Christopher P. Brown vor 5 Jahren
13 geänderte Dateien mit 2977 neuen und 0 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 11 0
  2. 72 0
  3. 3 0
  4. 39 0
  5. 82 0
  6. 2372 0
  7. 170 0
  8. 57 0
  9. 78 0
  10. 5 0
  11. 18 0
  12. 13 0
  13. 57 0

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+love.conf = function(t)
+   t.gammacorrect = true
+   t.title = "pong"
+   t.modules.joystick = false
+   t.modules.physics = false
+   t.window.width = 720
+   t.window.height = 450
+   t.window.vsync = false
+   t.version = "11.2"

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Fennel Test
+Scaffolding a love2d project to use Fennel
+- love2d:
+- fennel:
+This was a learning exercise for me, and the end result is largely the result of me poking into other people's code. Almost nothing here is originally my own.
+## How To
+- clone this repo
+- download love2d
+- add the love executable to your path and `love .` from the root directory
+## About Fennel
+- Get to write lisp for awesome lua frameworks like love2d and TIC-80
+- Hot swapping / live reloading (not unique to fennel. You can apparently use [lume/hotswap]( to do this in pure Lua)
+- REPL driven development (if you embed fennel in your lua)
+- No sourcemaps: can be hard to debug fennel when line numbers don't line up
+## How to use Fennel
+### Option 1: Embedded
+This is what we're doing here. Put a few files in `/lib`:
+- Fennel - the executable. you can `lua lib/fennel --repl` to run the repl. or anything else you can do with fennel
+Then require fennel in your lua project.
+### Option 2: Install / Build
+Meaning, install fennel, and use it to build lua files
+2. Install luarocks: `brew isntall luarocks`
+3. Install fennel: `luarocks install fennel`
+You can for example run `fennel --compile main.fnl > main.lua` to turn Fennel into Lua.
+Put this step in your Makefile or something to compile `.fnl` files into `.lua` files
+## Resources
+### Code and Blogs
+- technomancy: wrote a couple of great games for Lisp Jam in Fennel and Love2d/TIC-80, all of which and more you can find in a series of blog posts starting here:
+- selfsame: wrote Hats in the Deep, a game written for TIC-80 for a jam:
+### Framework
+- min-love2d-fennel: the project structure used here.
+### Editor support
+- fennel vim:
+- emacs fennel-mode:
+### Community
+Visit #fennel on

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(fn love.draw []
+  ( "Hello World" 400 300)

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(local fennel (require "lib.fennel"))
+(local repl (require "lib.stdio"))
+(var mode (require ""))
+(fn set-mode [mn ...]
+  (set mode (require mn))
+  (when mode.init
+    (mode.init ...)))
+(fn love.load []
+  (repl.start))
+(fn love.draw []
+  (mode.draw))
+(fn love.update [dt]
+  (mode.update dt set-mode))
+(fn love.keypressed [key]
+  (when (= "f5" key)
+    (let [name (.. "mode." (. mode :name))]
+      (let [old (require name)
+            _ (tset package.loaded name nil)
+            new (require name)]
+        (when (= (type new) :table)
+          (each [k v (pairs new)]
+            (tset old k v))
+          (each [k v (pairs old)]
+            (when (not (. new k))
+              (tset old k nil)))
+          (tset package.loaded name old))))
+    )
+  (when (= "escape" key)
+    (love.event.quit))
+  (mode.keypressed key set-mode))

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+local fennel_dir = arg[0]:match("(.-)[^\\/]+$")
+package.path = fennel_dir .. "?.lua;" .. package.path
+local fennel = require('fennel')
+local help = [[
+Usage: fennel [FLAG] [FILE]
+  --repl          :  Launch an interactive repl session
+  --compile FILES :  Compile files and write their Lua to stdout
+  --help          :  Display this text
+  When not given a flag, runs the file given as the first argument.]]
+local options = {
+    sourcemap = true,
+local function dosafe(filename, opts, arg1)
+    local ok, val = xpcall(function()
+        return fennel.dofile(filename, opts, arg1)
+    end, fennel.traceback)
+    if not ok then
+        print(val)
+        os.exit(1)
+    end
+    return val
+local compileOptHandlers = {
+    ['--indent'] = function ()
+        options.indent = table.remove(arg, 3)
+        if options.indent == "false" then options.indent = false end
+        table.remove(arg, 2)
+    end,
+    ['--sourcemap'] = function ()
+        options.sourcemap = table.remove(arg, 3)
+        if options.sourcemap == "false" then options.sourcemap = false end
+        table.remove(arg, 2)
+    end,
+    ['--correlate'] = function ()
+        options.correlate = true
+        table.remove(arg, 2)
+    end,
+if arg[1] == "--repl" or #arg == 0 then
+    local ppok, pp = pcall(fennel.dofile, fennel_dir .. "fennelview.fnl", options)
+    if ppok then
+        options.pp = pp
+    end
+    local initFilename = (os.getenv("HOME") or "") .. "/.fennelrc"
+    local init =, "rb")
+    if init then
+        init:close()
+        -- pass in options so fennerlrc can make changes to it
+        dosafe(initFilename, options, options)
+    end
+    print("Welcome to fennel!")
+    fennel.repl(options)
+elseif arg[1] == "--compile" then
+    -- Handle options
+    while compileOptHandlers[arg[2]] do
+        compileOptHandlers[arg[2]]()
+    end
+    for i = 2, #arg do
+        local f = assert([i], "rb"))
+        options.filename=arg[i]
+        local ok, val = xpcall(function()
+            return fennel.compileString(f:read("*all"), options)
+        end, fennel.traceback)
+        print(val)
+        if not ok then os.exit(1) end
+        f:close()
+    end
+elseif #arg >= 1 and arg[1] ~= "--help" then
+    local filename = table.remove(arg, 1) -- let the script have remaining args
+    dosafe(filename)
+    print(help)

+ 2372 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2372 @@
+Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Calvin Rose and contributors
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+-- Make global variables local.
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local getmetatable = getmetatable
+local type = type
+local assert = assert
+local pairs = pairs
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local tostring = tostring
+local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
+-- Main Types and support functions
+local function deref(self) return self[1] end
+local SYMBOL_MT = { 'SYMBOL', __tostring = deref }
+local EXPR_MT = { 'EXPR', __tostring = deref }
+local VARARG = setmetatable({ '...' }, { 'VARARG', __tostring = deref })
+local LIST_MT = { 'LIST',
+    __tostring = function (self)
+        local strs = {}
+        for _, s in ipairs(self) do
+            table.insert(strs, tostring(s))
+        end
+        return '(' .. table.concat(strs, ', ', 1, #self) .. ')'
+    end
+-- Load code with an environment in all recent Lua versions
+local function loadCode(code, environment, filename)
+    environment = environment or _ENV or _G
+    if setfenv and loadstring then
+        local f = assert(loadstring(code, filename))
+        setfenv(f, environment)
+        return f
+    else
+        return assert(load(code, filename, "t", environment))
+    end
+-- Create a new list
+local function list(...)
+    return setmetatable({...}, LIST_MT)
+-- Create a new symbol
+local function sym(str, scope, meta)
+    local s = {str, scope = scope}
+    if meta then
+        for k, v in pairs(meta) do
+            if type(k) == 'string' then s[k] = v end
+        end
+    end
+    return setmetatable(s, SYMBOL_MT)
+-- Create a new sequence
+local function sequence(...)
+   return setmetatable({...}, SEQUENCE_MT)
+-- Create a new expr
+-- etype should be one of
+--   "literal", -- literals like numbers, strings, nil, true, false
+--   "expression", -- Complex strings of Lua code, may have side effects, etc, but is an expression
+--   "statement", -- Same as expression, but is also a valid statement (function calls).
+--   "vargs", -- varargs symbol
+--   "sym", -- symbol reference
+local function expr(strcode, etype)
+    return setmetatable({ strcode, type = etype }, EXPR_MT)
+local function varg()
+    return VARARG
+local function isVarg(x)
+    return x == VARARG and x
+-- Checks if an object is a List. Returns the object if is a List.
+local function isList(x)
+    return type(x) == 'table' and getmetatable(x) == LIST_MT and x
+-- Checks if an object is a symbol. Returns the object if it is a symbol.
+local function isSym(x)
+    return type(x) == 'table' and getmetatable(x) == SYMBOL_MT and x
+-- Checks if an object any kind of table, EXCEPT list or symbol
+local function isTable(x)
+    return type(x) == 'table' and
+        x ~= VARARG and
+        getmetatable(x) ~= LIST_MT and getmetatable(x) ~= SYMBOL_MT and x
+-- Checks if an object is a sequence (created with a [] literal)
+local function isSequence(x)
+   return type(x) == 'table' and getmetatable(x) == SEQUENCE_MT and x
+-- Parser
+-- Convert a stream of chunks to a stream of bytes.
+-- Also returns a second function to clear the buffer in the byte stream
+local function granulate(getchunk)
+    local c = ''
+    local index = 1
+    local done = false
+    return function (parserState)
+        if done then return nil end
+        if index <= #c then
+            local b = c:byte(index)
+            index = index + 1
+            return b
+        else
+            c = getchunk(parserState)
+            if not c or c == '' then
+                done = true
+                return nil
+            end
+            index = 2
+            return c:byte(1)
+        end
+    end, function ()
+        c = ''
+    end
+-- Convert a string into a stream of bytes
+local function stringStream(str)
+    local index = 1
+    return function()
+        local r = str:byte(index)
+        index = index + 1
+        return r
+    end
+-- Table of delimiter bytes - (, ), [, ], {, }
+-- Opener keys have closer as the value, and closers keys
+-- have true as their value.
+local delims = {
+    [40] = 41,        -- (
+    [41] = true,      -- )
+    [91] = 93,        -- [
+    [93] = true,      -- ]
+    [123] = 125,      -- {
+    [125] = true      -- }
+local function iswhitespace(b)
+    return b == 32 or (b >= 9 and b <= 13) or b == 44
+local function issymbolchar(b)
+    return b > 32 and
+        not delims[b] and
+        b ~= 127 and -- "<BS>"
+        b ~= 34 and -- "\""
+        b ~= 39 and -- "'"
+        b ~= 59 and -- ";"
+        b ~= 44 and -- ","
+        b ~= 96 -- "`"
+local prefixes = { -- prefix chars substituted while reading
+    [96] = 'quote', -- `
+    [64] = 'unquote' -- @
+-- Parse one value given a function that
+-- returns sequential bytes. Will throw an error as soon
+-- as possible without getting more bytes on bad input. Returns
+-- if a value was read, and then the value read. Will return nil
+-- when input stream is finished.
+local function parser(getbyte, filename)
+    -- Stack of unfinished values
+    local stack = {}
+    -- Provide one character buffer and keep
+    -- track of current line and byte index
+    local line = 1
+    local byteindex = 0
+    local lastb
+    local function ungetb(ub)
+        if ub == 10 then line = line - 1 end
+        byteindex = byteindex - 1
+        lastb = ub
+    end
+    local function getb()
+        local r
+        if lastb then
+            r, lastb = lastb, nil
+        else
+            r = getbyte({ stackSize = #stack })
+        end
+        byteindex = byteindex + 1
+        if r == 10 then line = line + 1 end
+        return r
+    end
+    local function parseError(msg)
+        return error(msg .. ' in ' .. (filename or 'unknown') .. ':' .. line, 0)
+    end
+    -- Parse stream
+    return function()
+        -- Dispatch when we complete a value
+        local done, retval
+        local function dispatch(v)
+            if #stack == 0 then
+                retval = v
+                done = true
+            elseif stack[#stack].prefix then
+                local stacktop = stack[#stack]
+                stack[#stack] = nil
+                return dispatch(list(sym(stacktop.prefix), v))
+            else
+                table.insert(stack[#stack], v)
+            end
+        end
+        -- Throw nice error when we expect more characters
+        -- but reach end of stream.
+        local function badend()
+            local accum = {}
+            for _, item in ipairs(stack) do
+                accum[#accum + 1] = item.closer
+            end
+            parseError(('expected closing delimiter%s %s'):format(
+                #stack == 1 and "" or "s",
+                string.char(unpack(accum))))
+        end
+        -- The main parse loop
+        repeat
+            local b
+            -- Skip whitespace
+            repeat
+                b = getb()
+            until not b or not iswhitespace(b)
+            if not b then
+                if #stack > 0 then badend() end
+                return nil
+            end
+            if b == 59 then -- ; Comment
+                repeat
+                    b = getb()
+                until not b or b == 10 -- newline
+            elseif type(delims[b]) == 'number' then -- Opening delimiter
+                table.insert(stack, setmetatable({
+                    closer = delims[b],
+                    line = line,
+                    filename = filename,
+                    bytestart = byteindex
+                }, LIST_MT))
+            elseif delims[b] then -- Closing delimiter
+                if #stack == 0 then parseError 'unexpected closing delimiter' end
+                local last = stack[#stack]
+                local val
+                if last.closer ~= b then
+                    parseError('unexpected delimiter ' .. string.char(b) ..
+                               ', expected ' .. string.char(last.closer))
+                end
+                last.byteend = byteindex -- Set closing byte index
+                if b == 41 then -- ; )
+                    val = last
+                elseif b == 93 then -- ; ]
+                    val = sequence()
+                    for i = 1, #last do
+                        val[i] = last[i]
+                    end
+                else -- ; }
+                    if #last % 2 ~= 0 then
+                        parseError('expected even number of values in table literal')
+                    end
+                    val = {}
+                    for i = 1, #last, 2 do
+                        val[last[i]] = last[i + 1]
+                    end
+                end
+                stack[#stack] = nil
+                dispatch(val)
+            elseif b == 34 or b == 39 then -- Quoted string
+                local start = b
+                local state = "base"
+                local chars = {start}
+                stack[#stack + 1] = {closer = b}
+                repeat
+                    b = getb()
+                    chars[#chars + 1] = b
+                    if state == "base" then
+                        if b == 92 then
+                            state = "backslash"
+                        elseif b == start then
+                            state = "done"
+                        end
+                    else
+                        -- state == "backslash"
+                        state = "base"
+                    end
+                until not b or (state == "done")
+                if not b then badend() end
+                stack[#stack] = nil
+                local raw = string.char(unpack(chars))
+                local formatted = raw:gsub("[\1-\31]", function (c) return '\\' .. c:byte() end)
+                local loadFn = loadCode(('return %s'):format(formatted), nil, filename)
+                dispatch(loadFn())
+            elseif prefixes[b] then -- expand prefix byte into wrapping form eg. '`a' into '(quote a)'
+                table.insert(stack, {
+                    prefix = prefixes[b]
+                })
+            else -- Try symbol
+                local chars = {}
+                local bytestart = byteindex
+                repeat
+                    chars[#chars + 1] = b
+                    b = getb()
+                until not b or not issymbolchar(b)
+                if b then ungetb(b) end
+                local rawstr = string.char(unpack(chars))
+                if rawstr == 'true' then dispatch(true)
+                elseif rawstr == 'false' then dispatch(false)
+                elseif rawstr == '...' then dispatch(VARARG)
+                elseif rawstr:match('^:.+$') then -- keyword style strings
+                    dispatch(rawstr:sub(2))
+                else
+                    local forceNumber = rawstr:match('^%d')
+                    local numberWithStrippedUnderscores = rawstr:gsub("_", "")
+                    local x
+                    if forceNumber then
+                        x = tonumber(numberWithStrippedUnderscores) or
+                            parseError('could not read token "' .. rawstr .. '"')
+                    else
+                        x = tonumber(numberWithStrippedUnderscores) or
+                            sym(rawstr, nil, { line = line,
+                                               filename = filename,
+                                               bytestart = bytestart,
+                                               byteend = byteindex, })
+                    end
+                    dispatch(x)
+                end
+            end
+        until done
+        return true, retval
+    end, function ()
+        stack = {}
+    end
+-- Compilation
+-- Create a new Scope, optionally under a parent scope. Scopes are compile time constructs
+-- that are responsible for keeping track of local variables, name mangling, and macros.
+-- They are accessible to user code via the '*compiler' special form (may change). They
+-- use metatables to implement nesting via inheritance.
+local function makeScope(parent)
+    return {
+        unmanglings = setmetatable({}, {
+            __index = parent and parent.unmanglings
+        }),
+        manglings = setmetatable({}, {
+            __index = parent and parent.manglings
+        }),
+        specials = setmetatable({}, {
+            __index = parent and parent.specials
+        }),
+        symmeta = setmetatable({}, {
+            __index = parent and parent.symmeta
+        }),
+        parent = parent,
+        vararg = parent and parent.vararg,
+        depth = parent and ((parent.depth or 0) + 1) or 0
+    }
+-- Assert a condition and raise a compile error with line numbers. The ast arg
+-- should be unmodified so that its first element is the form being called.
+local function assertCompile(condition, msg, ast)
+    -- if we use regular `assert' we can't provide the `level' argument of zero
+    if not condition then
+        error(string.format("Compile error in '%s' %s:%s: %s",
+                            isSym(ast[1]) and ast[1][1] or ast[1] or '()',
+                            ast.filename or "unknown", ast.line or '?', msg), 0)
+    end
+    return condition
+local GLOBAL_SCOPE = makeScope()
+GLOBAL_SCOPE.vararg = true
+local SPECIALS = GLOBAL_SCOPE.specials
+local luaKeywords = {
+    'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for', 'function',
+    'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat', 'return', 'then', 'true',
+    'until', 'while'
+for i, v in ipairs(luaKeywords) do
+    luaKeywords[v] = i
+local function isValidLuaIdentifier(str)
+    return (str:match('^[%a_][%w_]*$') and not luaKeywords[str])
+-- Allow printing a string to Lua, also keep as 1 line.
+local serializeSubst = {
+    ['\a'] = '\\a',
+    ['\b'] = '\\b',
+    ['\f'] = '\\f',
+    ['\n'] = 'n',
+    ['\t'] = '\\t',
+    ['\v'] = '\\v'
+local function serializeString(str)
+    local s = ("%q"):format(str)
+    s = s:gsub('.', serializeSubst):gsub("[\128-\255]", function(c)
+        return "\\" .. c:byte()
+    end)
+    return s
+-- A multi symbol is a symbol that is actually composed of
+-- two or more symbols using the dot syntax. The main differences
+-- from normal symbols is that they cannot be declared local, and
+-- they may have side effects on invocation (metatables)
+local function isMultiSym(str)
+    if type(str) ~= 'string' then return end
+    local parts = {}
+    for part in str:gmatch('[^%.]+') do
+        parts[#parts + 1] = part
+    end
+    return #parts > 0 and
+    str:match('%.') and
+    (not str:match('%.%.')) and
+    str:byte() ~= string.byte '.' and
+    str:byte(-1) ~= string.byte '.' and
+    parts
+-- Mangler for global symbols. Does not protect against collisions,
+-- but makes them unlikely. This is the mangling that is exposed to
+-- to the world.
+local function globalMangling(str)
+    if isValidLuaIdentifier(str) then
+        return str
+    end
+    -- Use underscore as escape character
+    return '__fnl_global__' .. str:gsub('[^%w]', function (c)
+        return ('_%02x'):format(c:byte())
+    end)
+-- Reverse a global mangling. Takes a Lua identifier and
+-- returns the fennel symbol string that created it.
+local function globalUnmangling(identifier)
+    local rest = identifier:match('^__fnl_global__(.*)$')
+    if rest then
+        return rest:gsub('_[%da-f][%da-f]', function (code)
+            return string.char(tonumber(code:sub(2), 16))
+        end)
+    else
+        return identifier
+    end
+-- Creates a symbol from a string by mangling it.
+-- ensures that the generated symbol is unique
+-- if the input string is unique in the scope.
+local function localMangling(str, scope, ast)
+    if scope.manglings[str] then
+        return scope.manglings[str]
+    end
+    local append = 0
+    local mangling = str
+    assertCompile(not isMultiSym(str), 'did not expect multi symbol ' .. str, ast)
+    -- Mapping mangling to a valid Lua identifier
+    if luaKeywords[mangling] or mangling:match('^%d') then
+        mangling = '_' .. mangling
+    end
+    mangling = mangling:gsub('-', '_')
+    mangling = mangling:gsub('[^%w_]', function (c)
+        return ('_%02x'):format(c:byte())
+    end)
+    local raw = mangling
+    while scope.unmanglings[mangling] do
+        mangling = raw .. append
+        append = append + 1
+    end
+    scope.unmanglings[mangling] = str
+    scope.manglings[str] = mangling
+    return mangling
+-- Combine parts of a symbol
+local function combineParts(parts, scope)
+    local ret = scope.manglings[parts[1]] or globalMangling(parts[1])
+    for i = 2, #parts do
+        if isValidLuaIdentifier(parts[i]) then
+            ret = ret .. '.' .. parts[i]
+        else
+            ret = ret .. '[' .. serializeString(parts[i]) .. ']'
+        end
+    end
+    return ret
+-- Generates a unique symbol in the scope.
+local function gensym(scope)
+    local mangling
+    local append = 0
+    repeat
+        mangling = '_' .. append .. '_'
+        append = append + 1
+    until not scope.unmanglings[mangling]
+    scope.unmanglings[mangling] = true
+    return mangling
+-- Check if a binding is valid
+local function checkBindingValid(symbol, scope, ast)
+    -- Check if symbol will be over shadowed by special
+    local name = symbol[1]
+    assertCompile(not scope.specials[name],
+    ("symbol %s may be overshadowed by a special form or macro"):format(name), ast)
+-- Declare a local symbol
+local function declareLocal(symbol, meta, scope, ast)
+    checkBindingValid(symbol, scope, ast)
+    local name = symbol[1]
+    assertCompile(not isMultiSym(name), "did not expect mutltisym", ast)
+    local mangling = localMangling(name, scope, ast)
+    scope.symmeta[name] = meta
+    return mangling
+-- If there's a provided list of allowed globals, don't let references
+-- thru that aren't on the list. This list is set at the compiler
+-- entry points of compile and compileStream.
+local allowedGlobals
+local function globalAllowed(name)
+    if not allowedGlobals then return true end
+    for _, g in ipairs(allowedGlobals) do
+        if g == name then return true end
+    end
+-- Convert symbol to Lua code. Will only work for local symbols
+-- if they have already been declared via declareLocal
+local function symbolToExpression(symbol, scope, isReference)
+    local name = symbol[1]
+    local parts = isMultiSym(name) or {name}
+    local etype = (#parts > 1) and "expression" or "sym"
+    local isLocal = scope.manglings[parts[1]]
+    -- if it's a reference and not a symbol which introduces a new binding
+    -- then we need to check for allowed globals
+    assertCompile(not isReference or isLocal or globalAllowed(parts[1]),
+                  'unknown global in strict mode: ' .. parts[1], symbol)
+    return expr(combineParts(parts, scope), etype)
+-- Emit Lua code
+local function emit(chunk, out, ast)
+    if type(out) == 'table' then
+        table.insert(chunk, out)
+    else
+        table.insert(chunk, {leaf = out, ast = ast})
+    end
+-- Do some peephole optimization.
+local function peephole(chunk)
+    if chunk.leaf then return chunk end
+    -- Optimize do ... end in some cases.
+    if #chunk == 3 and
+        chunk[1].leaf == 'do' and
+        not chunk[2].leaf and
+        chunk[3].leaf == 'end' then
+        return peephole(chunk[2])
+    end
+    -- Recurse
+    for i, v in ipairs(chunk) do
+        chunk[i] = peephole(v)
+    end
+    return chunk
+-- correlate line numbers in input with line numbers in output
+local function flattenChunkCorrelated(mainChunk)
+    local function flatten(chunk, out, lastLine, file)
+        if chunk.leaf then
+            out[lastLine] = (out[lastLine] or "") .. " " .. chunk.leaf
+        else
+            for _, subchunk in ipairs(chunk) do
+                -- Ignore empty chunks
+                if subchunk.leaf or #subchunk > 0 then
+                    -- don't increase line unless it's from the same file
+                    if subchunk.ast and file == subchunk.ast.file then
+                        lastLine = math.max(lastLine, subchunk.ast.line or 0)
+                    end
+                    lastLine = flatten(subchunk, out, lastLine, file)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        return lastLine
+    end
+    local out = {}
+    local last = flatten(mainChunk, out, 1, mainChunk.file)
+    for i = 1, last do
+        if out[i] == nil then out[i] = "" end
+    end
+    return table.concat(out, "\n")
+-- Flatten a tree of indented Lua source code lines.
+-- Tab is what is used to indent a block.
+local function flattenChunk(sm, chunk, tab, depth)
+    if type(tab) == 'boolean' then tab = tab and '  ' or '' end
+    if chunk.leaf then
+        local code = chunk.leaf
+        local info = chunk.ast
+        -- Just do line info for now to save memory
+        if sm then sm[#sm + 1] = info and info.line or -1 end
+        return code
+    else
+        local parts = {}
+        for i = 1, #chunk do
+            -- Ignore empty chunks
+            if chunk[i].leaf or #(chunk[i]) > 0 then
+                local sub = flattenChunk(sm, chunk[i], tab, depth + 1)
+                if depth > 0 then sub = tab .. sub:gsub('\n', '\n' .. tab) end
+                table.insert(parts, sub)
+            end
+        end
+        return table.concat(parts, '\n')
+    end
+-- Some global state for all fennel sourcemaps. For the time being,
+-- this seems the easiest way to store the source maps.
+-- Sourcemaps are stored with source being mapped as the key, prepended
+-- with '@' if it is a filename (like debug.getinfo returns for source).
+-- The value is an array of mappings for each line.
+local fennelSourcemap = {}
+-- TODO: loading, unloading, and saving sourcemaps?
+local function makeShortSrc(source)
+    source = source:gsub('\n', ' ')
+    if #source <= 49 then
+        return '[fennel "' .. source .. '"]'
+    else
+        return '[fennel "' .. source:sub(1, 46) .. '..."]'
+    end
+-- Return Lua source and source map table
+local function flatten(chunk, options)
+    local sm = options.sourcemap and {}
+    chunk = peephole(chunk)
+    if(options.correlate) then
+        return flattenChunkCorrelated(chunk), {}
+    else
+        local ret = flattenChunk(sm, chunk, options.indent, 0)
+        if sm then
+            local key, short_src
+            if options.filename then
+                short_src = options.filename
+                key = '@' .. short_src
+            else
+                key = ret
+                short_src = makeShortSrc(options.source or ret)
+            end
+            sm.short_src = short_src
+            sm.key = key
+            fennelSourcemap[key] = sm
+        end
+        return ret, sm
+    end
+-- Convert expressions to Lua string
+local function exprs1(exprs)
+    local t = {}
+    for _, e in ipairs(exprs) do
+        t[#t + 1] = e[1]
+    end
+    return table.concat(t, ', ')
+-- Compile side effects for a chunk
+local function keepSideEffects(exprs, chunk, start, ast)
+    start = start or 1
+    for j = start, #exprs do
+        local se = exprs[j]
+        -- Avoid the rogue 'nil' expression (nil is usually a literal,
+        -- but becomes an expression if a special form
+        -- returns 'nil'.)
+        if se.type == 'expression' and se[1] ~= 'nil' then
+            emit(chunk, ('do local _ = %s end'):format(tostring(se)), ast)
+        elseif se.type == 'statement' then
+            emit(chunk, tostring(se), ast)
+        end
+    end
+-- Does some common handling of returns and register
+-- targets for special forms. Also ensures a list expression
+-- has an acceptable number of expressions if opts contains the
+-- "nval" option.
+local function handleCompileOpts(exprs, parent, opts, ast)
+    if opts.nval then
+        local n = opts.nval
+        if n ~= #exprs then
+            local len = #exprs
+            if len > n then
+                -- Drop extra
+                keepSideEffects(exprs, parent, n + 1, ast)
+                for i = n + 1, len do
+                    exprs[i] = nil
+                end
+            else
+                -- Pad with nils
+                for i = #exprs + 1, n do
+                    exprs[i] = expr('nil', 'literal')
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if opts.tail then
+        emit(parent, ('return %s'):format(exprs1(exprs)), ast)
+    end
+    if then
+        emit(parent, ('%s = %s'):format(, exprs1(exprs)), ast)
+    end
+    if opts.tail or then
+        -- Prevent statements and expression from being used twice if they
+        -- have side-effects. Since if the target or tail options are set,
+        -- the expressions are already emitted, we should not return them. This
+        -- is fine, as when these options are set, the caller doesn't need the result
+        -- anyways.
+        exprs = {}
+    end
+    return exprs
+-- Compile an AST expression in the scope into parent, a tree
+-- of lines that is eventually compiled into Lua code. Also
+-- returns some information about the evaluation of the compiled expression,
+-- which can be used by the calling function. Macros
+-- are resolved here, as well as special forms in that order.
+-- the 'ast' param is the root AST to compile
+-- the 'scope' param is the scope in which we are compiling
+-- the 'parent' param is the table of lines that we are compiling into.
+-- add lines to parent by appending strings. Add indented blocks by appending
+-- tables of more lines.
+-- the 'opts' param contains info about where the form is being compiled.
+-- Options include:
+--   'target' - mangled name of symbol(s) being compiled to.
+--      Could be one variable, 'a', or a list, like 'a, b, _0_'.
+--   'tail' - boolean indicating tail position if set. If set, form will generate a return
+--   instruction.
+--   'nval' - The number of values to compile to if it is known to be a fixed value.
+local function compile1(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+    opts = opts or {}
+    local exprs = {}
+    -- Compile the form
+    if isList(ast) then
+        -- Function call or special form
+        local len = #ast
+        assertCompile(len > 0, "expected a function to call", ast)
+        -- Test for special form
+        local first = ast[1]
+        if isSym(first) then -- Resolve symbol
+            first = first[1]
+        end
+        local special = scope.specials[first]
+        if special and isSym(ast[1]) then
+            -- Special form
+            exprs = special(ast, scope, parent, opts) or expr('nil', 'literal')
+            -- Be very accepting of strings or expression
+            -- as well as lists or expressions
+            if type(exprs) == 'string' then exprs = expr(exprs, 'expression') end
+            if getmetatable(exprs) == EXPR_MT then exprs = {exprs} end
+            -- Unless the special form explicitly handles the target, tail, and nval properties,
+            -- (indicated via the 'returned' flag), handle these options.
+            if not exprs.returned then
+                exprs = handleCompileOpts(exprs, parent, opts, ast)
+            elseif opts.tail or then
+                exprs = {}
+            end
+            exprs.returned = true
+            return exprs
+        else
+            -- Function call
+            local fargs = {}
+            local fcallee = compile1(ast[1], scope, parent, {
+                nval = 1
+            })[1]
+            assertCompile(fcallee.type ~= 'literal',
+                          'cannot call literal value', ast)
+            fcallee = tostring(fcallee)
+            for i = 2, len do
+                local subexprs = compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {
+                    nval = i ~= len and 1 or nil
+                })
+                fargs[#fargs + 1] = subexprs[1] or expr('nil', 'literal')
+                if i == len then
+                    -- Add sub expressions to function args
+                    for j = 2, #subexprs do
+                        fargs[#fargs + 1] = subexprs[j]
+                    end
+                else
+                    -- Emit sub expression only for side effects
+                    keepSideEffects(subexprs, parent, 2, ast[i])
+                end
+            end
+            local call = ('%s(%s)'):format(tostring(fcallee), exprs1(fargs))
+            exprs = handleCompileOpts({expr(call, 'statement')}, parent, opts, ast)
+        end
+    elseif isVarg(ast) then
+        assertCompile(scope.vararg, "unexpected vararg", ast)
+        exprs = handleCompileOpts({expr('...', 'varg')}, parent, opts, ast)
+    elseif isSym(ast) then
+        local e
+        -- Handle nil as special symbol - it resolves to the nil literal rather than
+        -- being unmangled. Alternatively, we could remove it from the lua keywords table.
+        if ast[1] == 'nil' then
+            e = expr('nil', 'literal')
+        else
+            e = symbolToExpression(ast, scope, true)
+        end
+        exprs = handleCompileOpts({e}, parent, opts, ast)
+    elseif type(ast) == 'nil' or type(ast) == 'boolean' then
+        exprs = handleCompileOpts({expr(tostring(ast), 'literal')}, parent, opts)
+    elseif type(ast) == 'number' then
+        local n = ('%.17g'):format(ast)
+        exprs = handleCompileOpts({expr(n, 'literal')}, parent, opts)
+    elseif type(ast) == 'string' then
+        local s = serializeString(ast)
+        exprs = handleCompileOpts({expr(s, 'literal')}, parent, opts)
+    elseif type(ast) == 'table' then
+        local buffer = {}
+        for i = 1, #ast do -- Write numeric keyed values.
+            local nval = i ~= #ast and 1
+            buffer[#buffer + 1] = exprs1(compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = nval}))
+        end
+        local keys = {}
+        for k, _ in pairs(ast) do -- Write other keys.
+            if type(k) ~= 'number' or math.floor(k) ~= k or k < 1 or k > #ast then
+                local kstr
+                if type(k) == 'string' and isValidLuaIdentifier(k) then
+                    kstr = k
+                else
+                    kstr = '[' .. tostring(compile1(k, scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]) .. ']'
+                end
+                table.insert(keys, { kstr, k })
+            end
+        end
+        table.sort(keys, function (a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end)
+        for _, k in ipairs(keys) do
+            local v = ast[k[2]]
+            buffer[#buffer + 1] = ('%s = %s'):format(
+                k[1], tostring(compile1(v, scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]))
+        end
+        local tbl = '{' .. table.concat(buffer, ', ') ..'}'
+        exprs = handleCompileOpts({expr(tbl, 'expression')}, parent, opts, ast)
+    else
+        assertCompile(false, 'could not compile value of type ' .. type(ast), ast)
+    end
+    exprs.returned = true
+    return exprs
+-- For statements and expressions, put the value in a local to avoid
+-- double-evaluating it.
+local function once(val, ast, scope, parent)
+    if val.type == 'statement' or val.type == 'expression' then
+        local s = gensym(scope)
+        emit(parent, ('local %s = %s'):format(s, tostring(val)), ast)
+        return expr(s, 'sym')
+    else
+        return val
+    end
+-- Implements destructuring for forms like let, bindings, etc.
+-- Takes a number of options to control behavior.
+-- var: Whether or not to mark symbols as mutable
+-- declaration: begin each assignment with 'local' in output
+-- nomulti: disallow multisyms in the destructuring. Used for (local) and (global).
+-- noundef: Don't set undefined bindings. (set)
+-- forceglobal: Don't allow local bindings
+local function destructure(to, from, ast, scope, parent, opts)
+    opts = opts or {}
+    local isvar = opts.isvar
+    local declaration = opts.declaration
+    local nomulti = opts.nomulti
+    local noundef = opts.noundef
+    local forceglobal = opts.forceglobal
+    local forceset = opts.forceset
+    local setter = declaration and "local %s = %s" or "%s = %s"
+    -- Get Lua source for symbol, and check for errors
+    local function getname(symbol, up1)
+        local raw = symbol[1]
+        assertCompile(not (nomulti and isMultiSym(raw)),
+            'did not expect multisym', up1)
+        if declaration then
+            return declareLocal(symbol, {var = isvar}, scope, symbol)
+        else
+            local parts = isMultiSym(raw) or {raw}
+            local meta = scope.symmeta[parts[1]]
+            if #parts == 1 and not forceset then
+                assertCompile(not(forceglobal and meta),
+                    'expected global, found var', up1)
+                assertCompile(meta or not noundef,
+                    'expected local var ' .. parts[1], up1)
+                assertCompile(not (meta and not meta.var),
+                    'expected local var', up1)
+            end
+            return symbolToExpression(symbol, scope)[1]
+        end
+    end
+    -- Compile the outer most form. We can generate better Lua in this case.
+    local function compileTopTarget(lvalues)
+        -- Calculate initial rvalue
+        local inits = {}
+        for _, x in ipairs(lvalues) do
+            table.insert(inits, scope.manglings[x] and x or 'nil')
+        end
+        local init = table.concat(inits, ', ')
+        local lvalue = table.concat(lvalues, ', ')
+        local plen = #parent
+        local ret = compile1(from, scope, parent, {target = lvalue})
+        if declaration then
+            if #parent == plen + 1 and parent[#parent].leaf then
+                -- A single leaf emitted means an simple assignment a = x was emitted
+                parent[#parent].leaf = 'local ' .. parent[#parent].leaf
+            else
+                table.insert(parent, plen + 1, { leaf = 'local ' .. lvalue .. ' = ' .. init, ast = ast})
+            end
+        end
+        return ret
+    end
+    -- Recursive auxiliary function
+    local function destructure1(left, rightexprs, up1, top)
+        if isSym(left) and left[1] ~= "nil" then
+            checkBindingValid(left, scope, left)
+            local lname = getname(left, up1)
+            if top then
+                compileTopTarget({lname})
+            else
+                emit(parent, setter:format(lname, exprs1(rightexprs)), left)
+            end
+        elseif isTable(left) then -- table destructuring
+            if top then rightexprs = compile1(from, scope, parent) end
+            local s = gensym(scope)
+            emit(parent, ("local %s = %s"):format(s, exprs1(rightexprs)), left)
+            for k, v in pairs(left) do
+                if isSym(left[k]) and left[k][1] == "&" then
+                    assertCompile(type(k) == "number" and not left[k+2],
+                        "expected rest argument in final position", left)
+                    local subexpr = expr(('{(table.unpack or unpack)(%s, %s)}'):format(s, k),
+                        'expression')
+                    destructure1(left[k+1], {subexpr}, left)
+                    return
+                else
+                    if type(k) ~= "number" then k = serializeString(k) end
+                    local subexpr = expr(('%s[%s]'):format(s, k), 'expression')
+                    destructure1(v, {subexpr}, left)
+                end
+            end
+        elseif isList(left) then -- values destructuring
+            local leftNames, tables = {}, {}
+            for i, name in ipairs(left) do
+                local symname
+                if isSym(name) then -- binding directly to a name
+                    symname = getname(name, up1)
+                else -- further destructuring of tables inside values
+                    symname = gensym(scope)
+                    tables[i] = {name, expr(symname, 'sym')}
+                end
+                table.insert(leftNames, symname)
+            end
+            if top then
+                compileTopTarget(leftNames)
+            else
+                local lvalue = table.concat(leftNames, ', ')
+                emit(parent, setter:format(lvalue, exprs1(rightexprs)), left)
+            end
+            for _, pair in pairs(tables) do -- recurse if left-side tables found
+                destructure1(pair[1], {pair[2]}, left)
+            end
+        else
+            assertCompile(false, 'unable to destructure ' .. tostring(left), up1)
+        end
+        if top then return {returned = true} end
+    end
+    return destructure1(to, nil, ast, true)
+-- Unlike most expressions and specials, 'values' resolves with multiple
+-- values, one for each argument, allowing multiple return values. The last
+-- expression can return multiple arguments as well, allowing for more than the number
+-- of expected arguments.
+local function values(ast, scope, parent)
+    local len = #ast
+    local exprs = {}
+    for i = 2, len do
+        local subexprs = compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {
+            nval = (i ~= len) and 1
+        })
+        exprs[#exprs + 1] = subexprs[1]
+        if i == len then
+            for j = 2, #subexprs do
+                exprs[#exprs + 1] = subexprs[j]
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    return exprs
+-- Compile a list of forms for side effects
+local function compileDo(ast, scope, parent, start)
+    start = start or 2
+    local len = #ast
+    local subScope = makeScope(scope)
+    for i = start, len do
+        compile1(ast[i], subScope, parent, {
+            nval = 0
+        })
+    end
+-- Implements a do statement, starting at the 'start' element. By default, start is 2.
+local function doImpl(ast, scope, parent, opts, start, chunk, subScope)
+    start = start or 2
+    subScope = subScope or makeScope(scope)
+    chunk = chunk or {}
+    local len = #ast
+    local outerTarget =
+    local outerTail = opts.tail
+    local retexprs = {returned = true}
+    -- See if we need special handling to get the return values
+    -- of the do block
+    if not outerTarget and opts.nval ~= 0 and not outerTail then
+        if opts.nval then
+            -- Generate a local target
+            local syms = {}
+            for i = 1, opts.nval do
+                local s = gensym(scope)
+                syms[i] = s
+                retexprs[i] = expr(s, 'sym')
+            end
+            outerTarget = table.concat(syms, ', ')
+            emit(parent, ('local %s'):format(outerTarget), ast)
+            emit(parent, 'do', ast)
+        else
+            -- We will use an IIFE for the do
+            local fname = gensym(scope)
+            local fargs = scope.vararg and '...' or ''
+            emit(parent, ('local function %s(%s)'):format(fname, fargs), ast)
+            retexprs = expr(fname .. '(' .. fargs .. ')', 'statement')
+            outerTail = true
+            outerTarget = nil
+        end
+    else
+        emit(parent, 'do', ast)
+    end
+    -- Compile the body
+    if start > len then
+        -- In the unlikely case we do a do with no arguments.
+        compile1(nil, subScope, chunk, {
+            tail = outerTail,
+            target = outerTarget
+        })
+        -- There will be no side effects
+    else
+        for i = start, len do
+            local subopts = {
+                nval = i ~= len and 0 or opts.nval,
+                tail = i == len and outerTail or nil,
+                target = i == len and outerTarget or nil
+            }
+            local subexprs = compile1(ast[i], subScope, chunk, subopts)
+            if i ~= len then
+                keepSideEffects(subexprs, parent, nil, ast[i])
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    emit(parent, chunk, ast)
+    emit(parent, 'end', ast)
+    return retexprs
+SPECIALS['do'] = doImpl
+SPECIALS['values'] = values
+-- The fn special declares a function. Syntax is similar to other lisps;
+-- (fn optional-name [arg ...] (body))
+-- Further decoration such as docstrings, meta info, and multibody functions a possibility.
+SPECIALS['fn'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    local fScope = makeScope(scope)
+    local fChunk = {}
+    local index = 2
+    local fnName = isSym(ast[index])
+    local isLocalFn
+    fScope.vararg = false
+    if fnName and fnName[1] ~= 'nil' then
+        isLocalFn = not isMultiSym(fnName[1])
+        if isLocalFn then
+            fnName = declareLocal(fnName, {}, scope, ast)
+        else
+            fnName = symbolToExpression(fnName, scope)[1]
+        end
+        index = index + 1
+    else
+        isLocalFn = true
+        fnName = gensym(scope)
+    end
+    local argList = assertCompile(isTable(ast[index]),
+                                  'expected vector arg list [a b ...]', ast)
+    local argNameList = {}
+    for i = 1, #argList do
+        if isVarg(argList[i]) then
+            assertCompile(i == #argList, "expected vararg in last parameter position", ast)
+            argNameList[i] = '...'
+            fScope.vararg = true
+        elseif(isSym(argList[i]) and argList[i][1] ~= "nil"
+               and not isMultiSym(argList[i][1])) then
+            argNameList[i] = declareLocal(argList[i], {}, fScope, ast)
+        elseif isTable(argList[i]) then
+            local raw = sym(gensym(scope))
+            argNameList[i] = declareLocal(raw, {}, fScope, ast)
+            destructure(argList[i], raw, ast, fScope, fChunk,
+                        { declaration = true, nomulti = true })
+        else
+            assertCompile(false, 'expected symbol for function parameter', ast)
+        end
+    end
+    for i = index + 1, #ast do
+        compile1(ast[i], fScope, fChunk, {
+            tail = i == #ast,
+            nval = i ~= #ast and 0 or nil
+        })
+    end
+    if isLocalFn then
+        emit(parent, ('local function %s(%s)')
+                 :format(fnName, table.concat(argNameList, ', ')), ast)
+    else
+        emit(parent, ('%s = function(%s)')
+                 :format(fnName, table.concat(argNameList, ', ')), ast)
+    end
+    emit(parent, fChunk, ast)
+    emit(parent, 'end', ast)
+    return expr(fnName, 'sym')
+-- (lua "print('hello!')") -> prints hello, evaluates to nil
+-- (lua "print 'hello!'" "10") -> prints hello, evaluates to the number 10
+-- (lua nil "{1,2,3}") -> Evaluates to a table literal
+SPECIALS['lua'] = function(ast, _, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast == 2 or #ast == 3,
+        "expected 2 or 3 arguments in 'lua' special form", ast)
+    if ast[2] ~= nil then
+        table.insert(parent, {leaf = tostring(ast[2]), ast = ast})
+    end
+    if #ast == 3 then
+        return tostring(ast[3])
+    end
+-- Wrapper for table access
+SPECIALS['.'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    local len = #ast
+    assertCompile(len > 1, "expected table argument", ast)
+    local lhs = compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})
+    if len == 2 then
+        return tostring(lhs[1])
+    else
+        local indices = {}
+        for i = 3, len do
+            local index = ast[i]
+            if type(index) == 'string' and isValidLuaIdentifier(index) then
+                table.insert(indices, '.' .. index)
+            else
+                index = compile1(index, scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+                table.insert(indices, '[' .. tostring(index) .. ']')
+            end
+        end
+        -- extra parens are needed for table literals
+        if isTable(ast[2]) then
+            return '(' .. tostring(lhs[1]) .. ')' .. table.concat(indices)
+        else
+            return tostring(lhs[1]) .. table.concat(indices)
+        end
+    end
+SPECIALS['global'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast == 3, "expected name and value", ast)
+    if allowedGlobals then table.insert(allowedGlobals, ast[2][1]) end
+    destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {
+        nomulti = true,
+        forceglobal = true
+    })
+SPECIALS['set'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast == 3, "expected name and value", ast)
+    destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {
+        noundef = true
+    })
+SPECIALS['set-forcibly!'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast == 3, "expected name and value", ast)
+    destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {
+        forceset = true
+    })
+SPECIALS['local'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast == 3, "expected name and value", ast)
+    destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {
+        declaration = true,
+        nomulti = true
+    })
+SPECIALS['var'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast == 3, "expected name and value", ast)
+    destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {
+        declaration = true,
+        nomulti = true,
+        isvar = true
+    })
+SPECIALS['let'] = function(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+    local bindings = ast[2]
+    assertCompile(isList(bindings) or isTable(bindings),
+                  'expected table for destructuring', ast)
+    assertCompile(#bindings % 2 == 0,
+                  'expected even number of name/value bindings', ast)
+    assertCompile(#ast >= 3, 'missing body expression', ast)
+    local subScope = makeScope(scope)
+    local subChunk = {}
+    for i = 1, #bindings, 2 do
+        destructure(bindings[i], bindings[i + 1], ast, subScope, subChunk, {
+            declaration = true,
+            nomulti = true
+        })
+    end
+    return doImpl(ast, scope, parent, opts, 3, subChunk, subScope)
+-- For setting items in a table
+SPECIALS['tset'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast > 3, ('tset form needs table, key, and value'), ast)
+    local root = compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+    local keys = {}
+    for i = 3, #ast - 1 do
+        local key = compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+        keys[#keys + 1] = tostring(key)
+    end
+    local value = compile1(ast[#ast], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+    local rootstr = tostring(root)
+    local fmtstr = (rootstr:match('^{')) and '(%s)[%s] = %s' or '%s[%s] = %s'
+    emit(parent, fmtstr:format(tostring(root),
+                               table.concat(keys, ']['),
+                               tostring(value)), ast)
+-- The if special form behaves like the cond form in
+-- many languages
+SPECIALS['if'] = function(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+    local doScope = makeScope(scope)
+    local branches = {}
+    local elseBranch = nil
+    -- Calculate some external stuff. Optimizes for tail calls and what not
+    local wrapper, innerTail, innerTarget, targetExprs
+    if opts.tail or or opts.nval then
+        if opts.nval and opts.nval ~= 0 and not then
+            -- We need to create a target
+            targetExprs = {}
+            local accum = {}
+            for i = 1, opts.nval do
+                local s = gensym(scope)
+                accum[i] = s
+                targetExprs[i] = expr(s, 'sym')
+            end
+            wrapper = 'target'
+            innerTail = opts.tail
+            innerTarget = table.concat(accum, ', ')
+        else
+            wrapper = 'none'
+            innerTail = opts.tail
+            innerTarget =
+        end
+    else
+        wrapper = 'iife'
+        innerTail = true
+        innerTarget = nil
+    end
+    -- Compile bodies and conditions
+    local bodyOpts = {
+        tail = innerTail,
+        target = innerTarget,
+        nval = opts.nval
+    }
+    local function compileBody(i)
+        local chunk = {}
+        local cscope = makeScope(doScope)
+        keepSideEffects(compile1(ast[i], cscope, chunk, bodyOpts),
+        chunk, nil, ast[i])
+        return {
+            chunk = chunk,
+            scope = cscope
+        }
+    end
+    for i = 2, #ast - 1, 2 do
+        local condchunk = {}
+        local res = compile1(ast[i], doScope, condchunk, {nval = 1})
+        local cond = res[1]
+        --print(ast[i], res, cond)
+        local branch = compileBody(i + 1)
+        branch.cond = cond
+        branch.condchunk = condchunk
+        branch.nested = i ~= 2 and next(condchunk, nil) == nil
+        table.insert(branches, branch)
+    end
+    local hasElse = #ast > 3 and #ast % 2 == 0
+    if hasElse then elseBranch = compileBody(#ast) end
+    -- Emit code
+    local s = gensym(scope)
+    local buffer = {}
+    local lastBuffer = buffer
+    for i = 1, #branches do
+        local branch = branches[i]
+        local fstr = not branch.nested and 'if %s then' or 'elseif %s then'
+        local condLine = fstr:format(tostring(branch.cond))
+        if branch.nested then
+            emit(lastBuffer, branch.condchunk, ast)
+        else
+            for _, v in ipairs(branch.condchunk) do emit(lastBuffer, v, ast) end
+        end
+        emit(lastBuffer, condLine, ast)
+        emit(lastBuffer, branch.chunk, ast)
+        if i == #branches then
+            if hasElse then
+                emit(lastBuffer, 'else', ast)
+                emit(lastBuffer, elseBranch.chunk, ast)
+            end
+            emit(lastBuffer, 'end', ast)
+        elseif not branches[i + 1].nested then
+            emit(lastBuffer, 'else', ast)
+            local nextBuffer = {}
+            emit(lastBuffer, nextBuffer, ast)
+            emit(lastBuffer, 'end', ast)
+            lastBuffer = nextBuffer
+        end
+    end
+    if wrapper == 'iife' then
+        local iifeargs = scope.vararg and '...' or ''
+        emit(parent, ('local function %s(%s)'):format(tostring(s), iifeargs), ast)
+        emit(parent, buffer, ast)
+        emit(parent, 'end', ast)
+        return expr(('%s(%s)'):format(tostring(s), iifeargs), 'statement')
+    elseif wrapper == 'none' then
+        -- Splice result right into code
+        for i = 1, #buffer do
+            emit(parent, buffer[i], ast)
+        end
+        return {returned = true}
+    else -- wrapper == 'target'
+        emit(parent, ('local %s'):format(innerTarget), ast)
+        for i = 1, #buffer do
+            emit(parent, buffer[i], ast)
+        end
+        return targetExprs
+    end
+-- (each [k v (pairs t)] body...) => []
+SPECIALS['each'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    local binding = assertCompile(isTable(ast[2]), 'expected binding table', ast)
+    local iter = table.remove(binding, #binding) -- last item is iterator call
+    local bindVars = {}
+    local destructures = {}
+    for _, v in ipairs(binding) do
+        assertCompile(isSym(v) or isTable(v),
+                      'expected iterator symbol or table', ast)
+        if(isSym(v)) then
+            table.insert(bindVars, declareLocal(v, {}, scope, ast))
+        else
+            local raw = sym(gensym(scope))
+            destructures[raw] = v
+            table.insert(bindVars, declareLocal(raw, {}, scope, ast))
+        end
+    end
+    emit(parent, ('for %s in %s do'):format(
+             table.concat(bindVars, ', '),
+             tostring(compile1(iter, scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])), ast)
+    local chunk = {}
+    for raw, args in pairs(destructures) do
+        destructure(args, raw, ast, scope, chunk,
+                    { declaration = true, nomulti = true })
+    end
+    compileDo(ast, scope, chunk, 3)
+    emit(parent, chunk, ast)
+    emit(parent, 'end', ast)
+-- (while condition body...) => []
+SPECIALS['while'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    local len1 = #parent
+    local condition = compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+    local len2 = #parent
+    local subChunk = {}
+    if len1 ~= len2 then
+        -- Compound condition
+        emit(parent, 'while true do', ast)
+        -- Move new compilation to subchunk
+        for i = len1 + 1, len2 do
+            subChunk[#subChunk + 1] = parent[i]
+            parent[i] = nil
+        end
+        emit(parent, ('if %s then break end'):format(condition[1]), ast)
+    else
+        -- Simple condition
+        emit(parent, 'while ' .. tostring(condition) .. ' do', ast)
+    end
+    compileDo(ast, makeScope(scope), subChunk, 3)
+    emit(parent, subChunk, ast)
+    emit(parent, 'end', ast)
+SPECIALS['for'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    local ranges = assertCompile(isTable(ast[2]), 'expected binding table', ast)
+    local bindingSym = assertCompile(isSym(table.remove(ast[2], 1)),
+                                     'expected iterator symbol', ast)
+    local rangeArgs = {}
+    for i = 1, math.min(#ranges, 3) do
+        rangeArgs[i] = tostring(compile1(ranges[i], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
+    end
+    emit(parent, ('for %s = %s do'):format(
+             declareLocal(bindingSym, {}, scope, ast),
+             table.concat(rangeArgs, ', ')), ast)
+    local chunk = {}
+    compileDo(ast, scope, chunk, 3)
+    emit(parent, chunk, ast)
+    emit(parent, 'end', ast)
+SPECIALS[':'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast >= 3, 'expected at least 3 arguments', ast)
+    -- Compile object
+    local objectexpr = compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+    -- Compile method selector
+    local methodstring
+    local methodident = false
+    if type(ast[3]) == 'string' and isValidLuaIdentifier(ast[3]) then
+        methodident = true
+        methodstring = ast[3]
+    else
+        methodstring = tostring(compile1(ast[3], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
+        objectexpr = once(objectexpr, ast[2], scope, parent)
+    end
+    -- Compile arguments
+    local args = {}
+    for i = 4, #ast do
+        local subexprs = compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {
+            nval = i ~= #ast and 1 or nil
+        })
+        for j = 1, #subexprs do
+            args[#args + 1] = tostring(subexprs[j])
+        end
+    end
+    local fstring
+    if methodident then
+        fstring = objectexpr.type == 'literal'
+            and '(%s):%s(%s)'
+            or '%s:%s(%s)'
+    else
+        -- Make object first argument
+        table.insert(args, 1, tostring(objectexpr))
+        fstring = objectexpr.type == 'sym'
+            and '%s[%s](%s)'
+            or '(%s)[%s](%s)'
+    end
+    return expr(fstring:format(
+        tostring(objectexpr),
+        methodstring,
+        table.concat(args, ', ')), 'statement')
+local function defineArithmeticSpecial(name, zeroArity, unaryPrefix)
+    local paddedOp = ' ' .. name .. ' '
+    SPECIALS[name] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+        local len = #ast
+        if len == 1 then
+            assertCompile(zeroArity ~= nil, 'Expected more than 0 arguments', ast)
+            return expr(zeroArity, 'literal')
+        else
+            local operands = {}
+            for i = 2, len do
+                local subexprs = compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {
+                    nval = (i == 1 and 1 or nil)
+                })
+                for j = 1, #subexprs do
+                    operands[#operands + 1] = tostring(subexprs[j])
+                end
+            end
+            if #operands == 1 then
+                if unaryPrefix then
+                    return '(' .. unaryPrefix .. paddedOp .. operands[1] .. ')'
+                else
+                    return operands[1]
+                end
+            else
+                return '(' .. table.concat(operands, paddedOp) .. ')'
+            end
+        end
+    end
+defineArithmeticSpecial('+', '0')
+defineArithmeticSpecial('..', "''")
+defineArithmeticSpecial('-', nil, '')
+defineArithmeticSpecial('*', '1')
+defineArithmeticSpecial('/', nil, '1')
+defineArithmeticSpecial('//', nil, '1')
+defineArithmeticSpecial('or', 'false')
+defineArithmeticSpecial('and', 'true')
+local function defineComparatorSpecial(name, realop, chainOp)
+    local op = realop or name
+    SPECIALS[name] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+        local len = #ast
+        assertCompile(len > 2, 'expected at least two arguments', ast)
+        local lhs = compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+        local lastval = compile1(ast[3], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+        -- avoid double-eval by introducing locals for possible side-effects
+        if len > 3 then lastval = once(lastval, ast[3], scope, parent) end
+        local out = ('(%s %s %s)'):
+            format(tostring(lhs), op, tostring(lastval))
+        if len > 3 then
+            for i = 4, len do -- variadic comparison
+                local nextval = once(compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1],
+                                     ast[i], scope, parent)
+                out = (out .. " %s (%s %s %s)"):
+                    format(chainOp or 'and', tostring(lastval), op, tostring(nextval))
+                lastval = nextval
+            end
+            out = '(' .. out .. ')'
+        end
+        return out
+    end
+defineComparatorSpecial('=', '==')
+defineComparatorSpecial('~=', '~=', 'or')
+defineComparatorSpecial('not=', '~=', 'or')
+local function defineUnarySpecial(op, realop)
+    SPECIALS[op] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+        assertCompile(#ast == 2, 'expected one argument', ast)
+        local tail = compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})
+        return (realop or op) .. tostring(tail[1])
+    end
+defineUnarySpecial('not', 'not ')
+-- Save current macro scope
+local macroCurrentScope = GLOBAL_SCOPE
+-- Covert a macro function to a special form
+local function macroToSpecial(mac)
+    return function(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+        local oldScope = macroCurrentScope
+        macroCurrentScope = scope
+        local ok, transformed = pcall(mac, unpack(ast, 2))
+        macroCurrentScope = oldScope
+        assertCompile(ok, transformed, ast)
+        local result = compile1(transformed, scope, parent, opts)
+        return result
+    end
+local function compile(ast, options)
+    options = options or {}
+    local oldGlobals = allowedGlobals
+    allowedGlobals = options.allowedGlobals
+    if options.indent == nil then options.indent = '  ' end
+    local chunk = {}
+    local scope = options.scope or makeScope(GLOBAL_SCOPE)
+    local exprs = compile1(ast, scope, chunk, {tail = true})
+    keepSideEffects(exprs, chunk, nil, ast)
+    allowedGlobals = oldGlobals
+    return flatten(chunk, options)
+-- map a function across all pairs in a table
+local function quoteTmap(f, t)
+    local res = {}
+    for k,v in pairs(t) do
+        local nk, nv = f(k, v)
+        if nk then
+            res[nk] = nv
+        end
+    end
+    return res
+-- make a transformer for key / value table pairs, preserving all numeric keys
+local function entryTransform(fk,fv)
+    return function(k, v)
+        if type(k) == 'number' then
+            return k,fv(v)
+        else
+            return fk(k),fv(v)
+        end
+    end
+-- consume everything return nothing
+local function no() end
+local function mixedConcat(t, joiner)
+    local ret = ""
+    local s = ""
+    local seen = {}
+    for k,v in ipairs(t) do
+        table.insert(seen, k)
+        ret = ret .. s .. v
+        s = joiner
+    end
+    for k,v in pairs(t) do
+        if not(seen[k]) then
+            ret = ret .. s .. '[' .. k .. ']' .. '=' .. v
+            s = joiner
+        end
+    end
+    return ret
+-- expand a quoted form into a data literal, evaluating unquote
+local function doQuote (form, scope, parent, runtime)
+    local q = function (x) return doQuote(x, scope, parent, runtime) end
+    -- vararg
+    if isVarg(form) then
+        assertCompile(not runtime, "quoted ... may only be used at compile time", form)
+        return "_VARARG"
+    -- symbol
+    elseif isSym(form) then
+        assertCompile(not runtime, "symbols may only be used at compile time", form)
+        return ("sym('%s')"):format(deref(form))
+    -- unquote
+    elseif isList(form) and isSym(form[1]) and (deref(form[1]) == 'unquote') then
+        local payload = form[2]
+        local res = unpack(compile1(payload, scope, parent))
+        return res[1]
+    -- list
+    elseif isList(form) then
+        assertCompile(not runtime, "lists may only be used at compile time", form)
+        local mapped = quoteTmap(entryTransform(no, q), form)
+        return 'list(' .. mixedConcat(mapped, ", ") .. ')'
+    -- table
+    elseif type(form) == 'table' then
+        local mapped = quoteTmap(entryTransform(q, q), form)
+        return '{' .. mixedConcat(mapped, ", ") .. '}'
+    -- string
+    elseif type(form) == 'string' then
+        return serializeString(form)
+    else
+        return tostring(form)
+    end
+SPECIALS['quote'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast == 2, "quote only takes a single form")
+    local runtime, thisScope = true, scope
+    while thisScope do
+        thisScope = thisScope.parent
+        if thisScope == COMPILER_SCOPE then runtime = false end
+    end
+    return doQuote(ast[2], scope, parent, runtime)
+local function compileStream(strm, options)
+    options = options or {}
+    local oldGlobals = allowedGlobals
+    allowedGlobals = options.allowedGlobals
+    if options.indent == nil then options.indent = '  ' end
+    local scope = options.scope or makeScope(GLOBAL_SCOPE)
+    local vals = {}
+    for ok, val in parser(strm, options.filename) do
+        if not ok then break end
+        vals[#vals + 1] = val
+    end
+    local chunk = {}
+    for i = 1, #vals do
+        local exprs = compile1(vals[i], scope, chunk, {
+            tail = i == #vals
+        })
+        keepSideEffects(exprs, chunk, nil, vals[i])
+    end
+    allowedGlobals = oldGlobals
+    return flatten(chunk, options)
+local function compileString(str, options)
+    local strm = stringStream(str)
+    return compileStream(strm, options)
+--- Evaluation
+-- Convert a fennel environment table to a Lua environment table.
+-- This means automatically unmangling globals when getting a value,
+-- and mangling values when setting a value. This means the original
+-- env will see its values updated as expected, regardless of mangling rules.
+local function wrapEnv(env)
+    return setmetatable({}, {
+        __index = function(_, key)
+            if type(key) == 'string' then
+                key = globalUnmangling(key)
+            end
+            return env[key]
+        end,
+        __newindex = function(_, key, value)
+            if type(key) == 'string' then
+                key = globalMangling(key)
+            end
+            env[key] = value
+        end,
+        -- checking the __pairs metamethod won't work automatically in Lua 5.1
+        -- sadly, but it's important for 5.2+ and can be done manually in 5.1
+        __pairs = function()
+            local pt = {}
+            for key, value in pairs(env) do
+                if type(key) == 'string' then
+                    pt[globalUnmangling(key)] = value
+                else
+                    pt[key] = value
+                end
+            end
+            return next, pt, nil
+        end,
+    })
+-- A custom traceback function for Fennel that looks similar to
+-- the Lua's debug.traceback.
+-- Use with xpcall to produce fennel specific stacktraces.
+local function traceback(msg, start)
+    local level = start or 2 -- Can be used to skip some frames
+    local lines = {}
+    if msg then
+        table.insert(lines, msg)
+    end
+    table.insert(lines, 'stack traceback:')
+    while true do
+        local info = debug.getinfo(level, "Sln")
+        if not info then break end
+        local line
+        if info.what == "C" then
+            if then
+                line = ('  [C]: in function \'%s\''):format(
+            else
+                line = '  [C]: in ?'
+            end
+        else
+            local remap = fennelSourcemap[info.source]
+            if remap and remap[info.currentline] then
+                -- And some global info
+                info.short_src = remap.short_src
+                local mapping = remap[info.currentline]
+                -- Overwrite info with values from the mapping (mapping is now
+                -- just integer, but may eventually be a table)
+                info.currentline = mapping
+            end
+            if info.what == 'Lua' then
+                local n = and ("'" .. .. "'") or '?'
+                line = ('  %s:%d: in function %s'):format(info.short_src, info.currentline, n)
+            elseif info.short_src == '(tail call)' then
+                line = '  (tail call)'
+            else
+                line = ('  %s:%d: in main chunk'):format(info.short_src, info.currentline)
+            end
+        end
+        table.insert(lines, line)
+        level = level + 1
+    end
+    return table.concat(lines, '\n')
+local function currentGlobalNames(env)
+    local names = {}
+    for k in pairs(env or _G) do
+       k = globalUnmangling(k)
+       table.insert(names, k)
+    end
+    return names
+local function eval(str, options, ...)
+    options = options or {}
+    -- eval and dofile are considered "live" entry points, so we can assume
+    -- that the globals available at compile time are a reasonable allowed list
+    -- UNLESS there's a metatable on env, in which case we can't assume that
+    -- pairs will return all the effective globals; for instance openresty
+    -- sets up _G in such a way that all the globals are available thru
+    -- the __index meta method, but as far as pairs is concerned it's empty.
+    if options.allowedGlobals == nil and not getmetatable(options.env) then
+        options.allowedGlobals = currentGlobalNames(options.env)
+    end
+    local env = options.env and wrapEnv(options.env)
+    local luaSource = compileString(str, options)
+    local loader = loadCode(luaSource, env,
+        options.filename and ('@' .. options.filename) or str)
+    return loader(...)
+local function dofileFennel(filename, options, ...)
+    options = options or {sourcemap = true}
+    if options.allowedGlobals == nil then
+        options.allowedGlobals = currentGlobalNames(options.env)
+    end
+    local f = assert(, "rb"))
+    local source = f:read("*all"):gsub("^#![^\n]*\n", "")
+    f:close()
+    options.filename = options.filename or filename
+    return eval(source, options, ...)
+-- Implements a configurable repl
+local function repl(options)
+    local opts = options or {}
+    -- This would get set for us when calling eval, but we want to seed it
+    -- with a value that is persistent so it doesn't get reset on each eval.
+    if opts.allowedGlobals == nil then
+        options.allowedGlobals = currentGlobalNames(opts.env)
+    end
+    local env = opts.env and wrapEnv(opts.env) or setmetatable({}, {
+        __index = _ENV or _G
+    })
+    local function defaultReadChunk(parserState)
+        io.write(parserState.stackSize > 0 and '.. ' or '>> ')
+        io.flush()
+        local input =
+        return input and input .. '\n'
+    end
+    local function defaultOnValues(xs)
+        io.write(table.concat(xs, '\t'))
+        io.write('\n')
+    end
+    local function defaultOnError(errtype, err, luaSource)
+        if (errtype == 'Lua Compile') then
+            io.write('Bad code generated - likely a bug with the compiler:\n')
+            io.write('--- Generated Lua Start ---\n')
+            io.write(luaSource .. '\n')
+            io.write('--- Generated Lua End ---\n')
+        end
+        if (errtype == 'Runtime') then
+            io.write(traceback(err, 4))
+            io.write('\n')
+        else
+            io.write(('%s error: %s\n'):format(errtype, tostring(err)))
+        end
+    end
+    -- Read options
+    local readChunk = opts.readChunk or defaultReadChunk
+    local onValues = opts.onValues or defaultOnValues
+    local onError = opts.onError or defaultOnError
+    local pp = opts.pp or tostring
+    -- Make parser
+    local bytestream, clearstream = granulate(readChunk)
+    local chars = {}
+    local read, reset = parser(function (parserState)
+        local c = bytestream(parserState)
+        chars[#chars + 1] = c
+        return c
+    end)
+    local envdbg = (opts.env or _G)["debug"]
+    -- if the environment doesn't support debug.getlocal you can't save locals
+    local saveLocals = opts.saveLocals ~= false and envdbg and envdbg.getlocal
+    local saveSource = table.
+       concat({"local ___i___ = 1",
+               "while true do",
+               " local name, value = debug.getlocal(1, ___i___)",
+               " if(name and name ~= \"___i___\") then",
+               " ___replLocals___[name] = value",
+               " ___i___ = ___i___ + 1",
+               " else break end end"}, "\n")
+    local spliceSaveLocals = function(luaSource)
+        -- we do some source munging in order to save off locals from each chunk
+        -- and reintroduce them to the beginning of the next chunk, allowing
+        -- locals to work in the repl the way you'd expect them to.
+        env.___replLocals___ = env.___replLocals___ or {}
+        local splicedSource = {}
+        for line in luaSource:gmatch("([^\n]+)\n?") do
+            table.insert(splicedSource, line)
+        end
+        -- reintroduce locals from the previous time around
+        local bind = "local %s = ___replLocals___['%s']"
+        for name in pairs(env.___replLocals___) do
+            table.insert(splicedSource, 1, bind:format(name, name))
+        end
+        -- save off new locals at the end - if safe to do so (i.e. last line is a return)
+        if (string.match(splicedSource[#splicedSource], "^ *return .*$")) then
+            if (#splicedSource > 1) then
+                table.insert(splicedSource, #splicedSource, saveSource)
+            end
+        end
+        return table.concat(splicedSource, "\n")
+    end
+    local scope = makeScope(GLOBAL_SCOPE)
+    local replCompleter = function(text, from, to)
+        local matches = {}
+        local inputFragment = string.lower(text):sub(from, to):gsub("[%s)(]*(.+)", "%1")
+        -- adds any matching keys from the provided generator/iterator to matches
+        local function addMatchesFromGen(next, param, state)
+          for k in next, param, state do
+            if #matches >= 40 then break -- cap completions at 40 to avoid overwhelming output
+            elseif inputFragment == k:sub(0, #inputFragment):lower() then table.insert(matches, k) end
+          end
+        end
+        addMatchesFromGen(pairs(env._ENV or env._G or {}))
+        addMatchesFromGen(pairs(env.___replLocals___ or {}))
+        addMatchesFromGen(pairs(SPECIALS or {}))
+        addMatchesFromGen(pairs(scope.specials or {}))
+        return matches
+    end
+    if options.registerCompleter then options.registerCompleter(replCompleter) end
+    -- REPL loop
+    while true do
+        chars = {}
+        local ok, parseok, x = pcall(read)
+        local srcstring = string.char(unpack(chars))
+        if not ok then
+            onError('Parse', parseok)
+            clearstream()
+            reset()
+        else
+            if not parseok then break end -- eof
+            local compileOk, luaSource = pcall(compile, x, {
+                sourcemap = opts.sourcemap,
+                source = srcstring,
+                scope = scope,
+            })
+            if not compileOk then
+                clearstream()
+                onError('Compile', luaSource) -- luaSource is error message in this case
+            else
+                if saveLocals then
+                    luaSource = spliceSaveLocals(luaSource)
+                end
+                local luacompileok, loader = pcall(loadCode, luaSource, env)
+                if not luacompileok then
+                    clearstream()
+                    onError('Lua Compile', loader, luaSource)
+                else
+                    local loadok, ret = xpcall(function () return {loader()} end,
+                        function (runtimeErr)
+                            onError('Runtime', runtimeErr)
+                        end)
+                    if loadok then
+                        env._ = ret[1]
+                        env.__ = ret
+                        for i = 1, #ret do ret[i] = pp(ret[i]) end
+                        onValues(ret)
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+local macroLoaded = {}
+local module = {
+    parser = parser,
+    granulate = granulate,
+    stringStream = stringStream,
+    compile = compile,
+    compileString = compileString,
+    compileStream = compileStream,
+    compile1 = compile1,
+    mangle = globalMangling,
+    unmangle = globalUnmangling,
+    list = list,
+    sym = sym,
+    varg = varg,
+    scope = makeScope,
+    gensym = gensym,
+    eval = eval,
+    repl = repl,
+    dofile = dofileFennel,
+    macroLoaded = macroLoaded,
+    path = "./?.fnl;./?/init.fnl",
+    traceback = traceback,
+    version = "0.2.1",
+local function searchModule(modulename)
+    modulename = modulename:gsub("%.", "/")
+    for path in string.gmatch(module.path..";", "([^;]*);") do
+        local filename = path:gsub("%?", modulename)
+        local file =, "rb")
+        if(file) then
+            file:close()
+            return filename
+        end
+    end
+module.makeSearcher = function(options)
+   return function(modulename)
+      local opts = {}
+      for k,v in pairs(options or {}) do opts[k] = v end
+      local filename = searchModule(modulename)
+      if filename then
+         return function(modname)
+            return dofileFennel(filename, opts, modname)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+-- This will allow regular `require` to work with Fennel:
+-- table.insert(package.loaders, fennel.searcher)
+module.searcher = module.makeSearcher()
+module.make_searcher = module.makeSearcher -- oops backwards compatibility
+local function makeCompilerEnv(ast, scope, parent)
+    return setmetatable({
+        -- State of compiler if needed
+        _SCOPE = scope,
+        _CHUNK = parent,
+        _AST = ast,
+        _IS_COMPILER = true,
+        _VARARG = VARARG,
+        -- Expose the module in the compiler
+        fennel = module,
+        -- Useful for macros and meta programming. All of Fennel can be accessed
+        -- via fennel.myfun, for example (fennel.eval "(print 1)").
+        list = list,
+        sym = sym,
+        unpack = unpack,
+        gensym = function() return sym(gensym(macroCurrentScope)) end,
+        ["list?"] = isList,
+        ["multi-sym?"] = isMultiSym,
+        ["sym?"] = isSym,
+        ["table?"] = isTable,
+        ["sequence?"] = isSequence,
+        ["varg?"] = isVarg,
+        ["get-scope"] = function() return macroCurrentScope end,
+        ["in-scope?"] = function(symbol)
+            return macroCurrentScope.manglings[tostring(symbol)]
+        end
+    }, { __index = _ENV or _G })
+local function macroGlobals(env, globals)
+    local allowed = {}
+    for k in pairs(env) do
+        local g = globalUnmangling(k)
+        table.insert(allowed, g)
+    end
+    if globals then
+        for _, k in pairs(globals) do
+            table.insert(allowed, k)
+        end
+    end
+    return allowed
+local function addMacros(macros, ast, scope)
+    assertCompile(isTable(macros), 'expected macros to be table', ast)
+    for k, v in pairs(macros) do
+        scope.specials[k] = macroToSpecial(v)
+    end
+local function loadMacros(modname, ast, scope, parent)
+    local filename = assertCompile(searchModule(modname),
+                                   modname .. " not found.", ast)
+    local env = makeCompilerEnv(ast, scope, parent)
+    local globals = macroGlobals(env, currentGlobalNames())
+    return dofileFennel(filename, { env = env, allowedGlobals = globals,
+                                    scope = COMPILER_SCOPE })
+SPECIALS['require-macros'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast == 2, "Expected one module name argument", ast)
+    local modname = ast[2]
+    if not macroLoaded[modname] then
+        macroLoaded[modname] = loadMacros(modname, ast, scope, parent)
+    end
+    addMacros(macroLoaded[modname], ast, scope, parent)
+local function evalCompiler(ast, scope, parent)
+    local luaSource = compile(ast, { scope = makeScope(COMPILER_SCOPE) })
+    local loader = loadCode(luaSource, wrapEnv(makeCompilerEnv(ast, scope, parent)))
+    return loader()
+SPECIALS['macros'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    assertCompile(#ast == 2, "Expected one table argument", ast)
+    local macros = evalCompiler(ast[2], scope, parent)
+    addMacros(macros, ast, scope, parent)
+SPECIALS['eval-compiler'] = function(ast, scope, parent)
+    local oldFirst = ast[1]
+    ast[1] = sym('do')
+    local val = evalCompiler(ast, scope, parent)
+    ast[1] = oldFirst
+    return val
+-- Load standard macros
+local stdmacros = [===[
+{"->" (fn [val ...]
+        (var x val)
+        (each [_ e (ipairs [...])]
+          (let [elt (if (list? e) e (list e))]
+            (table.insert elt 2 x)
+            (set x elt)))
+        x)
+ "->>" (fn [val ...]
+         (var x val)
+         (each [_ e (pairs [...])]
+           (let [elt (if (list? e) e (list e))]
+             (table.insert elt x)
+             (set x elt)))
+         x)
+ "-?>" (fn [val ...]
+         (if (= 0 (# [...]))
+             val
+             (let [els [...]
+                   e (table.remove els 1)
+                   el (if (list? e) e (list e))
+                   tmp (gensym)]
+               (table.insert el 2 tmp)
+               `(let [@tmp @val]
+                  (if @tmp
+                      (-?> @el @(unpack els))
+                      @tmp)))))
+ "-?>>" (fn [val ...]
+          (if (= 0 (# [...]))
+              val
+              (let [els [...]
+                    e (table.remove els 1)
+                    el (if (list? e) e (list e))
+                    tmp (gensym)]
+                (table.insert el tmp)
+                `(let [@tmp @val]
+                   (if @tmp
+                       (-?>> @el @(unpack els))
+                       @tmp)))))
+ :doto (fn [val ...]
+         (let [name (gensym)
+               form `(let [@name @val])]
+           (each [_ elt (pairs [...])]
+             (table.insert elt 2 name)
+             (table.insert form elt))
+           (table.insert form name)
+           form))
+ :when (fn [condition body1 ...]
+         (assert body1 "expected body")
+         `(if @condition
+              (do @body1 @...)))
+ :partial (fn [f ...]
+            (let [body (list f ...)]
+              (table.insert body _VARARG)
+              `(fn [@_VARARG] @body)))
+ :lambda (fn [...]
+           (let [args [...]
+                 has-internal-name? (sym? (. args 1))
+                 arglist (if has-internal-name? (. args 2) (. args 1))
+                 arity-check-position (if has-internal-name? 3 2)]
+             (assert (> (# args) 1) "missing body expression")
+             (each [i a (ipairs arglist)]
+               (if (and (not (: (tostring a) :match "^?"))
+                        (~= (tostring a) "..."))
+                   (table.insert args arity-check-position
+                                 `(assert (~= nil @a)
+                                          (: "Missing argument %s on %s:%s"
+                                             :format @(tostring a)
+                                             @(or a.filename "unknown")
+                                             @(or a.line "?"))))))
+             `(fn @(unpack args))))
+ :match
+(fn match [val ...]
+  ;; this function takes the AST of values and a single pattern and returns a
+  ;; condition to determine if it matches as well as a list of bindings to
+  ;; introduce for the duration of the body if it does match.
+  (fn match-pattern [vals pattern unifications]
+    ;; we have to assume we're matching against multiple values here until we
+    ;; know we're either in a multi-valued clause (in which case we know the #
+    ;; of vals) or we're not, in which case we only care about the first one.
+    (let [[val] vals]
+      (if (and (sym? pattern) ; unification with outer locals (or nil)
+               (or (in-scope? pattern)
+                   (= :nil (tostring pattern))))
+          (values `(= @val @pattern) [])
+          ;; unify a local we've seen already
+          (and (sym? pattern)
+               (. unifications (tostring pattern)))
+          (values `(= @(. unifications (tostring pattern)) @val) [])
+          ;; bind a fresh local
+          (sym? pattern)
+          (do (if (~= (tostring pattern) "_")
+                  (tset unifications (tostring pattern) val))
+              (values (if (: (tostring pattern) :find "^?")
+                          true `(~= @(sym :nil) @val))
+                      [pattern val]))
+          ;; multi-valued patterns (represented as lists)
+          (list? pattern)
+          (let [condition `(and)
+                bindings []]
+            (each [i pat (ipairs pattern)]
+              (let [(subcondition subbindings) (match-pattern [(. vals i)] pat
+                                                              unifications)]
+                (table.insert condition subcondition)
+                (each [_ b (ipairs subbindings)]
+                  (table.insert bindings b))))
+            (values condition bindings))
+          ;; table patterns)
+          (= (type pattern) :table)
+          (let [condition `(and (= (type @val) :table))
+                bindings []]
+            (each [k pat (pairs pattern)]
+              (if (and (sym? pat) (= "&" (tostring pat)))
+                  (do (assert (not (. pattern (+ k 2)))
+                              "expected rest argument in final position")
+                      (table.insert bindings (. pattern (+ k 1)))
+                      (table.insert bindings [`(select @k ((or unpack table.unpack)
+                                                           @val))]))
+                  (and (= :number (type k))
+                       (= "&" (tostring (. pattern (- k 1)))))
+                  nil ; don't process the pattern right after &; already got it
+                  (let [subval `(. @val @k)
+                        (subcondition subbindings) (match-pattern [subval] pat
+                                                                  unifications)]
+                    (table.insert condition subcondition)
+                    (each [_ b (ipairs subbindings)]
+                      (table.insert bindings b)))))
+            (values condition bindings))
+          ;; literal value
+          (values `(= @val @pattern) []))))
+  (fn match-condition [vals clauses]
+    (let [out `(if)]
+      (for [i 1 (# clauses) 2]
+        (let [pattern (. clauses i)
+              body (. clauses (+ i 1))
+              (condition bindings) (match-pattern vals pattern {})]
+          (table.insert out condition)
+          (table.insert out `(let @bindings @body))))
+      out))
+  ;; how many multi-valued clauses are there? return a list of that many gensyms
+  (fn val-syms [clauses]
+    (let [syms (list (gensym))]
+      (for [i 1 (# clauses) 2]
+        (if (list? (. clauses i))
+            (each [valnum (ipairs (. clauses i))]
+              (if (not (. syms valnum))
+                  (tset syms valnum (gensym))))))
+      syms))
+  ;; wrap it in a way that prevents double-evaluation of the matched value
+  (let [clauses [...]
+        vals (val-syms clauses)]
+    (if (~= 0 (% (# clauses) 2)) ; treat odd final clause as default
+        (table.insert clauses (# clauses) (sym :_)))
+    ;; protect against multiple evaluation of the value, bind against as
+    ;; many values as we ever match against in the clauses.
+    (list (sym :let) [vals val]
+          (match-condition vals clauses))))
+ }
+    local env = makeCompilerEnv(nil, COMPILER_SCOPE, {})
+    for name, fn in pairs(eval(stdmacros, {
+        env = env,
+        scope = makeScope(COMPILER_SCOPE),
+        -- assume the code to load globals doesn't have any mistaken globals,
+        -- otherwise this can be problematic when loading fennel in contexts
+        -- where _G is an empty table with an __index metamethod. (openresty)
+        allowedGlobals = false,
+    })) do
+        SPECIALS[name] = macroToSpecial(fn)
+    end
+SPECIALS['λ'] = SPECIALS['lambda']
+return module

+ 170 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+local function view_quote(str)
+  return ("\"" .. str:gsub("\"", "\\\"") .. "\"")
+local short_control_char_escapes = {["\11"] = "\\v", ["\12"] = "\\f", ["\13"] = "\\r", ["\7"] = "\\a", ["\8"] = "\\b", ["\9"] = "\\t", ["\n"] = "\\n"}
+local long_control_char_esapes
+  local long = {}
+  for i = 0, 31 do
+    local ch = string.char(i)
+    if not short_control_char_escapes[ch] then
+      short_control_char_escapes[ch] = ("\\" .. i)
+      long[ch] = ("\\%03d"):format(i)
+    end
+  end
+  long_control_char_esapes = long
+local function escape(str)
+  local str = str:gsub("\\", "\\\\")
+  local str = str:gsub("(%c)%f[0-9]", long_control_char_esapes)
+  return str:gsub("%c", short_control_char_escapes)
+local function sequence_key_3f(k, len)
+  return ((type(k) == "number") and (1 <= k) and (k <= len) and (math.floor(k) == k))
+local type_order = {["function"] = 5, boolean = 2, number = 1, string = 3, table = 4, thread = 7, userdata = 6}
+local function sort_keys(a, b)
+  local ta = type(a)
+  local tb = type(b)
+  if ((ta == tb) and (ta ~= "boolean") and ((ta == "string") or (ta == "number"))) then
+    return (a < b)
+  else
+    local dta = type_order[a]
+    local dtb = type_order[b]
+    if (dta and dtb) then
+      return (dta < dtb)
+    elseif dta then
+      return true
+    elseif dtb then
+      return false
+    elseif "else" then
+      return (ta < tb)
+    end
+  end
+local function get_sequence_length(t)
+  local len = 1
+  for i in ipairs(t) do
+    len = i
+  end
+  return len
+local function get_nonsequential_keys(t)
+  local keys = {}
+  local sequence_length = get_sequence_length(t)
+  for k in pairs(t) do
+    if not sequence_key_3f(k, sequence_length) then
+      table.insert(keys, k)
+    end
+  end
+  table.sort(keys, sort_keys)
+  return keys, sequence_length
+local function count_table_appearances(t, appearances)
+  if (type(t) == "table") then
+    if not appearances[t] then
+      appearances[t] = 1
+      for k, v in pairs(t) do
+        count_table_appearances(k, appearances)
+        count_table_appearances(v, appearances)
+      end
+    end
+  else
+    if (t and (t == t)) then
+      appearances[t] = ((appearances[t] or 0) + 1)
+    end
+  end
+  return appearances
+local put_value = nil
+local function puts(self, ...)
+  for _, v in ipairs({...}) do
+    table.insert(self.buffer, v)
+  end
+  return nil
+local function tabify(self)
+  return puts(self, "\n", self.indent:rep(self.level))
+local function already_visited_3f(self, v)
+  return (self.ids[v] ~= nil)
+local function get_id(self, v)
+  local id = self.ids[v]
+  if not id then
+    local tv = type(v)
+    id = ((self["max-ids"][tv] or 0) + 1)
+    self["max-ids"][tv] = id
+    self.ids[v] = id
+  end
+  return tostring(id)
+local function put_sequential_table(self, t, length)
+  puts(self, "[")
+  self.level = (self.level + 1)
+  for i = 1, length do
+    puts(self, " ")
+    put_value(self, t[i])
+  end
+  self.level = (self.level - 1)
+  return puts(self, " ]")
+local function put_key(self, k)
+  if ((type(k) == "string") and k:find("^[-%w?\\^_`!#$%&*+./@~:|<=>]+$")) then
+    return puts(self, ":", k)
+  else
+    return put_value(self, k)
+  end
+local function put_kv_table(self, t)
+  puts(self, "{")
+  self.level = (self.level + 1)
+  for k, v in pairs(t) do
+    tabify(self)
+    put_key(self, k)
+    puts(self, " ")
+    put_value(self, v)
+  end
+  self.level = (self.level - 1)
+  tabify(self)
+  return puts(self, "}")
+local function put_table(self, t)
+  if already_visited_3f(self, t) then
+    return puts(self, "#<table ", get_id(self, t), ">")
+  elseif (self.level >= self.depth) then
+    return puts(self, "{...}")
+  elseif "else" then
+    local non_seq_keys, length = get_nonsequential_keys(t)
+    local id = get_id(self, t)
+    if (self.appearances[t] > 1) then
+      return puts(self, "#<", id, ">")
+    elseif ((#non_seq_keys == 0) and (#t == 0)) then
+      return puts(self, "{}")
+    elseif (#non_seq_keys == 0) then
+      return put_sequential_table(self, t, length)
+    elseif "else" then
+      return put_kv_table(self, t)
+    end
+  end
+local function _0_(self, v)
+  local tv = type(v)
+  if (tv == "string") then
+    return puts(self, view_quote(escape(v)))
+  elseif ((tv == "number") or (tv == "boolean") or (tv == "nil")) then
+    return puts(self, tostring(v))
+  elseif (tv == "table") then
+    return put_table(self, v)
+  elseif "else" then
+    return puts(self, "#<", tostring(v), ">")
+  end
+put_value = _0_
+local function fennelview(root, options)
+  local options = (options or {})
+  local inspector = {["max-ids"] = {}, appearances = count_table_appearances(root, {}), buffer = {}, depth = (options.depth or 128), ids = {}, indent = (options.indent or "  "), level = 0}
+  put_value(inspector, root)
+  return table.concat(inspector.buffer)
+return fennelview

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+(require "love.event")
+(local fennel (require "lib.fennel"))
+(local view (require "lib.fennelview"))
+;; This module exists in order to expose stdio over a channel so that it
+;; can be used in a non-blocking way from another thread.
+(local (event channel) ...)
+(defn display [s]
+  (io.write s)
+  (io.flush))
+(defn prompt []
+  (display "\n>> "))
+(defn read-chunk []
+  (let [input (]
+    (when input
+      (.. input "\n"))))
+(var input "")
+(when channel
+  (let [(bytestream clearstream) (fennel.granulate read-chunk)
+        read (fennel.parser
+              (fn []
+                (let [c (or (bytestream) 10)]
+                  (set input (.. input (string.char c)))
+                  c)))]
+    (while true
+      (prompt)
+      (set input "")
+      (let [(ok ast) (pcall read)]
+        (if (not ok)
+            (do
+              (display (.. "Parse error:" ast "\n"))
+              ;; fixme: not sure why the following fails
+              ;; (clearstream)
+              )
+            (do
+              (love.event.push event input)
+              (display (: channel :demand))))))))
+{:start (fn start-repl []
+          (let [code ( "stdio.fnl")
+                lua (if code
+                        (love.filesystem.newFileData
+                         (fennel.compileString code) "io")
+                        ( "lib/stdio.lua"))
+                thread (love.thread.newThread lua)
+                io-channel (love.thread.newChannel)]
+            ;; this thread will send "eval" events for us to consume:
+            (: thread :start "eval" io-channel)
+            (set love.handlers.eval
+                 (fn [input]
+                   (let [(ok val) (pcall fennel.eval input)]
+                     (: io-channel :push (if ok (view val) val)))))))}

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+local fennel = require("lib.fennel")
+local view = require("lib.fennelview")
+local event, channel = ...
+local function display(s)
+  io.write(s)
+  return io.flush()
+do local _ = display end
+local function prompt()
+  return display("\n>> ")
+do local _ = prompt end
+local function read_chunk()
+  local input =
+  if input then
+    return (input .. "\n")
+  end
+do local _ = read_chunk end
+local input = ""
+local function _0_(...)
+  if channel then
+    local bytestream, clearstream = fennel.granulate(read_chunk)
+    local function _0_()
+      local c = (bytestream() or 10)
+      input = (input .. string.char(c))
+      return c
+    end
+    local read = fennel.parser(_0_)
+    while true do
+      prompt()
+      input = ""
+      do
+        local ok, ast = pcall(read)
+        local function _1_(...)
+          if not ok then
+            return display(("Parse error:" .. ast .. "\n"))
+          else
+            love.event.push(event, input)
+            return display(channel:demand())
+          end
+        end
+        _1_(...)
+      end
+    end
+    return nil
+  end
+local function start_repl()
+  local code ="stdio.fnl")
+  local function _1_()
+    if code then
+      return love.filesystem.newFileData(fennel.compileString(code), "io")
+    else
+      return"lib/stdio.lua")
+    end
+  end
+  local lua = _1_()
+  local thread = love.thread.newThread(lua)
+  local io_channel = love.thread.newChannel()
+  thread:start("eval", io_channel)
+  local function _2_(input)
+    local ok, val = pcall(fennel.eval, input)
+    local function _3_()
+      if ok then
+        return view(val)
+      else
+        return val
+      end
+    end
+    return io_channel:push(_3_())
+  end
+  love.handlers.eval = _2_
+  return nil
+return {start = start_repl}

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+fennel = require("lib.fennel")
+table.insert(package.loaders, fennel.make_searcher({correlate=true}))
+pp = function(x) print(require("lib.fennelview")(x)) end

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(local (w h) (love.window.getMode))
+(var message "Unknown")
+  :name "end"
+  :init (fn init [m] (set message (.. "Player " m " wins")))
+  :update (fn update [dt set-mode])
+  :keypressed (fn keypressed [key set-mode]
+    (when (= "y" key) (set-mode "mode.pong"))
+    (when (= "n" key) (love.event.quit)))
+  :draw (fn draw [m]
+    ( (.. message "\n\nPlay again? (y/n)") 0 (/ h 3) w "center"))

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(local (w h) (love.window.getMode))
+ :name "menu"
+ :update (fn update [dt set-mode])
+ :keypressed (fn keypressed [key set-mode]
+   (when (= "return" key) (set-mode "mode.pong")))
+ :draw (fn draw [message]
+   ( "PoNG\n\nPlayer 1: a/z\nPlayer 2: up/down\n\nsMash Enter" 0 (/ h 3) w "center"))
+ }

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+(local (speed ball-speed) (values 1 200))
+(local (w h) (love.window.getMode))
+(local _state {:x 100 :y 100 :dx 2 :dy 1 :left (- (/ h 2) 50) :right (- (/ h 2) 50)})
+(global state {:x 100 :y 100 :dx 2 :dy 1 :left (- (/ h 2) 50) :right (- (/ h 2) 50)})
+(var pause false)
+(local keys {:a [:left -1] :z [:left 1] :up [:right -1] :down [:right 1]})
+(fn on-paddle? []
+  (or (and (< state.x 20)
+           (< state.left state.y) (< state.y (+ state.left 100)))
+      (and (< (- w 20) state.x)
+           (< state.right state.y) (< state.y (+ state.right 100)))))
+ :name "pong"
+ :init (fn init []
+             (set pause false)
+             (each [k v (pairs _state)]
+               (tset state k v)))
+ :update (fn update [dt set-mode]
+           (when (not pause)
+             (set state.x (+ state.x (* state.dx dt ball-speed)))
+             (set state.y (+ state.y (* state.dy dt ball-speed)))
+             (each [key action (pairs keys)]
+               (let [[player dir] action]
+                 (when (love.keyboard.isDown key)
+                   (tset state player (+ (. state player) (* dir speed))))))
+             (when (or
+                     (< state.y 0)
+                     (> state.y h))
+               (set state.dy (- 0 state.dy)))
+             (when (on-paddle?)
+               (set state.dx (- 0 state.dx)))
+             (when (< state.x 0)
+               (set-mode "mode.end" "2"))
+             (when (> state.x w)
+               (set-mode "mode.end" "1"))))
+ :keypressed (fn keypressed [key set-mode]
+               (when (= "p" key)
+                 (set pause (not pause))))
+ :draw (fn draw [m]
+         (when (not pause)
+           ( "fill" 10 state.left 10 100)
+           ( "fill" (- w 20) state.right 10 100)
+           ( "fill" state.x state.y 10))
+         (when pause
+           ( "Press 'p' to unpause" 0 (/ h 3) w "center")))
+ }