\documentclass[8pt]{extarticle} \usepackage[paperwidth=4.25in,paperheight=5.5in,margin=0.4in]{geometry} \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{fontspec} % For loading fonts \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage{lipsum} \input{assets/common.tex} \setlength{\parindent}{0cm} \pagestyle{empty} \newcommand{\mountheader}[1]{% \setlength{\parindent}{0cm} \begin{tikzpicture} \filldraw[thick] (0,0) .. controls (0.75\textwidth, 0.1) .. (\textwidth,0) -- (\textwidth,1) -- (0, 1) -- cycle; \node[draw,text=white,right] at(0.5,0.5) {\LARGE\headingfont #1}; \end{tikzpicture} } \begin{document} \openup -0.2em \mountheader{Horse} \begin{quote} \textit{Of course, of course.} \begin{quote} \itag{large}, \ntag{control}{+2}, \ntag{passengers}{1} \end{quote} \end{quote} \begin{basicmove}{Control Mount} When \condition{your mount bucks due to fear, injury or shock}, roll +Control. \onSuccess, you remain mounted. \onPartial, you become unhorsed, and your mount leaves the scene, but it doesn't get too far. You'll be able to mount it again once the danger has passed. \onMiss, your mount also becomes too injured, tired or frightened to carry you until it has received care and rest when you \move{Make Camp}. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Joust} When you \condition{deal your damage with a lance or other polearm while atop your horse}, it gains the \itag{forceful} tag. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Ride like the Wind} When you \condition{\move{Defy Danger} to reach a destination as quickly as possible while on a horse}, you can add the horse’s Control stat as a bonus to the Defy Danger roll. If you do, the horse dies from exhaustion at the end of the ride. \end{basicmove} \clearpage \mountheader{Bear} \begin{quote} \textit{What’s more dangerous than a bear? A bear with you on top of it.} \begin{quote} \itag{large}, \ntag{control}{+1}, \ntag{passengers}{1}, \ntag{armor}{+1} \end{quote} \end{quote} \begin{basicmove}{Control Mount} When \condition{your mount bucks due to fear, injury or shock}, roll +Control. \onSuccess, you remain mounted. \onPartial, you become unhorsed, and your mount leaves the scene, but it doesn't get too far. You'll be able to mount it again once the danger has passed. \onMiss, your mount also becomes too injured, tired or frightened to carry you until it has received care and rest when you \move{Make Camp}. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Hugs and Clawses} When you \condition{\move{Hack and Slash} while riding a bear}, you may always take the +1d6 damage option on a 10+ without exposing yourself to undue danger. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Get your Bearings} You may add the bear’s Control stat to your \move{Discern Realities} rolls when you are in the woods. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Loaded for Bear} When you \condition{\move{Volley} while riding a bear}, you may add the bear’s Control stat to your \move{Volley} damage. \end{basicmove} \clearpage \mountheader{Dog} \begin{quote} \textit{Though often small, dogs are loyal and brave beyond their stature.} \begin{quote} \itag{small}, \ntag{control}{+1} \end{quote} \end{quote} \begin{basicmove}{Control Mount} When \condition{your mount bucks due to fear, injury or shock}, roll +Control. \onSuccess, you remain mounted. \onPartial, you become unhorsed, and your mount leaves the scene, but it doesn't get too far. You'll be able to mount it again once the danger has passed. \onMiss, your mount also becomes too injured, tired or frightened to carry you until it has received care and rest when you \move{Make Camp}. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Good Dog} When you \condition{need to control your dog}, you may roll \move{Control Mount} twice and take the better result. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Sic ‘im!} When you \condition{charge bravely into melee while riding or running alongside your dog}, add the dog’s Control stat to your \move{Hack and Slash} roll. \end{basicmove} \clearpage \mountheader{Elephant} \begin{quote} \textit{You probably want to get out of its way.} \begin{quote} \itag{huge}, \ntag{control}{+1}, \itag{fearless}, \ntag{armor}{+1} \end{quote} \end{quote} \begin{basicmove}{Control Mount} When \condition{your mount bucks due to fear, injury or shock}, roll +Control. \onSuccess, you remain mounted. \onPartial, you become unhorsed, and your mount leaves the scene, but it doesn't get too far. You'll be able to mount it again once the danger has passed. \onMiss, your mount also becomes too injured, tired or frightened to carry you until it has received care and rest when you \move{Make Camp}. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Tusks and Screaming} When you \condition{\move{Hack and Slash} while riding an elephant}, your attacks gain the \ntag{piercing}{1} and \itag{terrifying} tags. Enemies who cannot reach you will attack your elephant instead. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Strongest Nose in the Animal Kingdom} The elephant can lift large objects and/or people with its trunk and manipulate obstacles like levers and gates. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Eek!} An elephant is afraid of mice. It will not usually try to buck you on seeing one unless it is already in danger, but it will not approach mice willingly. \end{basicmove} \end{document}