activitystreams-aeson.cabal 1.7 KB

  1. name: activitystreams-aeson
  2. version:
  3. synopsis: An interface to the ActivityStreams specification
  4. description: An interface to the
  5. < Activity Streams>
  6. specifications, using an @aeson@-based representation
  7. of the underlying ActivityStream structures.
  8. An ActivityStream is a representation of social
  9. activities in JSON format, using a standard set of
  10. structures. The specification is very flexible in
  11. allowing most fields to be omitted, while also
  12. allowing arbitrary new fields to be created when
  13. necessary. This library attempts to maximize
  14. type safety while retaining the flexibility present
  15. in the specification.
  16. license: BSD3
  17. license-file: LICENSE
  18. author: Getty Ritter
  19. maintainer:
  20. copyright: (c) 2014 Getty Ritter
  21. category: Codec
  22. build-type: Simple
  23. cabal-version: >=1.10
  24. library
  25. exposed-modules: Codec.ActivityStream
  26. Codec.ActivityStream.Schema
  27. other-modules: Codec.ActivityStream.Internal,
  28. Codec.ActivityStream.Representation,
  29. Codec.ActivityStream.LensInternal
  30. build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.8,
  31. aeson ==0.8.*,
  32. text >=1.1,
  33. datetime ==0.2.*,
  34. unordered-containers >=0.2.5
  35. default-language: Haskell2010