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- name: activitystreams-aeson
- version:
- synopsis: An interface to the ActivityStreams specification
- description: An interface to the
- <http://activitystrea.ms/ Activity Streams>
- specifications, using an @aeson@-based representation
- of the underlying ActivityStream structures.
- An ActivityStream is a representation of social
- activities in JSON format, using a standard set of
- structures. The specification is very flexible in
- allowing most fields to be omitted, while also
- allowing arbitrary new fields to be created when
- necessary. This library attempts to maximize
- type safety while retaining the flexibility present
- in the specification.
- license: BSD3
- license-file: LICENSE
- author: Getty Ritter
- maintainer: gettylefou@gmail.com
- copyright: (c) 2014 Getty Ritter
- category: Codec
- build-type: Simple
- cabal-version: >=1.10
- library
- exposed-modules: Codec.ActivityStream
- Codec.ActivityStream.Schema
- other-modules: Codec.ActivityStream.Internal,
- Codec.ActivityStream.Representation,
- Codec.ActivityStream.LensInternal
- build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.8,
- aeson ==0.8.*,
- text >=1.1,
- time >=1.4,
- unordered-containers >=0.2.5
- default-language: Haskell2010