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\renewcommand{\subparagraph}[1]{\oldsubparagraph{#1}\mbox{}} \fi % set default figure placement to htbp \makeatletter \def\fps@figure{htbp} \makeatother \date{} \usepackage{etoolbox} \patchcmd{\quote}{\rightmargin}{\leftmargin 1em \rightmargin}{}{} \usepackage{tikz} \newcommand{\Checkbox}[1]{\tikz{\path[draw=black] (0,0) rectangle (#1,#1);}} % Modify this commands to define Class name, Base HP, Base Load and Damage Dice (only number) \newcommand{\Class}{Ranger} \newcommand{\BaseHP}{8} \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{11} \newcommand{\Damage}{8} % Don't replace here, replace before every section \newcommand{\SectionTitle}{4} \begin{document} \openup -0.3em \input{figuras/TopBanner} %\input{figuras/TopBanner10Plus} %Use this instead when damage dice has 10 or more faces \begin{multicols}{2} \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Folk} \input{figuras/LeftBanner} \begin{amove}{Elf} When you \textbf{undertake a perilous journey through wilderness}, whatever job you take you succeed as if you rolled a 10+. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Human} When \textbf{you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, ``What here is dangerous to me?''} the GM will tell you, honestly. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Kitt} When you \textbf{Discern Realities} in the wilderness while trying to observe the natural world, you succeed as if you had rolled a 10+. \end{amove} \ \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Alignment} \input{figuras/LeftBanner} \begin{amove}{Chaotic} Free someone from literal or figurative bonds. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Good} Endanger yourself to combat an unnatural threat. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Neutral} Help an animal or spirit of the wild. \end{amove} \ \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Bonds} \input{figuras/LeftBanner} \begin{quote} \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill \enspace\hrulefill \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill \enspace\hrulefill \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill \enspace\hrulefill \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill \enspace\hrulefill \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill \enspace\hrulefill \end{quote} \vfill\null \columnbreak \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Starting Moves} \input{figuras/RightBanner} \begin{basicmove}{Hunt and Track (CHA)} When you \textbf{follow a trail of clues left behind by passing creatures}, roll +WIS. \textbf{On a 7+}, you follow the creature's trail until there's a significant change in its direction or mode of travel. \textbf{On a 10+}, you also choose 1: \begin{itemize} \item Gain a useful bit of information about your quarry, the GM will tell you what \item Determine what caused the trail to end \end{itemize} \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Called Shot} When you \textbf{attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range}, you can choose to deal your damage or name your target and roll +DEX. \textbf{Head}: \textbf{on a 7--9}, they do nothing but stand and drool for a few moments. \textbf{On a 10+}, as 7--9, plus your damage. \textbf{Arms}: \textbf{on a 7--9}, they drop anything they're holding. \textbf{On a 10+}, as 7--9, plus your damage. \textbf{Legs}: \textbf{on a 7--9}, they're hobbled and slow-moving. \textbf{On a 10+}, as 7--9, plus your damage. \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Animal Companion} You have a supernatural connection with a loyal animal. You can't talk to it per se, but it always acts as you wish it to. Name your animal companion and choose a species: \begin{multicols}{4} \choice wolf \\ \choice cougar \\ \choice bear \\ \choice eagle \\ \choice dog \\ \choice hawk \\ \choice cat \\ \choice owl \\ \choice pigeon\\ \choice rat \\ \choice mule \end{multicols} Choose a base: \begin{quote} \choice Ferocity +1, Cunning +1, 1 Armor, Instinct +1 \\ \choice Ferocity +2, Cunning +2, 0 Armor, Instinct +1 \\ \choice Ferocity +1, Cunning +2, 1 Armor, Instinct +1 \\ \choice Ferocity +3, Cunning +1, 1 Armor, Instinct +2 \\ \end{quote} Choose as many strengths as its ferocity: \begin{multicols}{4} \choice fast \\ \choice burly \\ \choice huge \\ \choice calm \\ \choice adaptable \\ \choice quick reflexes \\ \choice tireless \\ \choice camouflage \\ \choice ferocious \\ \choice intimidating \\ \choice keen senses \\ \choice stealthy \end{multicols} Your animal companion is trained to fight humanoids. Choose as many additional trainings as its cunning: \begin{multicols}{4} \choice fast \\ \choice burly \\ \choice huge \\ \choice calm \\ \choice adaptable \\ \choice quick reflexes \\ \choice tireless \\ \choice camouflage \\ \choice ferocious \\ \choice intimidating \\ \choice keen senses \\ \choice stealthy \end{multicols} Choose as many weaknesses as its instinct: XXXX \end{basicmove} \begin{basicmove}{Command} When you work with your animal companion on something it's trained in: \begin{itemize} \item ...and you attack the same target, add its ferocity to your damage \item ...and you track, add its cunning to your roll \item ...and you take damage, add its armor to your armor \item ...and you discern realities, add its cunning to your roll \item ...and you parley, add its cunning to your roll \item ...and someone interferes with you, add its instinct to their roll \end{itemize} \end{basicmove} \vfill\null \end{multicols} \clearpage \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Gear} \input{figuras/RightBannerEquipment} \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{quote} Your load is 12+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight), and some mark of faith, describe it (0 weight). Choose your weapon: \begin{quote} \choice Halberd (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight) \choice Long sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight) and shield (+1 armor, 2 weight) \end{quote} Choose one: \begin{quote} \choice Adventuring gear (1 weight) \choice Dungeon rations (1 weight) and healing potion (0 weight) \end{quote} \end{quote} \ \columnbreak \ \end{multicols} \begin{multicols}{2} \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (2-5)} \input{figuras/LeftBanner} When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves. \ You may take this move only if it is your first advancement. Half-Elven Somewhere in your lineage lies mixed blood and it begins to show its presence. You gain the elf starting move if you took the human one at character creation or vice versa. When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. \begin{amove}{Wild Empathy} You can speak with and understand animals. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Familiar Prey} When you spout lore about a monster you use WIS instead of INT. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Viper’s Strike} When you strike an enemy with two weapons at once, add an extra 1d4 damage for your off-hand strike. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Camouflage} When you keep still in natural surroundings, enemies never spot you until you make a movement. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Man’s Best Friend} When you allow your animal companion to take a blow that was meant for you, the damage is negated and your animal companion’s ferocity becomes 0. If its ferocity is already 0 you can’t use this ability. When you have a few hours of rest with your animal companion its ferocity returns to normal. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Blot Out the Sun} When you volley you may spend extra ammo before rolling. For each point of ammo spent you may choose an extra target. Roll once and apply damage to all targets. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Well-Trained} Choose another training for your animal companion. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{God Amidst the Wastes} Dedicate yourself to a deity (name a new one or choose one that’s already been established). You gain the commune and cast a spell cleric moves. When you select this move, treat yourself as a cleric of level 1 for using spells. Every time you gain a level thereafter, increase your effective cleric level by 1. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Follow Me} When you undertake a perilous journey you can take two roles. You make a separate roll for each. FIX ME FOR CH \end{amove} \begin{amove}{A Safe Place} When you set the watch for the night, everyone takes +1 to take watch. \end{amove} \vfill\null \columnbreak \renewcommand{\SectionTitle}{\headingfont Advanced Moves (6-10)} \input{figuras/RightBanner} When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or the level 2--5 moves. \ \begin{amove}{Wild Speech} \textbf{Replaces}: Wild Empathy You can speak with and understand any non-magical, non-planar creature. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Hunter’s Prey} \textbf{Replaces}: Familiar Prey When you spout lore about a monster you use WIS instead of INT. On a 12+, in addition to the normal effects, you get to ask the GM any one question about the subject. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Viper’s Fangs} \textbf{Replaces}: Viper’s Strike When you strike an enemy with two weapons at once, add an extra 1d8 damage for your off-hand strike. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Smaug’s Belly} When you know your target’s weakest point your arrows have 2 piercing. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Strider} \textbf{Replaces}: Follow Me When you undertake a perilous journey you can take two roles. Roll twice and use the better result for both roles. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{A Safer Place} \textbf{Replaces}: A Safe Place When you set the watch for the night everyone takes +1 to take watch. After a night in camp when you set the watch everyone takes +1 forward. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Observant} When you hunt and track, on a hit you may also ask one question about the creature you are tracking from the discern realities list for free. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Special Trick} Choose a move from another class. So long as you are working with your animal companion you have access to that move. \end{amove} \begin{amove}{Unnatural Ally} Your animal companion is a monster, not an animal. Describe it. Give it +2 ferocity and +1 instinct, plus a new training. \end{amove} \vfill\null \end{multicols} \end{document}