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Added extensive documentation to DynamicSchema module

Getty Ritter 9 jaren geleden
2 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 638 en 107 verwijderingen
  1. 141 4
  2. 497 103

+ 141 - 4

@@ -1,6 +1,26 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+Module      : Codec.ActivityStream.DynamicSchema
+Description : A (more dynamic) interface to the Activity Streams Base Schema
+Copyright   : (c) Getty Ritter, 2014
+Maintainer  :
+This is an interface to the extended ActivityStreams schema which defines
+an extensive set of @verb@ values, additional @objectType@ values, and a
+set of extended properties for 'Object's.
+Most of the inline documentation is drawn directly from the
+< Activity Base Schema draft>
+specification, with minor modifications
+to refer to the corresponding data types in this module and to clarify
+certain aspects. This is not an approved draft, and as such may be
+subject to changes which will be reflected in this module. In contrast to
+"Codec.ActivityStream", the API in this module makes __no guarantees about
+long-term stability__.
 module Codec.ActivityStream.DynamicSchema
   ( module Codec.ActivityStream.Dynamic
   -- * Verbs
@@ -18,7 +38,7 @@ module Codec.ActivityStream.DynamicSchema
   , bnMd5
   , bnMimeType
   -- ** Event
-  , evAttended
+  , evAttendedBy
   , evAttending
   , evEndTime
   , evInvited
@@ -57,6 +77,8 @@ module Codec.ActivityStream.DynamicSchema
   , getSource
   , getStartTime
   , getEndTime
+  , oTags
+    -- * Mood
   , Mood
   , moodRest
   , moodDisplayName
@@ -99,65 +121,107 @@ avStream = makeAesonLensMb "stream" oRest
 bnCompression :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text)
 bnCompression = makeAesonLensMb "compression" oRest
+-- | The URL-Safe Base64-encoded representation of the binary data
 bnData :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text)
 bnData = makeAesonLensMb "data" oRest
+-- | An optional IRI for the binary data described by this object.
 bnFileUrl :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text)
 bnFileUrl = makeAesonLensMb "fileUrl" oRest
+-- | The total number of unencoded, uncompressed octets contained
+-- within the "data" field.
 bnLength :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text)
 bnLength = makeAesonLensMb "length" oRest
+-- | An optional MD5 checksum calculated over the unencoded,
+-- uncompressed octets contained within the "data" field
 bnMd5 :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text)
 bnMd5 = makeAesonLensMb "md5" oRest
+-- | The MIME Media Type of the binary data contained within the object.
 bnMimeType :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text)
 bnMimeType = makeAesonLensMb "mimeType" oRest
 -- event
-evAttended :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection)
-evAttended = makeAesonLensMb "attended" oRest
+-- | A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON
+-- Activity Streams specification that provides information about
+-- entities that attended the event.
+evAttendedBy :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection)
+evAttendedBy = makeAesonLensMb "attendedBy" oRest
+-- | A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON
+-- Activity Streams specification that provides information about
+-- entities that intend to attend the event.
 evAttending :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection)
 evAttending = makeAesonLensMb "attending" oRest
+-- | The date and time that the event ends represented as a String
+-- conforming to the "date-time" production in [RFC3339].
 evEndTime :: Lens' Object (Maybe DateTime)
 evEndTime = makeAesonLensMb "endTime" oRest
+-- | A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON
+-- Activity Streams specification that provides information about
+-- entities that have been invited to the event.
 evInvited :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection)
 evInvited = makeAesonLensMb "invited" oRest
+-- | A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON
+-- Activity Streams specification that provides information about
+-- entities that possibly may attend the event.
 evMaybeAttending :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection)
 evMaybeAttending = makeAesonLensMb "maybeAttending" oRest
+-- | A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON
+-- Activity Streams specification that provides information about
+-- entities that did not attend the event.
 evNotAttendedBy :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection)
 evNotAttendedBy = makeAesonLensMb "notAttendedBy" oRest
+-- | A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON
+-- Activity Streams specification that provides information about
+-- entities that do not intend to attend the event.
 evNotAttending :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection)
 evNotAttending = makeAesonLensMb "notAttending" oRest
+-- | The date and time that the event begins represented as a String
+-- confirming to the "date-time" production in RFC 3339.
 evStartTime :: Lens' Object (Maybe DateTime)
 evStartTime = makeAesonLensMb "startTime" oRest
 -- issue
+-- | An array of one or more absolute IRI's that describe the type of
+-- issue represented by the object. Note that the IRI's are intended
+-- for use as identifiers and MAY or MAY NOT be dereferenceable.
 isTypes :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Text])
 isTypes = makeAesonLensMb "types" oRest
 -- permission
+-- | A single Activity Streams Object, of any objectType, that
+-- identifies the scope of the permission. For example, if the
+-- permission objects describes write permissions for a given file,
+-- the scope property would be a file object describing that file.
 pmScope :: Lens' Object (Maybe Object)
 pmScope = makeAesonLensMb "scope" oRest
+-- | An array of Strings that identify the specific actions associated
+-- with the permission. The actions are application and scope
+-- specific. No common, core set of actions is defined by this
+-- specification.
 pmActions :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Text])
 pmActions = makeAesonLensMb "actions" oRest
 -- place
+-- | The latitude, longitude and altitude of the place as a point on
+-- Earth. Represented as a JSON Object as described below.
 plPosition :: Lens' Object (Maybe PlacePosition)
 plPosition = makeAesonLensMb "position" oRest
+-- | A physical address represented as a JSON object as described below.
 plAddress :: Lens' Object (Maybe PlaceAddress)
 plAddress = makeAesonLensMb "address" oRest
@@ -192,60 +256,129 @@ instance ToJSON PlaceAddress where
 -- role/group
+-- | An optional Activity Streams Collection object listing the
+-- members of a group, or listing the entities assigned to a
+-- particular role.
 rlMembers :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Object])
 rlMembers = makeAesonLensMb "members" oRest
 -- Task
+-- | An Activity Streams Object that provides information about the
+-- actor that is expected to complete the task.
 tsActor :: Lens' Object (Maybe Object)
 tsActor = makeAesonLensMb "actor" oRest
+-- | A RFC 3339 date-time specifying the date and time by which the
+-- task is to be completed.
 tsBy :: Lens' Object (Maybe DateTime)
 tsBy = makeAesonLensMb "by" oRest
+-- | An Activity Streams object describing the object of the task.
 tsObject :: Lens' Object (Maybe Object)
 tsObject = makeAesonLensMb "object" oRest
+-- | An Array of other Task objects that are to be completed before
+-- this task can be completed.
 tsPrerequisites :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Object])
 tsPrerequisites = makeAesonLensMb "prerequisites" oRest
+-- | A boolean value indicating whether completion of this task is
+-- considered to be mandatory.
 tsRequired :: Lens' Object (Maybe Bool)
 tsRequired = makeAesonLensMb "required" oRest
+-- | An Array of other Task objects that are superseded by this task object.
 tsSupersedes :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Object])
 tsSupersedes = makeAesonLensMb "supersedes" oRest
+-- | A string indicating the verb for this task as defined in Section
+-- 3.2 of [activitystreams].
 tsVerb :: Lens' Object (Maybe SchemaVerb)
 tsVerb = makeAesonLensMb "verb" oRest
 -- extra properties
+-- | The additional @context@ property allows an 'Activity' to further
+-- include information about why a particular action occurred by
+-- providing details about the context within which a particular
+-- Activity was performed. The value of the @context@ property is an
+-- 'Object' of any @objectType@. The meaning of the @context@ property is
+-- only defined when used within an 'Activity' object.
 acContext :: Lens' Activity (Maybe Object)
 acContext = makeAesonLensMb "context" acRest
+-- | When appearing within an activity, the location data indicates
+-- the location where the activity occurred. When appearing within an
+-- object, the location data indicates the location of that object at
+-- the time the activity occurred.
 getLocation :: Lens' a Aeson.Object -> Lens' a (Maybe Object)
 getLocation = makeAesonLensMb "location"
+-- | Mood describes the mood of the user when the activity was
+-- performed. This is usually collected via an extra field in the user
+-- interface used to perform the activity. For the purpose of the
+-- schema, a mood is a freeform, short mood keyword or phrase along
+-- with an optional mood icon image.
 oMood :: Lens' Object (Maybe Mood)
 oMood = makeAesonLensMb "mood" oRest
+-- | A rating given as a number between 1.0 and 5.0 inclusive with one
+-- decimal place of precision. Represented in JSON as a property
+-- called @rating@ whose value is a JSON number giving the rating.
 oRating :: Lens' Object (Maybe Double)
 oRating = makeAesonLensMb "rating" oRest
+-- | The @result@ provides a description of the result of any particular
+-- activity. The value of the @result@ property is an Object of any
+-- objectType. The meaning of the @result@ property is only defined when
+-- used within an 'Activity' object.
 acResult :: Lens' Activity (Maybe Object)
 acResult = makeAesonLensMb "result" acRest
+-- | The @source@ property provides a reference to the original source of
+-- an object or activity. The value of the @source@ property is an
+-- Object of any objectType.
+-- The @source@ property is closely related to
+-- the @generator@ and @provider@ properties but serves the distinct
+-- purpose of identifying where the activity or object was originally
+-- published as opposed to identifying the applications that generated
+-- or published it.
 getSource :: Lens' a Aeson.Object -> Lens' a (Maybe Object)
 getSource = makeAesonLensMb "source"
+-- | When an long running Activity occurs over a distinct period of
+-- time, or when an Object represents a long-running process or event,
+-- the @startTime@ propertiy can be used to specify the
+-- date and time at which the activity or object begins.
+-- The values for each are represented as JSON Strings
+-- conforming to the "date-time" production in RFC3339.
 getStartTime :: Lens' a Aeson.Object -> Lens' a (Maybe Text)
 getStartTime = makeAesonLensMb "startTime"
+-- | When an long running Activity occurs over a distinct period of
+-- time, or when an Object represents a long-running process or event,
+-- the @endTime@ propertiy can be used to specify the
+-- date and time at which the activity or object concludes.
+-- The values for each are represented as JSON Strings
+-- conforming to the "date-time" production in RFC3339.
 getEndTime :: Lens' a Aeson.Object -> Lens' a (Maybe Text)
 getEndTime = makeAesonLensMb "endTime"
+-- | A listing of the objects that have been associated with a
+-- particular object. Represented in JSON using a property named @tags@
+-- whose value is an Array of objects.
+oTags :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Object])
+oTags = makeAesonLensMb "tags" oRest
 -- mood
+-- | Mood describes the mood of the user when the activity was
+-- performed. This is usually collected via an extra field in the user
+-- interface used to perform the activity. For the purpose of this
+-- schema, a mood is a freeform, short mood keyword or phrase along
+-- with an optional mood icon image.
 data Mood = Mood { fromMood :: Aeson.Object } deriving (Eq, Show)
 instance FromJSON Mood where
@@ -258,11 +391,15 @@ instance FromJSON Mood where
 instance ToJSON Mood where
   toJSON = Aeson.Object . fromMood
+-- | Access to the underlying JSON object of a 'Mood'
 moodRest :: Lens' Mood Aeson.Object
 moodRest = makeLens fromMood (\ o' m -> m { fromMood = o' })
+-- | The natural-language, human-readable and plain-text keyword or
+-- phrase describing the mood. HTML markup MUST NOT be included.
 moodDisplayName :: Lens' Mood Text
 moodDisplayName = makeAesonLens "displayName" moodRest
+-- | An optional image that provides a visual representation of the mood.
 moodImage :: Lens' Mood MediaLink
 moodImage = makeAesonLens "image" moodRest

+ 497 - 103

@@ -10,145 +10,539 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
 import Codec.ActivityStream.Internal
 import Codec.ActivityStream.Representation
+-- | The ActivityStreams Base Schema specification defines the
+-- following core verbs in addition to the default post verb that is
+-- defined in Section 6 of activitystreams:
 data SchemaVerb
-  = Accept -- ^ Indicates that that the actor has accepted the object.
-           --   For instance, a person accepting an award, or accepting
-           -- an assignment.
-  | Access -- ^ Indicates that the actor has accessed the object. For
-           --   instance, a person accessing a room, or accessing a file.
-  | Acknowledge -- ^ Indicates that the actor has acknowledged the object.
-                --   This effectively signals that the actor is aware of the
-                --   object's existence.
-  | Add -- ^ Indicates that the actor has added the object to the target.
-        --   For instance, adding a photo to an album.
-  | Agree -- ^ Indicates that the actor agrees with the object. For example,
-          --   a person agreeing with an argument, or expressing agreement
-          --   with a particular issue.
-  | Append -- ^ Indicates that the actor has appended the object to the
-           --   target. For instance, a person appending a new record
-           --   to a database.
-  | Approve -- ^ Indicates that the actor has approved the object. For
-            --   instance, a manager might approve a travel request.
-  | Archive -- ^ Indicates that the actor has archived the object.
-  | Assign -- ^ Indicates that the actor has assigned the object to the target.
-  | At -- ^ Indicates that the actor is currently located at the object.
-       --   For instance, a person being at a specific physical location.
-  | Attach -- ^ Indicates that the actor has attached the object to the
-           --   target. For instance, a person attaching a file to a wiki
-           --   page or an email.
-  | Attend -- ^
-  | Author -- ^
-  | Authorize -- ^
-  | Borrow -- ^
-  | Build -- ^
-  | Cancel -- ^
-  | Close -- ^
-  | Complete -- ^
-  | Confirm -- ^
-  | Consume -- ^
-  | Checkin -- ^
-  | Create -- ^
-  | Delete -- ^
-  | Deliver -- ^
-  | Deny -- ^
-  | Disagree -- ^
-  | Dislike -- ^
-  | Experience -- ^
-  | Favorite -- ^
-  | Find -- ^
-  | FlagAsInappropriate -- ^
-  | Follow -- ^
-  | Give -- ^
-  | Host -- ^
-  | Ignore -- ^
-  | Insert -- ^
-  | Install -- ^
-  | Interact -- ^
-  | Invite -- ^
-  | Join -- ^
-  | Leave -- ^
-  | Like -- ^
-  | Listen -- ^
-  | Lose -- ^
-  | MakeFriend -- ^
-  | Open -- ^
-  | Play -- ^
-  | Post -- ^
-  | Present -- ^
-  | Purchase -- ^
-  | Qualify -- ^
-  | Read -- ^
-  | Receive -- ^
-  | Reject -- ^
-  | Remove -- ^
-  | RemoveFriend -- ^
-  | Replace -- ^
-  | Request -- ^
-  | RequestFriend -- ^
-  | Resolve -- ^
-  | Return -- ^
-  | Retract -- ^
-  | RsvpMaybe -- ^
-  | RsvpNo -- ^
-  | RsvpYes -- ^
-  | Satisfy -- ^
-  | Save -- ^
-  | Schedule -- ^
-  | Search -- ^
-  | Sell -- ^
-  | Send -- ^
-  | Share -- ^
-  | Sponsor -- ^
-  | Start -- ^
-  | StopFollowing -- ^
-  | Submit -- ^
-  | Tag -- ^
-  | Terminate -- ^
-  | Tie -- ^
-  | Unfavorite -- ^
-  | Unlike -- ^
-  | Unsatisfy -- ^
-  | Unsave -- ^
-  | Unshare -- ^
-  | Update -- ^
-  | Use -- ^
-  | Watch -- ^
-  | Win -- ^ foo
+  = Accept
+    -- ^ Indicates that that the actor has accepted the object.
+    -- For instance, a person accepting an award, or accepting an assignment.
+  | Access
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has accessed the object. For
+    -- instance, a person accessing a room, or accessing a file.
+  | Acknowledge
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has acknowledged the object.
+    -- This effectively signals that the actor is aware of the
+    -- object's existence.
+  | Add
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has added the object to the target.
+    -- For instance, adding a photo to an album.
+  | Agree
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor agrees with the object. For example,
+    -- a person agreeing with an argument, or expressing agreement
+    -- with a particular issue.
+  | Append
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has appended the object to the
+    -- target. For instance, a person appending a new record
+    -- to a database.
+  | Approve
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has approved the object. For
+    -- instance, a manager might approve a travel request.
+  | Archive
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has archived the object.
+  | Assign
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has assigned the object to the target.
+  | At
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor is currently located at the object.
+    -- For instance, a person being at a specific physical location.
+  | Attach
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has attached the object to the
+    -- target. For instance, a person attaching a file to a wiki
+    -- page or an email.
+  | Attend
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has attended the object. For
+    -- instance, a person attending a meeting.
+  | Author
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has authored the object. Note that
+    -- this is a more specific form of the verb \"create\".
+  | Authorize
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has authorized the object. If
+    -- a target is specified, it means that the authorization is specifically
+    -- in regards to the target. For instance, a service can authorize a
+    -- person to access a given application; in which case the actor is
+    -- the service, the object is the person, and the target is the
+    -- application. In contrast, a person can authorize a request; in
+    -- which case the actor is the person and the object is the request
+    -- and there might be no explicit target.
+  | Borrow
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has borrowed the object. If a target
+    -- is specified, it identifies the entity from which the object was
+    -- borrowed. For instance, if a person borrows a book from a library,
+    -- the person is the actor, the book is the object and the library is
+    -- the target.
+  | Build
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has built the object. For example, if a
+    -- person builds a model or compiles code.
+  | Cancel
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has canceled the object. For instance,
+    -- canceling a calendar event.
+  | Close
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has closed the object. For instance, the
+    -- object could represent a ticket being tracked in an issue management
+    -- system.
+  | Complete
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has completed the object.
+  | Confirm
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has confirmed or agrees with the object.
+    -- For instance, a software developer might confirm an issue reported
+    -- against a product.
+  | Consume
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has consumed the object. The specific
+    -- meaning is dependent largely on the object's type. For instance,
+    -- an actor may \"consume\" an audio object, indicating that the actor
+    -- has listened to it; or an actor may \"consume\" a book, indicating
+    -- that the book has been read. As such, the \"consume\" verb is a
+    -- more generic form of other more specific verbs such as \"read\" and
+    -- \"play\".
+  | Checkin
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has checked-in to the object. For
+    -- instance, a person checking-in to a Place.
+  | Create
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has created the object.
+  | Delete
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has deleted the object. This implies,
+    -- but does not require, the permanent destruction of the object.
+  | Deliver
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has delivered the object. For example,
+    -- delivering a package.
+  | Deny
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has denied the object. For example, a
+    -- manager may deny a travel request.
+  | Disagree
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor disagrees with the object.
+  | Dislike
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor dislikes the object. Note that the
+    -- \"dislike\" verb is distinct from the \"unlike\" verb which assumes
+    -- that the object had been previously \"liked\".
+  | Experience
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has experienced the object in some
+    -- manner. Note that, depending on the specific object types used for
+    -- both the actor and object, the meaning of this verb can overlap
+    -- that of the \"consume\" and \"play\" verbs. For instance, a person
+    -- might \"experience\" a movie; or \"play\" the movie; or \"consume\"
+    -- the movie. The \"experience\" verb can be considered a more generic
+    -- form of other more specific verbs as \"consume\", \"play\", \"watch\",
+    -- \"listen\", and \"read\"
+  | Favorite
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor marked the object as an item of special
+    -- interest.
+  | Find
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has found the object.
+  | FlagAsInappropriate
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has flagged the object as being
+    -- inappropriate for some reason. When using this verb, the context
+    -- property can be used to provide additional detail about why the
+    -- object has been flagged.
+  | Follow
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor began following the activity of the
+    -- object. In most cases, the objectType will be a \"person\", but it
+    -- can potentially be of any type that can sensibly generate activity.
+    -- Processors MAY ignore (silently drop) successive identical \"follow\"
+    -- activities.
+  | Give -- ^ Indicates that the actor is giving an object to the
+    -- target. Examples include one person giving a badge object to another
+    -- person. The object identifies the object being given. The target
+    -- identifies the receiver.
+  | Host
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor is hosting the object. As in hosting
+    -- an event, or hosting a service.
+  | Ignore
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has ignored the object. For
+    -- instance, this verb may be used when an actor has ignored a friend
+    -- request, in which case the object may be the request-friend activity.
+  | Insert
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has inserted the object into the target.
+  | Install
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has installed the object, as in installing
+    -- an application.
+  | Interact
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has interacted with the object. For
+    -- instance, when one person interacts with another.
+  | Invite
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has invited the object, typically a
+    -- person object, to join or participate in the object described
+    -- by the target. The target could, for instance, be an event,
+    -- group or a service.
+  | Join
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has become a member of the
+    -- object. This specification only defines the meaning of this
+    -- verb when the object of the Activity has an objectType of
+    -- group, though implementors need to be prepared to handle other
+    -- types of objects.
+  | Leave
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has left the object. For instance, a
+    -- Person leaving a Group or checking-out of a Place.
+  | Like
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor marked the object as an item of
+    -- special interest. The \"like\" verb is considered to be an alias
+    -- of \"favorite\". The two verb are semantically identical.
+  | Listen
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has listened to the object. This is
+    -- typically only applicable for objects representing audio
+    -- content, such as music, an audio-book, or a radio
+    -- broadcast. The \"listen\" verb is a more specific form of the
+    -- \"consume\", \"experience\" and \"play\" verbs.
+  | Lose
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has lost the object. For instance,
+    -- if a person loses a game.
+  | MakeFriend
+    -- ^ Indicates the creation of a friendship that is reciprocated
+    -- by the object. Since this verb implies an activity on the part
+    -- of its object, processors MUST NOT accept activities with this
+    -- verb unless they are able to verify through some external means
+    -- that there is in fact a reciprocated connection. For example, a
+    -- processor may have received a guarantee from a particular
+    -- publisher that the publisher will only use this Verb in cases
+    -- where a reciprocal relationship exists.
+  | Open
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has opened the object. For instance,
+    -- the object could represent a ticket being tracked in an issue
+    -- management system.
+  | Play
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor spent some time enjoying the
+    -- object. For example, if the object is a video this indicates
+    -- that the subject watched all or part of the video. The \"play\"
+    -- verb is a more specific form of the \"consume\" verb.
+  | Post
+    -- ^ The default action.
+  | Present
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has presented the object. For
+    -- instance, when a person gives a presentation at a conference.
+  | Purchase
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has purchased the object. If a
+    -- target is specified, in indicates the entity from which the
+    -- object was purchased.
+  | Qualify
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has qualified for the object. If a
+    -- target is specified, it indicates the context within which the
+    -- qualification applies.
+  | Read
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor read the object. This is typically
+    -- only applicable for objects representing printed or written
+    -- content, such as a book, a message or a comment. The \"read\"
+    -- verb is a more specific form of the \"consume\", \"experience\" and
+    -- \"play\" verbs.
+  | Receive
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor is receiving an object. Examples
+    -- include a person receiving a badge object. The object
+    -- identifies the object being received.
+  | Reject
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has rejected the object.
+  | Remove
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the target.
+  | RemoveFriend
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the
+    -- collection of friends.
+  | Replace
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has replaced the target with the object.
+  | Request
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has requested the object. If a
+    -- target is specified, it indicates the entity from which the
+    -- object is being requested.
+  | RequestFriend
+    -- ^ Indicates the creation of a friendship that has not yet been
+    -- reciprocated by the object.
+  | Resolve
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has resolved the object. For
+    -- instance, the object could represent a ticket being tracked in
+    -- an issue management system.
+  | Return
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has returned the object. If a target
+    -- is specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was
+    -- returned.
+  | Retract
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has retracted the object. For
+    -- instance, if an actor wishes to retract a previously published
+    -- activity, the object would be the previously published activity
+    -- that is being retracted.
+  | RsvpMaybe
+    -- ^ The \"possible RSVP\" verb indicates that the actor has made a
+    -- possible RSVP for the object. This specification only defines
+    -- the meaning of this verb when its object is an event, though
+    -- implementors need to be prepared to handle other object
+    -- types. The use of this verb is only appropriate when the RSVP
+    -- was created by an explicit action by the actor. It is not
+    -- appropriate to use this verb when a user has been added as an
+    -- attendee by an event organiser or administrator.
+  | RsvpNo
+    -- ^ The \"negative RSVP\" verb indicates that the actor has made a
+    -- negative RSVP for the object. This specification only defines
+    -- the meaning of this verb when its object is an event, though
+    -- implementors need to be prepared to handle other object
+    -- types. The use of this verb is only appropriate when the RSVP
+    -- was created by an explicit action by the actor. It is not
+    -- appropriate to use this verb when a user has been added as an
+    -- attendee by an event organiser or administrator.
+  | RsvpYes
+    -- ^ The \"positive RSVP\" verb indicates that the actor has made a
+    -- positive RSVP for an object. This specification only defines
+    -- the meaning of this verb when its object is an event, though
+    -- implementors need to be prepared to handle other object
+    -- types. The use of this verb is only appropriate when the RSVP
+    -- was created by an explicit action by the actor. It is not
+    -- appropriate to use this verb when a user has been added as an
+    -- attendee by an event organiser or administrator.
+  | Satisfy
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has satisfied the object. If a
+    -- target is specified, it indicate the context within which the
+    -- object was satisfied. For instance, if a person satisfies the
+    -- requirements for a particular challenge, the person is the
+    -- actor; the requirement is the object; and the challenge is the
+    -- target.
+  | Save
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has called out the object as being
+    -- of interest primarily to him- or herself. Though this action
+    -- MAY be shared publicly, the implication is that the object has
+    -- been saved primarily for the actor's own benefit rather than to
+    -- show it to others as would be indicated by the \"share\" verb.
+  | Schedule
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has scheduled the object. For
+    -- instance, scheduling a meeting.
+  | Search
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor is or has searched for the
+    -- object. If a target is specified, it indicates the context
+    -- within which the search is or has been conducted.
+  | Sell
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has sold the object. If a target is
+    -- specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was
+    -- sold.
+  | Send
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has sent the object. If a target is
+    -- specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was
+    -- sent.
+  | Share
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has called out the object to
+    -- readers. In most cases, the actor did not create the object
+    -- being shared, but is instead drawing attention to it.
+  | Sponsor
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has sponsored the object. If a
+    -- target is specified, it indicates the context within which the
+    -- sponsorship is offered. For instance, a company can sponsor an
+    -- event; or an individual can sponsor a project; etc.
+  | Start
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has started the object. For
+    -- instance, when a person starts a project.
+  | StopFollowing
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has stopped following the object.
+  | Submit
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has submitted the object. If a
+    -- target is specified, it indicates the entity to which the
+    -- object was submitted.
+  | Tag
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has associated the object with the
+    -- target. For example, if the actor specifies that a particular
+    -- user appears in a photo. the object is the user and the target
+    -- is the photo.
+  | Terminate
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has terminated the object.
+  | Tie
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has neither won or lost the
+    -- object. This verb is generally only applicable when the object
+    -- represents some form of competition, such as a game.
+  | Unfavorite
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the
+    -- collection of favorited items.
+  | Unlike
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the
+    -- collection of liked items.
+  | Unsatisfy
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has not satisfied the object. If a
+    -- target is specified, it indicates the context within which the
+    -- object was not satisfied. For instance, if a person fails to
+    -- satisfy the requirements of some particular challenge, the
+    -- person is the actor; the requirement is the object and the
+    -- challenge is the target.
+  | Unsave
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the
+    -- collection of saved items.
+  | Unshare
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor is no longer sharing the object. If
+    -- a target is specified, it indicates the entity with whom the
+    -- object is no longer being shared.
+  | Update
+    -- ^ The \"update\" verb indicates that the actor has modified the
+    -- object. Use of the \"update\" verb is generally reserved to
+    -- indicate modifications to existing objects or data such as
+    -- changing an existing user's profile information.
+  | Use
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has used the object in some manner.
+  | Watch
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has watched the object. This verb is
+    -- typically applicable only when the object represents dynamic,
+    -- visible content such as a movie, a television show or a public
+    -- performance. This verb is a more specific form of the verbs
+    -- \"experience\", \"play\" and \"consume\".
+  | Win
+    -- ^ Indicates that the actor has won the object. This verb is
+    -- typically applicable only when the object represents some form
+    -- of competition, such as a game.
     deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
 deriveJSON (commonOptsCC "") ''SchemaVerb
+-- | This data type contains the core set of common objectTypes in addition
+-- to the "activity" objectType defined in Section 7 of
+-- activitystreams.
+-- All Activity Stream Objects inherit the same
+-- fundamental set of basic properties as defined in section 3.4 of
+-- activitystreams. In addition to these, objects of any specific type
+-- are permitted to introduce additional optional or required
+-- properties that are meaningful to objects of that type.
 data SchemaObjectType
   = Alert
+    -- ^ Represents any kind of significant notification.
   | Application
+    -- ^ Represents any kind of software application.
   | Article
+    -- ^ Represents objects such as news articles, knowledge base
+    -- entries, or other similar construct. Such objects generally
+    -- consist of paragraphs of text, in some cases incorporating
+    -- embedded media such as photos and inline hyperlinks to other
+    -- resources.
   | Audio
+    -- ^ Represents audio content of any kind. Objects of this type
+    -- MAY contain an additional property as specified
+    -- < here>.
   | Badge
+    -- ^ Represents a badge or award granted to an object (typically a
+    -- @person@ object)
   | Binary
+    -- ^ Objects of this type are used to carry arbirary
+    -- Base64-encoded binary data within an Activity Stream object. It
+    -- is primarily intended to attach binary data to other types of
+    -- objects through the use of the @attachments@ property. Objects
+    -- of this type will contain the additional properties specified
+    -- < here>.
   | Bookmark
+    -- ^ Represents a pointer to some URL -- typically a web page. In
+    -- most cases, bookmarks are specific to a given user and contain
+    -- metadata chosen by that user. Bookmark Objects are similar in
+    -- principle to the concept of bookmarks or favorites in a web
+    -- browser. A bookmark represents a pointer to the URL, not the
+    -- URL or the associated resource itself. Objects of this type
+    -- SHOULD contain an additional @targetUrl@ property whose value
+    -- is a String containing the IRI of the target of the bookmark.
   | Collection
+    -- ^ Represents a generic collection of objects of any type. This
+    -- object type can be used, for instance, to represent a
+    -- collection of files like a folder; a collection of photos like
+    -- an album; and so forth. Objects of this type MAY contain an
+    -- additional @objectTypes@ property whose value is an Array of
+    -- Strings specifying the expected objectType of objects contained
+    -- within the collection.
   | Comment
+    -- ^ Represents a textual response to another object. Objects of
+    -- this type MAY contain an additional @inReplyTo@ property whose
+    -- value is an Array of one or more other Activity Stream Objects
+    -- for which the object is to be considered a response.
   | Device
+    -- ^ Represents a device of any type.
   | Event
+    -- ^ Represents an event that occurs at a certain location during
+    -- a particular period of time. Objects of this type MAY contain
+    -- the additional properties specified
+    -- < here>.
   | File
+    -- ^ Represents any form of document or file. Objects of this type
+    -- MAY contain an additional @fileUrl@ property whose value a
+    -- dereferenceable IRI that can be used to retrieve the file; and
+    -- an additional @mimeType@ property whose value is the MIME type
+    -- of the file described by the object.
   | Game
+    -- ^ Represents a game or competition of any kind.
   | Group
+    -- ^ Represents a grouping of objects in which member objects can
+    -- join or leave. Objects of this type MAY contain the additional
+    -- properties specified
+    -- < here>.
   | Image
+    -- ^ Represents a graphical image. Objects of this type MAY
+    -- contain an additional @fullImage@ property whose value is an
+    -- Activity Streams Media Link to a "full-sized" representation of
+    -- the image.
   | Issue
+    -- ^ Represents a report about a problem or situation that needs
+    -- to be resolved. For instance, the @issue@ object can be used to
+    -- represent reports detailing software defects, or reports of
+    -- acceptable use violations, and so forth. Objects of this type
+    -- MAY contain the additional properties specified
+    -- < here>.
   | Job
+    -- ^ Represents information about a job or a job posting.
   | Note
+    -- ^ Represents a short-form text message. This object is intended
+    -- primarily for use in "micro-blogging" scenarios and in systems
+    -- where users are invited to publish short, often plain-text
+    -- messages whose useful lifespan is generally shorter than that
+    -- of an article of weblog entry. A note is similar in structure
+    -- to an article, but typically does not have a title or distinct
+    -- paragraphs and tends to be much shorter in length.
   | Offer
+    -- ^ Represents an offer of any kind.
   | Organization
+    -- ^ Represents an organization of any kind.
   | Page
+    -- ^ Represents an area, typically a web page, that is
+    -- representative of, and generally managed by a particular
+    -- entity. Such areas are usually dedicated to displaying
+    -- descriptive information about the entity and showcasing recent
+    -- content such as articles, photographs and videos. Most social
+    -- networking applications, for example, provide individual users
+    -- with their own dedicated "profile" pages. Several allow similar
+    -- types of pages to be created for commercial entities,
+    -- organizations or events. While the specific details of how
+    -- pages are implemented, their characteristics and use may vary,
+    -- the one unifying property is that they are typically "owned" by
+    -- a single entity that is represented by the content provided by
+    -- the page itself.
+  | Permission
+    -- ^ Represents a permission that can be granted to an
+    -- individual. For instance, a person can be granted permission to
+    -- modify a file. Objects of this type MAY contain the additional
+    -- properties specified
+    -- < here>.
   | Person
+    -- ^ Represents an individual person.
   | Place
+    -- ^ Represents a physical location. Locations can be represented
+    -- using geographic coordinates, a physical address, a free-form
+    -- location name, or any combination of these. Objects of this
+    -- type MAY contain the additional properties specified
+    -- < here>.
   | Process
+    -- ^ Represents any form of process. For instance, a long-running
+    -- task that is started and expected to continue operating for a
+    -- period of time.
   | Product
+    -- ^ Represents a commercial good or service. Objects of this type
+    -- MAY contain an additional @fullImage@ property whose value is
+    -- an Activity Streams Media Link to an image resource
+    -- representative of the product.
   | Question
+    -- ^ Represents a question or a poll. Objects of this type MAY
+    -- contain an additional @options@ property whose value is an
+    -- Array of possible answers to the question in the form of
+    -- Activity Stream objects of any type.
   | Review
+    -- ^ Represents a primarily prose-based commentary on another
+    -- object. Objects of this type MAY contain a @rating@ property as
+    -- specified
+    -- < here>.
   | Service
+    -- ^ Represents any form of hosted or consumable service that
+    -- performs some kind of work or benefit for other
+    -- entities. Examples of such objects include websites,
+    -- businesses, etc.
   | Task
+    -- ^ Represents an activity that has yet to be completed. Objects
+    -- of this type can contain additional properties as specified
+    -- here.
+  | Team
+    -- ^ Represents a team of any type.
   | Video
+    -- ^ Represents video content of any kind. Objects of this type
+    -- MAY contain additional properties as specified here.
     deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
 deriveJSON (commonOptsCC "") ''SchemaObjectType