let sample_list = [ 1721; 979; 366; 299; 675; 1456; ] let load_list filename = let lines = ref [] in let f = open_in filename in try while true do lines := int_of_string (input_line f) :: !lines done; !lines with End_of_file -> close_in f; List.rev !lines let (>>=) list fn = let _ = List.map fn list in None let part_one source = let res = Base.With_return.with_return (fun r -> source >>= fun a -> source >>= fun b -> if a != b && a + b == 2020 then r.return (Some (a, b)) ) in match res with | None -> Printf.printf "Unable to find result\n" | Some (x, y) -> Printf.printf "Got (%d * %d) = %d\n" x y (x * y) let part_two source = let res = Base.With_return.with_return (fun r -> source >>= fun a -> source >>= fun b -> source >>= fun c -> if a != b && b != c && a != c && a + b + c == 2020 then r.return (Some (a, b, c)) ) in match res with | None -> Printf.printf "Unable to find result\n" | Some (x, y, z) -> Printf.printf "Got (%d * %d * %d) = %d\n" x y z (x * y * z) let main() = let source = load_list "input" in part_one source; part_two source let () = main()