\documentclass[8pt]{extarticle} \input{prelude.tex} \begin{document} \openup -0.3em %\input{figuras/TopBanner} %\input{figuras/TopBanner10Plus} %Use this instead when damage dice has 10 or more faces \topbanner{Travel Rules} \begin{multicols}{2} The rules in this section replace the standard \textit{Dungeon World} moves \textbf{Undertake a Perilous Journey} and \textbf{End of Session}. The moves \textbf{Undertake a Safe Journey}, \textbf{Undertake a Perilous Journey}, \textbf{Forage}, \textbf{Scout Ahead}, \textbf{Navigate}, and \textbf{Manage Provisions} are inspired by the Dungeon World supplement \textit{The Perilous Wilds}, modified to accomodate concrete distances. The move \textbf{Bail} is inspired by Justin Alexander's \textit{escape check}. The \textbf{Botanicals} referenced here are borrowed from the role-playing game \textit{Ryuutama}. \begin{basicmove}{Undertake a Safe Journey} When you \textbf{travel by a safe route} through safe or dangerous lands, indicate your path and destination on the map. You can reliably travel 4 hexes per day during good weather, and 3 in poor weather, before you need to \textbf{Make Camp} and \textbf{Manage Provisions}. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Undertake a Perilous Journey} When you \textbf{travel through dangerous land} and not on a safe route, indicate the course you want to take on the map and the destination you'd like to reach. Then, choose one party member to \textbf{scout ahead} and another one to \textbf{navigate}, resolving the moves in that order. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Forage} When you \textbf{spend a day seeking food in the wild}, roll +WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, collect 1d4 rations and choose 2 from the list below. \textbf{On a 7--9}, collect 1d4 rations and choose 1 from the list below. \begin{itemize} \item You find an extra +1d4 rations. \item You find 1d4 supply of a useful botanical; ask the GM what it is. \item You avoid attracting unwanted attention or a troublesome situation. \end{itemize} If you are foraging in a \textbf{barren} location, then reduce the number of rations you find by 2. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Make Camp} When you \textbf{settle in to rest}, choose one member of the party to \textbf{Manage Provisions}. If you're somewhere dangerous, then choose someone to \textbf{Take Watch}. If you have enough XP you may level up. When you wake from at least a few uninterrupted hours of sleep heal damage equal to half your max HP. You usually make camp so that you can do other things, like prepare spells or commune with your god. Or, you know, sleep soundly at night. Whenever you stop to catch your breath for more than an hour or so, you've probably made camp. Staying a night in an inn or house is making camp, too. Regain your hit points as usual, but only mark off a ration if you're eating from the food you carry, not paying for a meal or receiving hospitality. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Take Watch} When you are \textbf{on watch and something approaches the camp}, roll +WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, you notice in time to alert everyone and prepare a response; all party members take +1 forward. \textbf{On a 7--9}, you react just a moment too late; your companions in the camp are awake but haven't had time to prepare. They have weapons and armor but little else. \textbf{On a miss}, whatever lurks outside the campfire's light has the drop on you. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Scout Ahead} When you \textbf{take point and look for anything out of the ordinary}, roll +WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, choose 2 from the list below. \textbf{On a 7--9}, choose 1 from the list below. \begin{itemize} \item You get the drop on whatever lies ahead. \item You discern a beneficial aspect of the terrain—shortcut, shelter, or tactical advantage. Describe it. \item You make a useful discovery; ask the GM what. \item You notice sign of a nearby danger—ask the GM what the sign is, and what it might signify. \end{itemize} \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Navigate} When you \textbf{plot the best course through dangerous or unfamiliar lands}, roll +INT. \textbf{On a 10+}, you avoid dangers and distractions and make good time; travel 3 hexes. \textbf{On a 7-9}, choose 1 from the list below: \begin{itemize} \item You make poor time; travel 2 hexes instead. \item You get lost and don't end up where you intend: the GM will decide where you ended up, and you'll need to \textbf{Survey} to get your bearings. \item You run into something dangerous. Better hope your scout has the drop on it! \end{itemize} \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Manage Provisions} When you \textbf{prepare and distribute food for the party}, roll +WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, choose from the list below: \begin{itemize} \item Careful management reduces the amount of rations consumed (ask the GM by how much) \item The party consumes the expected amount and the food you prepare is excellent—describe it, and everyone who ate it takes +1 forward. \end{itemize} \textbf{On a 7--9}, the party consumes the expected amount of rations. \textbf{On a miss}, in addition to any other mishaps or misfortunes, one party member must choose to spend an extra ration or go without food. \end{basicmove} \vfill\null \columnbreak \begin{basicmove}{Survey the Land} When you \textbf{survey the land to find out where you are and what's nearby}, roll +DEX. \textbf{On 10+}, ask the GM 3 questions from the list below. \textbf{On a 7--9}, ask the GM 1 question from the list below. \begin{itemize} \item Where exactly on the map are we? \item What can I tell about an adjacent hex to us? \item What's interesting to us in this area? \item What's valuable or useful to us in this area? \item What direction is the nearest settlement? \end{itemize} The GM will tell answer the questions honestly, and then ask you how you learned these things. \textbf{On a miss}, ask 1 anyway, but be prepared for the worst. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Bail} When the session is about to end and \textbf{you need to get yourself or your whole party out of a situation right goddamn now}, roll +CON. \textbf{On a 10+}, you and your party make it out with yourselves and your stuff intact. \textbf{On a 7--9}, you and each member of your party must one from the list below: \begin{itemize} \item You lose a piece of equiment: tell the GM what it was and how it got lost. \item You lose one-tenth of the Coin you have on you. \item You take 1d6 damage. \item You draw the attention of someone or something who will remember you. \end{itemize} \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{End of Session} When you reach the end of a session, choose one your bonds that you feel is resolved (completely explored, no longer relevant, or otherwise). Ask the player of the character you have the bond with if they agree. If they do, mark XP and write a new bond with whomever you wish. Once bonds have been updated look at your alignment. If you fulfilled that alignment at least once this session, mark XP. Then answer these three questions as a group: \begin{itemize} \item Did we discover a new place to put on the map? \item Did we learn something new or interesting about the world or its inhabitants? \item Did we overcome a difficult or interesting situation? \end{itemize} For each ``yes'' answer everyone marks XP. Finally, choose two actions from the following list. The same action can be chosen twice as long as it targets different hexes. \begin{itemize} \item The Empress sends a scout to a particular location on the map: reveal the content of one hex. \item The Guild of Engineers constructs roads, facilitating safe travel in one hex. Treat travel on this hex as taking a \textbf{Safe Journey}. \item The Guild of Engineers builds an Outpost, facilitating safe stay in one hex. You do not need to \textbf{Make Camp} on this hex, but you still consume rations as usual. \item The Guild of Engineers builds a Keep on top of an Outpost, leading way to a town in that hex. The Explorer's Guild in this town will house and feed you, so you do not need to either \textbf{Make Camp} or \textbf{Manage Provisions} while staying in this hex. \end{itemize} If the players pool together 500 coin, they can also choose a third action from the above list. \end{basicmove} \vfill\null \end{multicols} \clearpage \topbanner{Downtime Rules} \begin{multicols}{2} This campaign is designed around the idea that your character won't be present at every game, and that's okay! However, just because your character wasn't involved in an active expedition, that doesn't mean your character was static. To find out what your character has been up while other expeditions happened---that is, when other sessions happened that you weren't present for---you can use these \textbf{Downtime Moves}. If you were present at the last session, then don't use any of these moves: your character is still fresh off their last adventure, and hasn't had time to spend in town. The rules given here will often tell you to roll +absence, which is a modifier based on how long since your character took part in an expedition. \begin{itemize} \item If you last played \textbf{two sessions ago}, then +0. \item If you last played \textbf{more than two sessions ago but in the past month}, then +1. \item If you last played \textbf{more than a month ago}, then +2. \item If you last played \textbf{more than two months ago}, then +3. \end{itemize} You're also not obliged to do a downtime move at all: maybe you just lived as usual! Most of these offer you potential rewards, but as they involve rolling, there's always the chance of failure. \begin{basicmove}{Hustle} When you \textbf{spend time doing odd jobs in the city between expeditions}, roll +absence and select from the following list. \textbf{On a 10+}, choose 3. \textbf{on a 7--9}, choose 2. \textbf{On a 6-}, choose 1, but the GM will likely give you another complication: maybe you agreed to an ill-considered bet, are on the hook for a job, or simply have attracted some attention that will make things hard for you in the future. \begin{itemize} \item You had a memorable experience: take 1 XP, and explain what happened to you in the intervening weeks. \item You did a lucrative job: take 10 gold, and explain what job you did and who you did it for. \end{itemize} \end{basicmove} \end{multicols} \end{document}