123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447 |
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- }
- {\end{quote}
- }
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- }
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- \newcommand{\Checkbox}[1]{\tikz{\path[draw=black] (0,0) rectangle (#1,#1);}}
- % Modify this commands to define Class name, Base HP, Base Load and Damage Dice (only number)
- \newcommand{\Class}{Collector}
- \newcommand{\BaseHP}{6}
- \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{15}
- \newcommand{\Damage}{4}
- % Don't replace here, replace before every section
- \newcommand{\SectionTitle}{4}
- \begin{document}
- \openup -0.3em
- \input{figuras/TopBanner}
- %\input{figuras/TopBanner10Plus} %Use this instead when damage dice has 10 or more faces
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Predilection}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- \Checkbox{6pt} \textbf{Living}\ \ \textit{Lore stat: +WIS}
- \begin{quote}
- Your curios are living creatures, capable of thinking and acting on
- their own---birds, bugs, dinosaurs, plants. When you use
- \textbf{Keeper of Curios}, the curio you pull out can function
- remotely, although it has a mind of its own and might not
- listen. You can command it to act on its own by Defying Danger with
- +WIS.
- \end{quote}
- \Checkbox{6pt} \textbf{Magical}\ \ \textit{Lore stat: +CHA}
- \begin{quote}
- Your curios are mystical things---wands, crowns, cards, games. You
- have grown used to the feel of being in their presence. Whenever a
- magical effect happens close by, you can feel it. You know roughly
- which direction it happened in, how far away it was, and a very
- vague idea of the nature of the effect.
- \end{quote}
- \Checkbox{6pt} \textbf{Mundane}\ \ \textit{Lore stat: +INT}
- \begin{quote}
- Your curios are practical in nature---clothing, weaponry, gadgets,
- food. When you gain this Predilection, choose a type of resource:
- adventuring gear, weapons, ammo, bandages, or rations. When you
- spend a minute looking through your collection, restock 1-use of the
- chosen resource.
- \end{quote}
- \
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Drive}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- \Checkbox{6pt} \textbf{Holding the Key}
- \begin{quote}
- Keep dangerous things away from those who would abuse them.
- \end{quote}
- \Checkbox{6pt} \textbf{Money and Fortune}
- \begin{quote}
- Endanger yourself or your friends for the sake of riches.
- \end{quote}
- \Checkbox{6pt} \textbf{Show-Off}
- \begin{quote}
- Impress another using your wealth or your gear.
- \end{quote}
- \
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Bonds}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- \begin{quote}
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
- \enspace\hrulefill
- \end{quote}
- \vfill\null
- \columnbreak
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Starting Moves}
- \input{figuras/RightBanner}
- \begin{basicmove}{Keeper of Curios}
- You keep a collection of strange and rare curiosities, which follow
- some sort of theme--- masks, small dinosaurs, mechanical replicas of
- insects. Your collection is 5-weight, and contains a variety of
- useful things collected throughout your travels.
- \textbf{Record your collection's Theme}:
- \textbf{Choose one or two to describe your collection's Look:}
- • Amazing, Bizarre, Complex, Historic, Impractical, Mysterious, Simple,
- Surreal, Whimsical
- When you \textbf{take a few moments to dig through your collection
- for something useful}, describe what you're looking for and what
- you want it to do. You can potentially have anything on hand, but
- the GM will tell you one to four of the following:
- • It is either consumable or faulty, and will only work once
- • It was not intended to be used for this
- • It will take a lot of time and effort to use properly
- • It won't work unless you \_\_\_\_\_
- • The curio's effects are incredibly specific
- • You get something close to what you want, but not quite
- • You'll need help from \_\_\_\_\_ to use it safely
- \end{basicmove}
- \begin{basicmove}{Curiosity}
- When you \textbf{put yourself at risk to check something out}, roll
- +Lore. \textbf{On a hit}, ask the GM any one question related to the
- risks. \textbf{On a 10+}, the GM will answer it, as clearly as the
- circumstances allow. \textbf{On a 7-9}, the GM will tell you what
- more you need to do to find the answer yourself.
- \end{basicmove}
- \begin{basicmove}{Make It Count}
- When you \textbf{use up the last use of a piece of gear}, it has +1
- to all numeric values attached to it and all rolls made to use
- it. When you \textbf{use a piece of gear without limited uses, such
- as a weapon or a shield}, you can destroy it during use to take +1
- to all numeric values attached to it and all rolls made to use it.
- \textit{\textbf{Examples}: The last piece of pipeleaf gives +2 to
- Parley instead of +1. The last arrow gives +1 to Volley and +1 to
- damage. The last poultice heals 8 HP instead of 7. The last ration
- heals you +1 when you Make Camp. If you destroy your sword during
- use, you take +1 to Hack \& Slash and +1 to damage with it. If you
- destroy your shield or your armor during use, it provides +1 to
- armor for the attack.}
- \end{basicmove}
- \begin{basicmove}{Wealth and Taste}
- When you \textbf{make a show of flashing around a valuable
- possession}, choose an NPC present. They will do anything they can
- to obtain your item or one like it.
- \end{basicmove}
- \vfill\null
- \end{multicols}
- \clearpage
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Gear}
- \input{figuras/RightBannerEquipment}
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \begin{quote}
- Your Load is 15 + STR. You start with your collection (5 weight), dungeon
- rations (5 uses, 1 weight), and adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight).
- \textbf{Choose four:}
- \Checkbox{6pt} A catalogue of the strange and mysterious (5 uses, 1 weight)
- \Checkbox{6pt} An antique weapon (any range, 1 weight) with 3 ammo (1 weight), should it need it
- \Checkbox{6pt} Monster feed (8 uses, 1 weight) and bandages (3 uses, 0 weight)
- \Checkbox{6pt} A repair kit (6 uses, slow, 1 weight) and an appraisal kit (1 weight)
- \Checkbox{6pt} 40 coin and a membership card to an organization of your choice
- \Checkbox{6pt} Poultices and herbs (2 uses, slow, 0 weight) and Ratling Pipeleaf (6 uses, 1 weight)
- \Checkbox{6pt} A unique and intelligent item, pet, or companion, describe it
- \Checkbox{6pt} Spare clothing for any occasion, including light armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
- \Checkbox{6pt} A vehicle or mount that matches your Collection's Theme
- \end{quote}
- \
- \columnbreak
- \
- \end{multicols}
- \begin{multicols}{2}
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (2-5)}
- \input{figuras/LeftBanner}
- When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.
- \
- \begin{amove}{Always Bring a Spare}
- When you \textbf{buy or find new equipment with limited uses (ammo,
- gear, bandages, etc)}, it comes with one extra use. \textbf{When
- the GM tells you that something you gained using Keeper of Curios
- has only one use}, it has two uses instead.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Expanded Collection}
- Choose a second Predilection option. You gain the move associated
- with that Predilection. You do not gain the associated Lore stat.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Happy Salesman}
- When you offer trinkets and curios in addition to whatever leverage
- you have for Parley, roll +Lore instead of +CHA. In addition, you
- can always demand trinkets and curios as additional payment for
- services rendered.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Healthy Competition}
- You have a rival. The two of you have been competing for so long
- that you've developed a sort of camaraderie, but you can't trust
- them as far as you can throw them. \textbf{Wherever you go}, your
- rival is surely not far behind. \textbf{When you turn to your rival
- for aid}, they will help you, but you owe them a favor. They'll
- decide when it is time to collect.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Identify}
- When you \textbf{spend some time and safety testing and anaâlyzing
- something}, the GM will tell you what it does and how you use it.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Just What I Needed}
- When you \textbf{loot for supplies}, you will always find 1-use of
- ammo, adventuring gear, bandages, weaponry, or any other basic
- equipment you need, if it would be remotely plausible.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Life of the Party}
- When you \textbf{Carouse}, on a 12+ choose as many options as you
- like. People will talk about this party for years to come, and
- you've become famous as a local celebrity. Your name will carry
- weight around here from now on.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Lucky Charm}
- You have a blessed charm that grants you great luck. When you
- \textbf{Make Camp}, set your Luck to 3. \textbf{When you roll a 6-},
- you may spend 1-Luck and re-roll. \textbf{If you get a 7+ on the
- re-roll}, explain how you succeeded only through sheer
- luck. However, your luck can run out. \textbf{When you hold 0-Luck},
- you take -1 ongoing to all rolls until you gain more.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Obsessive Dabbler}
- Gain one non-multiclass move from any class list. Choose the move as
- if you were one level lower than you are, unless that move is
- related to your Predilections. \textit{Example: a Magical
- Predilection taking The Witch's Broomstick.}
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{World of Pure Imagination}
- When you \textbf{spend an entire day setting up}, you do not need to
- spend money to use the Carouse move. When you Carouse, take +Lore to
- the roll.
- \end{amove}
- \vfill\null
- \columnbreak
- \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (6-10)}
- \input{figuras/RightBanner}
- When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or
- the level 2--5 moves.
- \
- \begin{amove}{Complete Collection}
- \textbf{Requires}: Expanded Collection
- Choose the final Predilection option. You gain the move associated
- with that Predilection. You do not gain the associated Lore stat.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Connoisseur}
- When you \textbf{determine that something recently found is
- particularly valuable}, describe what about it makes it
- valuable. You can add or remove any one tag from it, or you can
- describe some specific function it has that other things like it do
- not have.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Healthy Friendship}
- \textbf{Requires}: Healthy Competition
- You and your rival have come to terms with each other. \textbf{When
- you gain this move}, gain 1-Rivalry. When you \textbf{come to your
- rival's aid}, gain 1-Rivalry. When you \textbf{are in trouble},
- you may spend 1-Rivalry to have your rival show up just in time to
- either save the day (and steal the show), or take dramatic action to
- tip the odds in your favor. The GM will tell you how.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Mental Fortitude}
- When you \textbf{Defy Danger with your Lore stat}, on a 12+, you
- succeed beyond all expectations. The GM will offer you a better
- outcome, a moment of genius, or a golden opportunity.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Obsessive Initiate}
- Gain one non-multiclass move from any class list. Choose the move as
- if you were one level lower than you are, unless that move is
- related to your Predilections.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Quality Goods}
- When you use \textbf{Keeper of Curios}, after the GM gives you the
- curio's conditions, you may veto one of them.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Speaker of Curios}
- Sometimes, when you speak to your collection or anything like your
- collection, you get the feeling they really do listen to you. When
- you \textbf{command something that falls under your Collection's
- Theme to take a specific action}, roll +Lore. On a 10+, it bends
- to your will, following your command as well as it can, even if it
- is normally incapable of taking such an action. On a 7-9, it does
- it, but not very well, not how you expected, or with
- consequences---the GM will tell you what happens.
- \end{amove}
- \begin{amove}{Supremely Lucky}
- \textbf{Requires}: Lucky Charm
- When you \textbf{Make Camp}, set your luck to 4 instead of
- 3. \textbf{When you would take damage}, you may spend 1-luck to
- prevent that damage. If you do, describe the comedic, contrived, or
- outright miraculous circumstances that saved you from harm.
- \end{amove}
- \vfill\null
- \end{multicols}
- \end{document}