutral}
- Defeat a worthy opponent.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Evil}
- Kill a defenseless or surrendered enemy.
- \end{amove}
- \
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Bonds}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- \begin{quote}
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \end{quote}
- \vfill\null
- \columnbreak
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Starting Moves}
- \input{figuras/RightBanner}
- \begin{basicmove}{Bend Bars, Lift Gates}
- When you use pure strength to destroy an inanimate obstacle,
- roll+Str. \textbf{On a 10+}, choose 3. \textbf{On a 7-9}, choose 2.
- • It doesn’t take a very long time
- • Nothing of value is damaged
- • It doesn’t make an inordinate amount of noise
- • You can fix the thing again without a lot of effort
- \end{basicmove}
- \begin{basicmove}{Armored}
- You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.
- \end{basicmove}
- \begin{basicmove}{Signature Weapon}
- This is your weapon. There are many like it, but this one is
- yours. Your weapon is your best friend. It is your life. You master
- it as you master your life. Your weapon, without you, is
- useless. Without your weapon, you are useless. You must wield your
- weapon true.
- Choose a base description, all are 2 weight:
- \begin{quote}
- \choice Sword
- \choice Axe
- \choice Hammer
- \choice Spear
- \choice Flail
- \choice Fists
- \end{quote}
- Choose the range that best fits your weapon:
- \begin{quote}
- \choice Hand
- \choice Close
- \choice Reach
- \end{quote}
- Choose two enhancements:
- \begin{quote}
- \choice Hooks and spikes. +1 damage, but +1 weight.
- \choice Sharp. +2 piercing.
- \choice Perfectly weighted. Add precise.
- \choice Serrated edges. +1 damage.
- \choice Glows in the presence of one type of creature, your choice.
- \choice Huge. Add messy and forceful.
- \choice Versatile. Choose an additional range.
- \choice Well-crafted. -1 weight.
- \end{quote}
- Choose a look:
- \begin{quote}
- \choice Ancient
- \choice Unblemished
- \choice Ornate
- \choice Blood-stained
- \choice Sinister
- \end{quote}
- \end{basicmove}
- \vfill\null
- \end{multicols}
- \clearpage
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Gear}
- \input{figuras/RightBannerEquipment}
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \begin{quote}
- Your load is 12+Str. You carry your signature weapon and dungeon
- rations (5 uses, 1 weight). Choose your defenses:
- \begin{quote}
- \choice Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) and adventuring gear (1 weight)
- \choice Scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight)
- \end{quote}
- Choose two:
- \begin{quote}
- \choice 2 Healing potions (0 weight)
- \choice Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
- \choice Antitoxin (0 weight), dungeon rations (1 weight), and poultices and herbs (1 weight)
- \choice 22 coins
- \end{quote}
- \end{quote}
- \
- \columnbreak
- \
- \end{multicols}
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (2-5)}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.
- \
- \begin{amove}{Merciless}
- When you deal damage, deal +1d4 damage.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Heirloom}
- When you consult the spirits that reside within your signature
- weapon, they will give you an insight relating to the current
- situation, and might ask you some questions in return,
- roll+CHA. \textbf{On a 10+}, the GM will give you good
- detail. \textbf{On a 7-9}, the GM will give you an impression.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Armor Mastery}
- When you make your armor take the brunt of damage dealt to you, the
- damage is negated but you must reduce the armor value of your armor
- or shield (your choice) by 1. The value is reduced each time you
- make this choice. If the reduction leaves the item with 0 armor it
- is destroyed.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Improved Weapon}
- Choose one extra enhancement for your signature weapon.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Seeing Red}
- When you discern realities during combat, you take +1.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Interrogator}
- When you parley using threats of impending violence as leverage, you
- may use STR instead of CHA.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Scent of Blood}
- When you hack and slash an enemy, your next attack against that same
- foe deals +1d4 damage.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Multiclass Dabbler}
- Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
- choosing the move.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Iron Hide}
- You gain +1 armor.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Blacksmith}
- When you have access to a forge you can graft the magical powers of
- a weapon onto your signature weapon. This process destroys the
- magical weapon. Your signature weapon gains the magical powers of
- the destroyed weapon.
- \end{amove}
- \vfill\null
- \columnbreak
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (6-10)}
- \input{figuras/RightBanner}
- When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or
- the level 2--5 moves.
- \
- \begin{amove}{Bloodthirsty}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Merciless
- When you deal damage, deal +1d8 damage.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Armored Perfection}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Armor Mastery
- When you choose to let your armor take the brunt of damage dealt to
- you, the damage is negated and you take +1 forward against the
- attacker, but you must reduce the armor value of your armor or shield
- (your choice) by 1. The value is reduced each time you make this
- choice. If the reduction leaves the item with 0 armor it is destroyed.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Evil Eye}
- \textbf{Requires}: Seeing Red
- When you enter combat, roll+CHA. \textbf{On a 10+}, hold
- 2. \textbf{On a 7-9}, hold 1. Spend your hold to make eye contact
- with an NPC present, who freezes or flinches and can’t act until you
- break it off. \textbf{On a 6-}, your enemies immediately identify
- you as their biggest threat.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Taste of Blood}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Scent of Blood
- When you hack and slash an enemy, your next attack against that same
- foe deals +1d8 damage.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Multiclass Initiate}
- \textbf{Required}: Multiclass Dabbler
- Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
- choosing the move.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Steel Hide}
- \textbf{Replaces}: Iron Hide
- You gain +2 armor.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Through Death’s Eyes}
- When you go into battle, roll+WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, name someone
- who will live and someone who will die. \textbf{On a 7-9}, name
- someone who will live or someone who will die. Name NPCs, not player
- characters. The GM will make your vision come true, if it’s even
- remotely possible. \textbf{On a 6-}, you see your own death and
- consequently take -1 ongoing throughout the battle.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Eye for Weaponry}
- When you look over an enemy’s weaponry, ask the GM how much damage
- they do.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Superior Warrior}
- When you hack and slash on a 12+ you deal your damage, avoid their
- attack, and impress, dismay, or frighten your enemy.
- \end{amove}
- \vfill\null
- \end{multicols}
- \end{document}